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Little Lump On Rib Cage - Feels Like A Jelly Bean

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Well, as a grey owner you brace yourself for the osteosarcoma dx or LS - which my Indy, 11-1/2, has (but we're managing very nicely with chiropractic, acupuncture, and supplements.)


But about one month ago, I felt a lump - smooth edge, jelly bean in size and texture - on Indy's ribcage below his second nipple. It is stationary. Doesn't move like a gob of fat.


Last October, Indy started to experience nosebleeds out of one nostril (not profuse). Vet did rhinoscopy but the culture/biopsy came back negative or inconclusive. Bloodwork, platelets okay. His nose started to bleed again this May but eventually stopped (due to allergy, inflammation, very high tree pollen count this spring, rogue capillary??)


I searched GT and the Internet; read my dog owner's book. Sounds like chondrosarcoma can rear its not-so-charming head in the nasal cavity and on the ribcage. Could be a possibility? Indy has a vet appt on Sunday.


I know some of you have had to go down this sad path. :cry1 Has anyone encountered a growth on the ribcage?


Many thanks!


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Guest Energy11

I know nothing about that type of cancer, but I sure do HOPE that it isn't what your baby has!!! Lots of good thoughts and prayers here, and PLEASE, think positive, and don't worry until you need to! Hugs from here! D

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Guest KennelMom

Could just be a fat nodule (that's what we call 'em, I forget the the "official" name) or mammary tumor...We lost a boy to chondrosarcoma and there wasn't a hint until he was very, very ill.


Nose bleeds...have you checked for TBDs?


Best to have it checked out when you find something new and aren't sure what it is.

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Hi, Flossie was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the rib last Sept. I noticed a small bump on her right rib right behind her leg. The Vet gave her 4 months to live with pain management. By Nov. Flossie seemed to be getting better and not worse. I took her for a second set of x-rays and seccond opinion from Univ of Penn, they said it was chondrosarcoma of the rib and a very slow moving cancer. She was doing fine until May and then she started to limp on her right leg, I had her checked again and what the Vet told me was, the cancer is now working into her rib bone and the movement of walking is painful. She doesn't limp all the time but I notice it after a long walk. She is on Rimadyl and Tramadol for pain. She has slowed down lately and rarely trots or runs in the yard. She eats well and enjoys her walks, we just walk slower and shorter. She is a happy girl and is 10 1/2 yrs old. I e-mailed Dr. Couto and he told me that chondrosarcoma was not very common in greyhounds and it is a slow moving cancer. I don't know how long Flossie will be with me but we take every day as it comes and I love on her all the time :wub: Praying for your pup :hope

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grey8greys -- thank you very much for the information and kind words. But I am so very sorry about Flossie. :cry1 It just stinks, doesn't it?


Indy has a few of the little cystic or tiny fatty growths, but the one on his ribcage is distinctly different in texture and feel. It's harder.


But the good news, as you state, is that chondrosarcoma is a slow-growing cancer. Indy is a happy boy too. I've decided whether it's the lumbosacral stenosis or cancer that claims him -- I'm going to celebrate his royal wonderfulness every day instead of being mopey and blue. So today, after his chiropractic visit we stopped at Burger King for a hamburger bun and I played the kazoo and the hounds howled. It was big fun.


Thanks again. We'll see how it goes on Sunday.


Hugs to Flossie. :dogcookie





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Guest trevdog

Hoping it's nothing serious....I lost my Trevor to OS of the ribs but it was a pretty big growth and on the side of his ribcage. It also grew pretty quickly. I would think if your boy had cancer in his nasal cavity they would have seen it...did he have an xray? I would ask to get a biopsy...

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Oh thank God! :confetti

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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I'm going to celebrate his royal wonderfulness every day instead of being mopey and blue. So today, after his chiropractic visit we stopped at Burger King for a hamburger bun and I played the kazoo and the hounds howled. It was big fun.


See what positive thinking can do? :)



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Thanks! I realize none of us can breeze through the scary medical gauntlet forever, so you take it one day at a time and be grateful.


However, my poor Holly did knot walk out from the vet unscathed today. She had her anal glands "expressed" and is still recovering from being violated. :blush

Edited by IndyandHollyluv
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