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Antibiotic "tylan"

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Penny is on Tylan twice a day for her diarrhea problems. It seems to be helping, but it also seems that she is drinking GALLONS of water every day. She's needing to go out 2-3 times a night. Combined with the wakeups from my 5-month-old skinkid, I am getting zero sleep. During the day Penny needs to go out about every hour and half. If I leave her in the house alone, I have to put down pee pads because I know she will have an accident.


Has anyone else been on this medication? I can't find any mention of excessive thirst as a side effect on the internet, and I am wondering if the thirst is unrelated to the Tylan.



Melissa, Penelope (LC's Wild Rose)

Missing sweet Bell (EMK Bolivar Bell). I'll never forget you.

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."

- Mark Twain

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Guest K9_Lady
Penny is on Tylan twice a day for her diarrhea problems. It seems to be helping, but it also seems that she is drinking GALLONS of water every day. She's needing to go out 2-3 times a night. Combined with the wakeups from my 5-month-old skinkid, I am getting zero sleep. During the day Penny needs to go out about every hour and half. If I leave her in the house alone, I have to put down pee pads because I know she will have an accident.


Has anyone else been on this medication? I can't find any mention of excessive thirst as a side effect on the internet, and I am wondering if the thirst is unrelated to the Tylan.




My Malinois was on it for a while and now my Greyhound has been on it with no side effects. Hope Penny feels better!

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From my past experience working at an animal hospital, dogs on Tylan did not have excessive thirst.

Was bloodwork done?

Is Penny taking any other medications? Like Prednisone?

Edited by Fudge
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Most of my girls have been on it at one time or another, some for extended periods. I've never noticed a problem with excessive drinking.


However, I have noticed that gut irritation can be associated with thirst, and diarrhea can be dehydrating and so increase thirst.


I hope Penny feels better soon, and you get some sleep.

Standard Poodle Daisy (12/13)
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lexie has been on tylen powder for almost a year with no side effects. It keeps her from getting diarrhea. she on a small dose 1/2 tsp per meal. no excessive thirst here. we usually can't get her to drink enough..gl

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Guest houndlover

In my experience, the tylan powder did not cause excessive thirst but like another poster said, if she has diarrhea, she could be dehydrated which would cause her to drink more water.

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Clay was on Tylan powder for a few months and he did not have any side effects. I agree that the loose stools may be what is causing the increased fluid intake or possibly a UTI.

Cosmo (Fuzz Face Cosmos), Holmes (He's a Dream), Boomer (USS Baby Boomer), Ella and missing our angels Clay (Red Clay), Train (Nite Train), Trip (Bock's Teddy Bear),Larry (Bohemian Frigid) and Jimmy (Bohemian Raw)
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Guest crazy4greys

Tucker has been on Tylan Powder once a day for the past 3 months and most likely forvever. Haven't notice any side effects.


He is on it because he had very loose stools and was losing weight.


I would get her checked for a UTI.

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