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Chemo Starts Friday, Biopsy Results Is In

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne

Riley's carpal mast tumor is a grade 3 tumor. I've been having a hard time trying to decide what is best to do. For the most part, I'd like to go forward with the chemo. Before this cancer, Riley was always blessed with perfect health. I'm hoping this increases his chances of not getting seriously ill from the chemo. This is a new experimental chemo drug they are doing the study on. I know in the past, the old chemo drugs did not work well on this kind of tumor. Here is the catch though- due to this being a study, they are using both the old drug, and the new, and we dont get to decide or know which drug they will use on Riley. That is a bit nerve wracking. If I knew for sure they were doing the old drug, I wouldnt bother. I'm just hoping they will be using the new drug, and hoping that the new drug works better.


One thing that has been decided for sure, being 14 years old, I will not have Riley spend even one night away from me ever. If he becomes ill enough that he requires overnight hospitalization, then I will have him euthanized in my arms. We will never be seperated. He will either be with me in both physical and soul, or just soul. But either way, I'm not letting him be seperated from me for even one night.

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Guest jettcricket

Wishing you and your boy only the best....my prayers and thoughts are with you. Having gone thru it myself with my heart dog Jett I know exactly how you are feeling.

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Guest Vinnie

Knowing how much you are going through and seeing your strength, this will definitely help as you continue this journey with Riley - hope that the chemo helps and that he is doing better soon. Sending prayers, hugs and scritches.

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Guest PiagetsMom

Sending good thoughts for Riley. I think it's very wise that you're going into this knowing what you are and are not willing to do.......sometimes the indecision is as hard as anything else when you're going through something like this. :grouphug

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Keeping your sweet boy in my prayers. Let us know how he does.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Hope the chemo goes well, regardless of which medication he's getting. :goodluck Be prepared if he does have a few side effects. If not, then it will be smooth sailing.

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