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Lincoln To Become A Bionic Puppy On Tuesday

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Praying for an uneventful recovery! :candle Will be waiting for an update!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Kristen - my student - called me about an hour ago. She said the surgeon said everything went "surprisingly well." The surgery lasted just over an hour. This was her first THR & she said Dr. Dyce is very quick - he knows exactly what he is doing.


They offered him food, but he wouldn't eat which is no surprise. The staff will take him out again at 10pm for a potty break. He will come home with his leg in a sling as he will not be able to put weight on the leg for a while (she wasn't sure for how long.)


Lincoln is on painkillers, anti-inflammatories & antibiotics. She said he also is on something they only give Greyhounds post-op to help with the muscles. She wasn't sure what it was - but something about "acid."


They did post-op xrays which looked great. Dr. Dyce is "really happy" with everything.


She will call me in the morning with an am update. She is going to talk to Dr. Dyce about releasing him, because she thought I was picking him up tomorrow. I told her he said he wanted to keep him until Friday. She also said they don't release until 5-6pm & I asked her if we can negotiate that. It is a 3.5hr drive home & I don't want to come in late with a dog in a sling. With all the other dogs & having to settle him - it would just be too hard. She asked when I wanted to get him because they have surgeries again on Thursday & are busy all day. I told her I had to take off work, so Friday morning would be ideal. She has to find out what the doc will do and will let me know in the morning.


Thanks to everyone!



Jennifer Watkins

Shamrock Greyhound Placement, Louisville, KY

Greyhound Festival of the Bluegrass -July 19-21, 2013

Holiday Inn/Hurstbourne, Louisville KY

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Guest ChancesMom

So glad that everything went so well. Will continue to keep Lincoln in my prayers. Please continue with the updates.

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Guest houndlover

Greyt news! Glad that the surgery went well. I will keep sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery for Lincoln.

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I got my AM call from OSU & all is well. She said Lincoln is great & everyone is surprised at how well he is doing.


She hand fed him last night, but this morning he ate on his own. He didn't finish his bowl, but he did eat.


They took him out this morning without the sling - she said he already barely needs it.


She said they cannot release him tomorrow because of the surgery schedule. I can pick him up at 2pm on Friday - they have to get their morning appts done first.


She said they will meet with me & go over all his meds & stuff.


Then I can get my bionic puppy home. My lab/corgi mix misses him terribly - George hasn't eaten since Lincoln left. They don't know yet - but no more wrestling for quite some time.


Thanks everyone.




Jennifer Watkins

Shamrock Greyhound Placement, Louisville, KY

Greyhound Festival of the Bluegrass -July 19-21, 2013

Holiday Inn/Hurstbourne, Louisville KY

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Guest ChancesMom

I am so glad that he is doing so well and thanks for the update. I will continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers. What a trooper he is.

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Guest eaglflyt

I'm so thrilled for the good news! Enjoy his homecoming and I'm praying for a full and speedy recovery.


Shelly in OK

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Guest Spencers_Greyt
I got my AM call from OSU & all is well. She said Lincoln is great & everyone is surprised at how well he is doing.


She hand fed him last night, but this morning he ate on his own. He didn't finish his bowl, but he did eat.


They took him out this morning without the sling - she said he already barely needs it.


She said they cannot release him tomorrow because of the surgery schedule. I can pick him up at 2pm on Friday - they have to get their morning appts done first.


She said they will meet with me & go over all his meds & stuff.


Then I can get my bionic puppy home. My lab/corgi mix misses him terribly - George hasn't eaten since Lincoln left. They don't know yet - but no more wrestling for quite some time.


Thanks everyone.


Greyt news! Let us know how he is on Friday when you pick him up and take him home!


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Oh, such good news! I'm just thrilled for you and Lincoln! Please let us know how he is doing when you bring him home!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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