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Dogs On The Couch

Guest Maddyr24

Do you let your Grey on the Couch?  

568 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you let your dog on the couch?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
    • Undecided

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Guest duckbilled

We seriously want a second Greyhound but we have decided that we need a bigger couch first. We almost bought a new one last fall but deceided to wait.

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Guest brandi1530

Mine never showed interest in getting on the furniture, so we didn't encourage it. He does have an extra fluffy, extra large bed on each floor that is replaced every six months (if we're lucky). Sometimes he walks over to the couch and just puts his head in my lap.

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Bella is allowed on anything, but needs to move when we ask her. We're still working on waiting to be invited up, but honestly, it's not a big deal. She always gets off when we ask her to, and I figure, it's her house, too. Besides, there's dog hair all over everything whether she sits on it or not, so might as well let her enjoy! :rolleyes:

Dave (GLS DeviousDavid) - 6/27/18
Gracie (AMF Saying Grace) - 10/21/12
Bella (KT Britta) - 4/29/05 to 2/13/20



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest nanzi

Ours used to be, for 4 years, then we decided that it was not a good idea. The hair, slobber marks, dirt from feet and hot hairy dogs in the summer helped us to change that behavior. It started with a new bedspread/quilt that started looking dirty and worn way too soon. We shocked them when the rules changed, but they adjusted and were obediently sweet about it. They are allowed up to snuggle with us on very rare occasions which we love. I honestly think we miss having them up there as much or maybe even more than they miss it.

Keeping them off the bed was as much a health decision as it was for cleanliness. Khan is a big boy for a queen size bed. We were having problems with bach aches when we woke up, and were tired of not being able to turn over and/or getting comfortable with him between us. He still asks with his eyes if he can get up, but isresponsive to a quiet 'No Boy".

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Guest littermates

LOL. That would be a YES! And when friends come in & sit on the sofa, Jake stands & whines. Get off. That is HIS.

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Guest awvase

I stated when we got the hounds that they would not be allowed on the couch, period! Well Veags was never allowed. When we got DC they were not allowed but they would sneak onto it when we were not home. But when we got Chili at 3 months old we let her on the couch every now and then. Well its over a year later and chili is a 60lbs lap dog who uses the armrest of the couch like a cat would, DC uses it every chance she gets, and Vegas is still content with his dog bed.


I guess you can say I caved in.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest KennelMom

Abso-freakin-lutely. Here’s why.


For most of my adult life, I’ve been a neat freak. There was a time when even I wouldn’t sit on my living room furniture when it was new. Yes, for real. Then I got married and inherited not only a 6’4” huge husband, but a pretty wild dog who both lounged all over “my” furniture which gave me the vapors. I got over it when a very wise man, my dad, said to me: “Listen, let it go. You get a great dog that lives for 10 or 12 years. You can always get a new couch.” And he was so right. After that conversation, my dogs have always been allowed on our furniture. After all, it’s their home too. :)


OMG, this was me to a tee. My dogs have taught me a lot about what's *really* important. (and my hubby to...thanks, Ken :kiss2)

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Guest caliebsmom

Olive (boxer) is allowed on the couch except when we are eating. Have to admit that most of our dinners take place in front of the TV. :blush So far Calieb has not tried to get on the couch or bed. There really isn't room for him and he seems content on the dog beds. We plan to keep him off the furniture. We are hoping it just stays as his choice.

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  • 3 years later...

3.5 years later and we've moved to a house. Bella now can lounge so many other places that we don't let her up on the living room sofa unless invited because a guest would go to sit down and she'd hop up and take that spot :lol She doesn't seem to care - she seeks out sunny spots elsewhere so it works out well. Bed at night is only occasionally as I am taking up more room and finding it hard to get comfortable due to my pregnancy.

Edited by sarabz

Dave (GLS DeviousDavid) - 6/27/18
Gracie (AMF Saying Grace) - 10/21/12
Bella (KT Britta) - 4/29/05 to 2/13/20



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Guest AngelPup

I voted No, but only because Brady is the dominant-type and we only have one love seat in our living room--he wouldn't share...actually couldn't share because he's so big. Cindy Lou is a snugglebug and I'd have no issue with her on the couch, but wouldn't allow one and not the other.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hester wouldn't think of climbing onto any of the furniture in our home (although one of my sons beds is used for the mid-day nap). A couch lover would be in heaven as there are many nice options for a snuggly Grey. Most of them are never used by man or beast. But the big fella would consider it rude to sleep somewhere that migh belong to daddy so no go. However his rules (and they are his, all rules are his) do not apply in other peoples homes.


This photo was snapped during a visit to his girlie friends place. To my knowledge it is Hester's only couch experience. Apparently there were no beds available at the moment so he went for it very much to the surprise of the humans present who are familiar with is fastidious manners. (That's a full size love seat. He's a real big boy!)



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i've been adopted by my new girly dog, Poppy, a saluki/lurcher cross, for two weeks now.


when i got her backi to her forever home, she climbed up the stairs like she'd been doing it all her life,

went into my living room, climbed up on the futon couch and had a nap. after five whole hours she roached on said couch.

her mid-day nap is on my bed, she also prefers my recliner chair near the bay window as she can see out into the garden,

and survey her realm. she does concede that she's only allowe3d on the recliner if i'm not using it.




Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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I think it is lovely that your dog trusts you and wants to be beside you, our big grey(boy) won't get up on the couch so when we brought another smaller grey (girl) to live with us our son spent time trying to get her up there, we bought a new couch for her and our son; the other was a little small. She is so cute and loves to lie next to us - or anyone else who happens to sit down for long enough. We do have rules - our dogs don't go into the kitchen or upstairs but a couch dog is definately what we wanted.


I would never have believed that we would be soft enough to go and buy something like a couch for a dog; they are such wonderful pets. :ghplaybow

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I love the idea of sharing close space with pets but we do not allow ours on the furniture or bed. My answer was no.


With very long legs and 72 pounds my grey is too big for this. I am already in enough competition for "space" on the couch and the bed. My husband is 6'6"!


While I "love" dogs/animals close to me some people and guests may not. I don't think it fair to them and actually a little impolite of me to do this to somebody especially if they are a guest in my home or don't own pets. Those people who STILL complain about my grey, I am "polite" in letting them know it IS her house.


We spoil the dog with beds/cushions in the living room and her crate is open. She comes and goes as she chooses. Our TV loft has a big puffy cushion for her by our couch. Our bedroom has a doggy posture-pedic for her at bed time. We slide that under our bed every morning when we all get up. Even our "office/computer room" has a cushion for her.


When we all want to snuggle together we do so on the floor by her cushions. She loves this.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest OhCatastrophe

She's aloud on the couch(and the bed) but hasn't gotten up there yet.. since its only been a week she's still a bit shy about doing new things

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Guest Jesse12789

i would if they werent very expensive. family scared nails will puncture the imported italian leather couch set. lol :violin

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