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Frontline Not Working?

Guest iHound

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Guest iHound

Arrow was given Heartgard and Frontline Plus before he came home with us however I've seen fleas on him ever since we brought him home. Only a few here and there, but tonight I saw flea dirt on his chest and a couple more fleas. It looks to me like the Frontline isn't working. I want to switch him to Advantage but I'm worried about ticks mainly because he was diagnosed with a TBD (I honestly cant remember if it was babesia or not) and I worry about him ever getting bitten by a tick again. All I know is that he was treated with a series of two shots.


I know ticks aren't prevalent in Orange County but I still worry :unsure Any advice?

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Guest Elwood

Holly's vet switched her from Frontline Plus to Promeris last year because she said that fleas and ticks had built up a tolerance to Frontline

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See if you can get your hands on some of the Frontline spray rather than the topspot. Works better and faster if the dog has an active infestation.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest luckydog

The fleas don't live on animals, they just jump on them to feed and then jump off. Give your house a good vacuuming, and toss the vacuum bag when done. Wash the dog's bed, too.

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Guest eaglflyt

Preventic collars are safe for greyhounds and they are VERY effective at tick control. You can probably get one from your vet or from an online vendor.

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Preventic collars are safe for greyhounds and they are VERY effective at tick control. You can probably get one from your vet or from an online vendor.

Ditto. We had a horrible tick problem last year and the only thing that kept the ticks off was the Preventic collar. They are safe for greyhounds, our vet ok'd. They cost about 14.99 and last 3 months. I buy them thru 1800 pet meds' website.

We use advantage for fleas. We had no luck with Frontline for fleas.

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Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest Energy11

You can give Capstar (safe) to kill the fleas ON your grey. WE just Adams spray for our flea/tick prevention. So far, so good.


When I lived in Florida, and worked for a vet, my Heartworm protection was Sentinel, which has an ingredient in it, to render fleas sterile, so we NEVER had a flea problem. Too bad it is sooo expensive.


You MIGHT want to try the Adams spray. It is safe, and you can even get it in Walmart ... one of the FEW pet products I buy there.


Hope this helps! D

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I'm in FL, and have had no luck with Frontline Plus or Advantage for fleas.


I just started with Comfortis last Friday morning....within 2 hrs I was seeing DEAD fleas!! I haven't seen any fleas since. If it works this good for the whole month, I won't go back to topicals!!


Like others have said, if you're worried about ticks, too....the Preventic collar seems to be the way to go.

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Guest TBSFlame
Arrow was given Heartgard and Frontline Plus before he came home with us however I've seen fleas on him ever since we brought him home. Only a few here and there, but tonight I saw flea dirt on his chest and a couple more fleas. It looks to me like the Frontline isn't working. I want to switch him to Advantage but I'm worried about ticks mainly because he was diagnosed with a TBD (I honestly cant remember if it was babesia or not) and I worry about him ever getting bitten by a tick again. All I know is that he was treated with a series of two shots.


I know ticks aren't prevalent in Orange County but I still worry :unsure Any advice?


Last year I saw some flea dirt so I used Frontline on all the hounds and thought it would be fine. It just didn't work. I got it under control with Advantage and flea combing the hounds twice a day until I got them all. I hate fleas. Everyday I would find just two or three fleas and it took months before I got rid of them. Just this week I found Flame had worms and had to deworm the pack. It doesn't take many fleas to cause a lot of problems.

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Guest eaglflyt

It seems to be regional to what product fleas have built up a tolerance or resistance to at this time. In our area, using Advantage is like using water to treat fleas. Frontline Plus is still working, but it may also become ineffective over time. It is still working for us for ticks, too.


We currently get our flea/tick and heartworm products from http://www.petshed.com. Their prices were almost half compared to any of our local and most other online sources. The company is from Australia and shipping costs are very reasonable and we always get our products in a week. We have no affiliation with them, we're just very pleased customers.


If Frontline Plus stops working for us, we'll be using Preventic collars for ticks and probably Comfortis for fleas.


Shelly in OK

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I'm in FL, and have had no luck with Frontline Plus or Advantage for fleas.


I just started with Comfortis last Friday morning....within 2 hrs I was seeing DEAD fleas!! I haven't seen any fleas since. If it works this good for the whole month, I won't go back to topicals!!


Like others have said, if you're worried about ticks, too....the Preventic collar seems to be the way to go.


Stacy, where do you buy Comfortis, and what is the cost?

Camille, Mom to Cher and Centeno! Also the kitties: Dash, Tod, and Starburst.
Waiting at the Bridge: Bam Bam, Mimi, Mimosa Grove, Magic, Roscoe, Buckwheat, Knick Knack, and Skylarphoto-11974.jpg?__rand=0.00790800+129039

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Stacy, where do you buy Comfortis, and what is the cost?


I bought it at www.allivet.com. Allivet is a licensed pet pharm, here in FL.


It was $65.99 for six tablets....more expensive than Advantage or Frontline Plus, but, it has worked, so, I don't care!! It requires a prescription, because it can not be used in dogs with a history of seizures.


So far, I am tickled with it!! The fleas were literally falling off the dogs within 2 hours. I just hope that it lasts the full month.


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Guest FordRacingRon
Arrow was given Heartgard and Frontline Plus before he came home with us however I've seen fleas on him ever since we brought him home. Only a few here and there, but tonight I saw flea dirt on his chest and a couple more fleas. It looks to me like the Frontline isn't working. I want to switch him to Advantage but I'm worried about ticks mainly because he was diagnosed with a TBD (I honestly cant remember if it was babesia or not) and I worry about him ever getting bitten by a tick again. All I know is that he was treated with a series of two shots.


I know ticks aren't prevalent in Orange County but I still worry :unsure Any advice?


First about the ticks,,,this really isn't true about them not being around. Leia's dogsitter lives in Anaheim and two years ago, after we had left her there for a week, she came home with some ticks. Now granted I thought they could have come from a foster track dog. But after we got rid of them she picked them up here in LA county at the park,,so probably thanks to our climate changes we get them too. YOu probably got your dog form one of our local gorups and you'll probably go to a picnic or three this summer so your dog will come in contact with fosters that could be off the track so the ticks could come.


Leia has lived here for over 3 years and stating at the end of last summer was when she first had fleas show up. I do use Forntline plus and I think it works because she never has more then 3 or 4 fleas (I can pick them off) and I think she picks them up from the park. The fleas ahve to bite before they die so I think the Frontline controls it. Also, whomever mentioned the Adams spray is right, it works really well. I used that on Leia once when I thought the ticks were umping on at the park,,I would douse her feet and they stopped showing up. I also alwys keep a Capstar handy.

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I had trouble with frontline several years ago and switched to advantix. Much better!



AdvantIX (mentioned above) DOES protect against ticks.

Mary Semper Fi, Dad - I miss you. Remembering Carla Benoist, a Greyhound/Pibble's bestest friend, Princess Zoe Brick-Butt, the little IG with the huge impact on hearts around the world - Miz Foxy - Greyhound Trish - Batman, the Roman-nosed Gentleman - Profile, the Handsome Man - Hunky the Hunkalicious - Jeany the Beautiful Lady- Zema, the most beautiful girl in the world - Jessie, the lovable nuisance - and my 3 Greys: my Angie-girl, my Casey-girl, and The Majestic Pippin, running forever in my heart. (I will always love you and miss you,my friends)

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Guest iHound

Thanks everyone for the suggestions and your experiences with different products. I found another flea on Arrow today but I noticed that it was slow and fairly easy to catch. Now, I would think they would have it easier manuvering through short fur so maybe this means the Frontline is working. And I would say 90% of the fleas I kill have blood in them. So when I find them, they may be in the middle of feeding or just finishing. I guess I'll go ahead and order some more of the Frontline but I may just order the 3 month pack.


I'll keep the Adams spray and Preventic collar in mind in case the Frontline really isn't doing the job.


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Guest FordRacingRon
Thanks everyone for the suggestions and your experiences with different products. I found another flea on Arrow today but I noticed that it was slow and fairly easy to catch. Now, I would think they would have it easier manuvering through short fur so maybe this means the Frontline is working. And I would say 90% of the fleas I kill have blood in them. So when I find them, they may be in the middle of feeding or just finishing. I guess I'll go ahead and order some more of the Frontline but I may just order the 3 month pack.


I'll keep the Adams spray and Preventic collar in mind in case the Frontline really isn't doing the job.


I want to change my vote. Frontline isn't working here now either. I thought it was if you read one of my earlier posts but just now looking at Leia there is flea dirt and a few fleas taking up camp. I am po-ed at myself for ordering a 6 months supply because I am ready for the Advatix change NOW.

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Guest brit1

Use Buck Mountain Parasite Dust, all natural and works well. Can see info at http://www.buckmountainbotanicals.net/trea...rasitedust.html but you have to get it from a holistic vet or other place, I am sure they can tell you where. I get mine locally from a vet and dust it on. If we had fleas I would wash the dog in Palmolive dish soap, leave on for 5 mins and then rinse, rinse rinse. Last rinse with 1/4cup apple cider vinegar in a gallon water. Use 20 mule team borax in house, put in carpet last thing at night and vacuum next morning and throw out bag. Use a flea comb daily. Give small clove crushed garlic daily in food to deter them. For ticks the dust seems to work well but I also use Geranium aromatherapy oil. I put a drop or two in palm of my hand, add a dab of unscented body lotion and rub around dog's ears/head/etc. I put the dust along back from neck to tail a couple times a week. anne

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Guest iHound
I want to change my vote. Frontline isn't working here now either. I thought it was if you read one of my earlier posts but just now looking at Leia there is flea dirt and a few fleas taking up camp. I am po-ed at myself for ordering a 6 months supply because I am ready for the Advatix change NOW.



Oh no! :o Well I didn't order anything yet which is good. So you're going to try Advantix? I've read good and bad things about it so I wasn't sure if I should order any.

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Guest FordRacingRon
I want to change my vote. Frontline isn't working here now either. I thought it was if you read one of my earlier posts but just now looking at Leia there is flea dirt and a few fleas taking up camp. I am po-ed at myself for ordering a 6 months supply because I am ready for the Advatix change NOW.



Oh no! :o Well I didn't order anything yet which is good. So you're going to try Advantix? I've read good and bad things about it so I wasn't sure if I should order any.


I think that's the route I am going to take. My DW says she thinks it's global climate change that's bringing in the fleas,,I think it's the squirrels at the park.

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Guest iHound

I finally made a decision. I'm going to go ahead and buy a 3 month supply of Frontline but use it in conjuction with neem oil. I do think the Frontline works- just not as good at killing fleas as something like Advantage. This way I'll have flea and tick protection without needing to use a tick collar. If the combination works then I'll buy a larger pack of Frontline.


ETA: Gah!! Well I'm reading so many great things about neem oil and now I'm wondering if I should just forego the Frontline and try using neem and a flea comb exclusively.

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Just to provide a slightly different take--when I got George, it said he had been treated with Frontline Plus, and there was even a date on the form--and yet the woman who was caring for him handed me the unused Frontline tube when she passed him off to me, and said, "I was going to put this on, but never got around to it."


Well, at least she TOLD me...


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest iHound

I wondered if maybe it hadn't been applied but I asked his foster mom and she assured me she applied the Frontline the day she brought him home.


I went out and bought some 100% pure neem oil, diatomaceous earth and a good flea comb. I'm going to experiment with just the neem/DE and flea comb for a month and see what happens.

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Guest SandOSU98

My Frontline is not working either!! I have pulled 7 ticks off of Colby this spring. I'm thinking of switching.

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