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Swollen Muzzle, Swollen Glands On Neck, Trouble Swallowing

Guest Siriusly

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Update and it is not good. My DH is back at the vet with Orion this morning. He's still there but they think he has lupus. Yesterday morning I noticed some scabby bumps on the bridge of his nose. I also noticed that the bottom side of his nostils was a little pink and swollen. Well, into the evening and overnight, bumps popped up all around his nose and are starting to form around his eyes. He keeps pawing at his face and the bumps are bleeding. They think the slipped disk and subsequent lack of eating caused his liver to work over time and now his immune system is attacking him. They are doing a biopsy so we will know soon.


This is so hard. Just when we think we've got it covered, this comes up. :( I'll update when we know more.




My Italian Greyhound Flex has lupus..just as you described with Orion. At this point he is doing great..so don't get too discouraged. Thinking back, to when his symptoms first started...I figured out it was shortly after receiving shots...they set off and immune response in the body.


He was on long term doxycyline, vitamin E, salmon oil..sunscreen (avoid sun..Ig's worship the sun!) Others have recommended a grain free diet. I haven't found one Flex likes..or tolerates well. Also, we have a prescription for his nose. Originally the vet gave him Tacrolimus drops (dog version).but now he has a prescription for Protopic creme. It is the human version and he only gets it when his nose is cracked/bleeding.


At this point..he is OFF the doxy, his nose looks great. I continue the vitamin E, salmon oil and sunscreen regimen though.


If I can help out with any other information, please feel free to PM me!




How is he doing today?


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Guest Siriusly
My Italian Greyhound Flex has lupus..just as you described with Orion. At this point he is doing great..so don't get too discouraged. Thinking back, to when his symptoms first started...I figured out it was shortly after receiving shots...they set off and immune response in the body.


He was on long term doxycyline, vitamin E, salmon oil..sunscreen (avoid sun..Ig's worship the sun!) Others have recommended a grain free diet. I haven't found one Flex likes..or tolerates well. Also, we have a prescription for his nose. Originally the vet gave him Tacrolimus drops (dog version).but now he has a prescription for Protopic creme. It is the human version and he only gets it when his nose is cracked/bleeding.


At this point..he is OFF the doxy, his nose looks great. I continue the vitamin E, salmon oil and sunscreen regimen though.


If I can help out with any other information, please feel free to PM me!




How is he doing today?


Thanks for the info, Donna. We've actually been handling this pretty well. From all the research we've done, it sounds like it is something we'll be able to manage without problems. It is good to hear from someone that is actively treating it. We've still got a ton of questions, which we never think of when a pen is handy, but we'll be back at the vet at the end of the week for a biopsy to identify the type of lupus. The worst feeling in the world is not knowing what's wrong. Even though it is lupus, we've got direction and aren't killing ourselves wondering what to do.


Right now Orion's nose is pretty nasty. The sores keep bleeding and we're having trouble stopping him from rubbing it, either on something or with his paws. Because of his neck injury, we can't really do anything to restrict him. The good news is that he's eating lots of small portions throughout the day and his energy level is coming back up. We actually caught him roaching last night and today :) . He still looks like a skeleton but hopefully he'll start gaining some weight back really soon now that he's eating. He's normally around 68 pounds and he's down to 54!

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Thank goodness that he's eating again! I'm so happy to hear that. I didn't know he was a master roacher...Fenny is big time! Since he's feeling better I'd love to see some pics of him...maybe not current pics but if you have pics from before he was sick I'd absolutely love to see them.


Orion...keep eating to pack on those pounds buddy. I hope your nose (and neck/back) feel better really soon!

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Guest Siriusly
Thank goodness that he's eating again! I'm so happy to hear that. I didn't know he was a master roacher...Fenny is big time! Since he's feeling better I'd love to see some pics of him...maybe not current pics but if you have pics from before he was sick I'd absolutely love to see them.


Orion...keep eating to pack on those pounds buddy. I hope your nose (and neck/back) feel better really soon!


He's actually turning up his nose and some of the hamburger and chicken we are giving him in favor of kibble. We're feeding dog food for the regular meals and using the other stuff for in-between snacks. The others are so jealous!


I went home for lunch today and he was laying in one of the crates just roaching away! Even when he's not sick, his back isn't flat enough to roach in the open. He'll wedge himself against a wall or just hit one of the crates and stay there for hours at a time.


You don't want to see pics right now. His nose is really kind of gross. I called him my horror show this morning. He rubbed his nose and it started bleeding pretty good. Rubbed it on Falcor and left a big red streak all down his white fur, rubbed it on the door frame and left a big red smudge, got a drink of water and tinged the water red. I'll pull together some before pics and post them soon.

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Any updates on Orion? I hope he's doing much better now!

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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