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Poor Tiny

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Has anyone ever had problems with infected sheaths on their male dogs? I thought Tiny had a UTI as he kept frantically licking his manly parts and I had noticed some greenish goo. According to the vet, UTIs in male dogs are very rare but infected sheaths are not. I was instructed to clean his sheath with diluted Nolvasan daily until it clears up, then use it as needed when he has problems again. He does not like this one bit. He cries, whimpers and carries on during the whole (messy and gross) process. They will prescribe antibiotics as a last resort if it doesn't clear up, but she thinks the Nolvasan wash will do the trick.


Poor guy also had impacted anal glands... which he expressed all over the vet's coat. The juice soaked through her coat onto her blouse before she could get the coat off. "I usually tell people, 'oh, there's worse things I could get on my clothes' when their pets squirt something on me, but there really isn't anything worse than anal gland discharge," she said gloomily. "I will smell like butt juice all day." The hounds are two-for-two now... Raven took out the last vet to examine her with a spray of blood from a hematoma. I should warn the staff to use hazard suits to handle these guys. :rolleyes:


Raven is doing well except for some arthritis in her hips. We're trying a medication called Previcox... I hadn't heard of it before but hope that it helps.

Edited by GreytNut

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Poor guy, I went through that with Tanner. And I'm surprised to hear that the vet said UTI's are rare in males.

Previcox, is like Rimadyl, Metacam and the other NSAIDs


Hope both pups feel better!!


Oh, and please tell Raven I don't believe for a minute she did that to the remote :lol


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I so remember the days of "Eau de Anal Glands" the scent that lingers. Previcox is great I have seen it help so many dogs with arthritis. Because it is only given once per day it makes it easier on the owners and dogs.


Hope the hygiene clean does not last too long for both of you.



CAROL & Molleigh (Queen Molly)
My Angel Girl (Slippy's Molly) ~ Thank you for sending me your namesake ~

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Guest Energy11

I have seen A LOT of male dogs with UTIs, including my Oakly, but ... at least the vet found the cause of the problem! I know what she means about having "nasty stuff" all over her! Unfortunately, over the years, all my "nasty stuff" was HUMAN, which is NOT good! After human medicine, I NEVER MINDED ANY of the dog/cat, "nasty stuff!" ... not at all!


Looks like your puppers is on the mend, and THAT is great news!

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Back in April my four year old male Sam had a sheath infection. My vet gave him 2 weeks of Cephalexin and I had to clean him with an antiseptic solution. Sam has had several UTIs but this was the first time he was diagnosed with a sheath infection. Yes, his discharge was very gross and smelly! Fortunately he didn't mind me cleaning him. My vet recommended that I continue to use the cleaning solution at least once a week. I have had male dogs before, but since I got Sam a year ago, I have become all too familiar with boy parts.

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

Is this solution something that you can get OTC? Streamer had some nasty discharge once that seemed very similar to a horses sheath infection (I have horses too-all boys) I had him looked at and they gave him antibiotics for a UTI but I really think it was the sheath that was infected.... it smelled horrible just from him walking by.......


Hope your boy feels better soon, I know what that smell is like :puke

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She said gloomily. "I will smell like butt juice all day." The hounds are two-for-two now... Raven took out the last vet to examine her with a spray of blood from a hematoma. I should warn the staff to use hazard suits to handle these guys. :rolleyes:


Oh that's funny :lol I laughed out loud.....


Hope everything clears up soon.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Poor guy! Probably being called "Tiny" with this problem isn't helping :lol


Spencer gets UTIs all the time so he must be the rare case.


I hope Tiny & Raven continue to improve!


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Maybe we could get together....I have to cleanse Rascal's vulva every day. It would be like a party. A really BAD party.


I never imagined I would be doing this for a dog.

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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One of my vets got butt juice all over his face when dealing with one of my male dogs (small mix -- before greyhounds). I told him that was why he got the big bucks and I didn't! :D



Waiting at the bridge: Blaze, Rodney, Lady, Spice, Sarahlee, Callie and Baby

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Guest sheila
Poor guy also had impacted anal glands... which he expressed all over the vet's coat. The juice soaked through her coat onto her blouse before she could get the coat off. "I usually tell people, 'oh, there's worse things I could get on my clothes' when their pets squirt something on me, but there really isn't anything worse than anal gland discharge," she said gloomily. "I will smell like butt juice all day." The hounds are two-for-two now... Raven took out the last vet to examine her with a spray of blood from a hematoma. I should warn the staff to use hazard suits to handle these guys. :rolleyes:


I don't have any advice for you, but your vet sounds like she could use some! :lol Sounds like she has gone through the day smelling like butt juice before and by now ought to have come up with some plan to prevent it by now. Like standing out of the line of fire or putting on a rubber apron first?

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Guest Energy11
Maybe we could get together....I have to cleanse Rascal's vulva every day. It would be like a party. A really BAD party.


I never imagined I would be doing this for a dog.


CUTE response! I love it!

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Yep, that would only have to happen to me once before I became a rubber apron devotee. That wad of paper towels proved woefully inadequate.


I was dead convinced that he had a UTI, and I remembered a lot of people on GT mentioning that their male dogs had them. Her explanation was that the majority of the time they present with somewhat similar symptoms and a urine culture will show bacteria and/or crystals for both. Since antibiotics will clear up both UTIs and sheath infections, it's kind of six-of-one, half-dozen of the other. She just didn't want to put him on anti-bees if another course of treatment would resolve it, and this is something that I can do at home to treat future incidents without needing to drag him to the vet every time.


Tiny would like to make it clear that his name is ironic, as he is actually a big lunk, and that it has nothing to do with certain parts of his anatomy. :lol Raven would like to set the record straight that she was framed for the destruction of the remote control. It was actually her evil twin Skippy I caught chewing on it.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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