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Of Vague Urgency

Guest BLIsStillFlying

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Guest BLIsStillFlying

So. Only my dog could get a tick on the knuckle of his back foot on his non-arthritic leg at 6:30 p.m. when my vet and all the grooming stations are closed. He now refuses to bear weight on either leg for long, hopping on his arthritic leg for awhile until he just kind of collapses. I tried removing it with tweezers but he's screaming and kicking at my face. My husband is at work until midnight and Brad keeps crying and chewing at his foot (which I sincerely hope doesn't result in the body of the tick falling off without the head).


I'm a bit terrified of removing only part of the tick--this dog is a tick magnet and I've successfully removed them from his neck, back, bum, inside of his ear, near his eye...but I'm having a really hard time with this one...it's so freakin' small, too, compared to others I've removed (he's not full of blood yet...not sure what blood he's going after on my boy's freakin' knuckle).


Any advice?

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Try rubbing the tick with your finger in a circular motion for about a minute. That will probably 'tick' it off enough to unlatch. If the tick is really small, it may be a deer tick versus a dog tick. You'll want to get it out without squishing it or leaving its head in, as you say. Be brave, though, even if the pup doesn't like it...sounds like you have done it a few times before. Good luck


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You can also cover it with a glob of Vaseline. It won't be able to breath and will let go and you can then tug gently and the head will let go also.

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We've had luck in trimming the nails of a otherwise foot-touchy dog by putting one hand over the eyes and rubbing. The combination of distractions (petting and closed eyes) allows one to carefully snip the nail with the other hand. You only have a few seconds, but if you can manage to get the tweezers down in there while rubbing the eyes with the other hand- good luck!

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It doesn't matter if you only remove part of it. Really. Put dog's leash on. Now put dog's muzzle on. Now kneel on dog's leash so he can't escape and grab your tick and pull. Done in 30 seconds or less.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
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It doesn't matter if you only remove part of it. Really. Put dog's leash on. Now put dog's muzzle on. Now kneel on dog's leash so he can't escape and grab your tick and pull. Done in 30 seconds or less.



Hey! That's what I was going to say. :lol

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Guest BLIsStillFlying

Alright, thanks guys. I sucked it up and put his leash/muzzle on and grabbed his leg. He kept kicking despite my holding his leg down and I ended up tearing it into hunks of tick and Bradley blood during a particularly violent kick. I kept plucking at it after that until all I saw was blood and skin.


What happens if I did leave the head in? He stopped chewing at his foot at least and is sleeping now. Sigh.


Thanks again guys.

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It doesn't matter if you only remove part of it. Really. Put dog's leash on. Now put dog's muzzle on. Now kneel on dog's leash so he can't escape and grab your tick and pull. Done in 30 seconds or less.



Hey! That's what I was going to say. :lol


Me too--except for the leash and muzzle part! My father started me on tick pulling when I was 8 years old! Worst case if you leave the head--your dog gets a pimple-like bump which goes away on its own.


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Guest BLIsStillFlying
It doesn't matter if you only remove part of it. Really. Put dog's leash on. Now put dog's muzzle on. Now kneel on dog's leash so he can't escape and grab your tick and pull. Done in 30 seconds or less.



Hey! That's what I was going to say. :lol


Me too--except for the leash and muzzle part! My father started me on tick pulling when I was 8 years old! Worst case if you leave the head--your dog gets a pimple-like bump which goes away on its own.


Is that all that happens? I mean, with any laceration I know I'll have to keep an eye out for infection, but it was always insinuated with the worst if you left any part of the tick.


I called my vet (closed but still answering their phones) and numerous grooming salons nearby, and they all said 'good luck, don't leave the head in!" Er, thanks.


As I've said many times before, I need a new vet.


By the way, the muzzle was the best part--I still don't think he would have bitten me, but it made me feel better and stop shaking so much.

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What GeorgeofNE said about the head. Just not a big deal. Some soap and water followed by a little antibiotic ointment and many biscuits :) would be good.


Big myth that it's fatal (or nearly so :lol ) to leave the head in. Once the critter is dead, head is just a bit of debris.


Good job on pulling! :)

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest jurishound

The technique Bruciedad mentioned really works! I tried it last night and the tick backed out, head and all, just like that.

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Guest BLIsStillFlying
The technique Bruciedad mentioned really works! I tried it last night and the tick backed out, head and all, just like that.


I tried the circular rubbing, but I think the tick thought I was giving a massage (and Bradley just wanted it all to go away). No difference. Didn't have any Vaseline, though...


He seems better now. I washed it and then put some antibiotic ointment on it. We took it easy on the night walk and he wasn't limping anymore (though he seemed a little sore still). There's a blood clot covering where the tick was now and no hair from where I accidentally pulled it out (oops) but crisis I think averted.


I wouldn't have been so freaked out if I wasn't going on a day trip tomorrow and leaving him at my dad's for the day. And I'm starting to find this forum has better advice than my vet's office. Stupid wellness plan. I'd get pet insurance if I didn't have 7 and 10 year old dogs.


Thanks to all!


(Bradley, however, says you all suck and his paw hurts)

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Guest GentleHugs
The technique Bruciedad mentioned really works! I tried it last night and the tick backed out, head and all, just like that.


OK - I need some clarification here please - all because I'm tired and about ready to go to bed.


Do you rub the tick in between your fingers in a circular motion or do you just rub the back of the tick in a circular motion? Do you rub clockwise or counter clock wise or does it matter?


I'm asking because we've had a ton of problems this year with ticks (mostly lone star ticks) even though we treat our dogs, spray our yards, etc. My neighbor just got out of the hospital last week from getting violently ill. He got bit by a tick, pulled it off but still ended up with ehrlichiosis. The ER Drs were convinced he had hepatitis and was going into liver failure until an infectious disease DR took another blood test for TBD's. Came back positive for Ehrlichiosis.


Also I read somewhere online (the CDC site I think?) that you shouldn't touch a tick with your bare hands. If you have an open wound and if the tick is infected with a TBD, you can still contract the TBD - especially if the body breaks on the tick. They also say to make sure you get the head out because the mouth parts can contain the bacteria that causes the TBD. To remove it, use a pair of fine nosed tweezers, put it in alcohol to kill it, seal it in a plastic baggie marked with the date of the bite and place it in the freezer. Save it just in case you take ill within 30 days of being bit. Clean the bite site extremely well with hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol or some type of antiseptic.


I hate ticks.....I think they are about as worthless as roaches are...

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Guest kydie

Poor Bradley, Old trick, cotton ball, dishwashing liquid, hold it on the tick, for about 30 seconds or better, it will back out, or at least release so it can be removed easier, I have removed ticks with the head still in with no ill effects, of coarse mine all have the Lyme vaccine, so no worries here

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Guest jurishound

Rub the tick with the tip of your finger in a clockwise motion (I suppose the direction doesn't matter, just what I did) - after about 20 - 30 seconds, it will back out. Then douse the tick in alcohol and wash your hands carefully.

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Guest GentleHugs

Thanks for the tips - both the old trick with the cottonball/dishwashing liquid that kydie posted and for what jurishound wrote about rubbing the tick with the tip of your finger.


I feel like spraying my whole entire yard and the neighbor's yard with rubbing alcohol since that immediately kills them but then it might kill everything else, too.


I hate ticks.....


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