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My Poor Rudy

Guest argolola

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Guest argolola

We have had issues with Rudy since the day we brought him home almost 6 months ago. He has constantly had a fever and is currently on round 3 of Doxy.


At first Doxy was a miracle drug, that completely stopped the fevers, but now he is having breakthrough fevers at night (102.5 the past few nights.) We have had him to 6 different vets at 3 different vet practices. The latest vet is very greyhound saavy. He has done every TDB test, blood test and even DNA test. No one can find the root of the problem.


He said we will try Prednisone along with the Doxy for 2 weeks.


Also, I told the vet that I wonder if prolonged fevers (we don't know how long he had them before we got him) could cause problems. Rudy is just not "right." I love him more than words can say, but he is my special boy.


How do we know if it's auto immune? What are the symptoms and will Pred help if it is?


Any input is appreciated. Thanks so much.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Poor baby boy. I don't have any answers to any of your questions, but we are sending good healing thoughts for Rudy :grouphug

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Well nuts! Auto immune problems can be balanced, but it is certainly a juggling act. Shanti has IMPA. But we can't mess with that right now while we are dealing with the fungal infection. If we immune suppress her, the infection takes off.


Jordan is a wealth of info on this stuff. PM her if she does not find this first.

The Girls

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Guest argolola
I can't remember so don't yell at me :lol Did they do a snap in the office or send it off to Protatek or NCU? If NC, which TBDs did they test for?

Our local vet initially did the snap test, but then we coordinated with the adoption group and they sent us to the track vet. They did the real deal and sent it off. According to the vet, he tested for everything he could test for. He also did a blood smear and some new fancy DNA test.

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Dogs can test negative for erlichia if they are in crisis.


Has he been on 5mg per # of body weight twice a day for 8 weeks at a time?


What are his platelets, HCT and RBC?


Has he had a urine culture done?


edited to add: what did the vet test for TBDs? everything doesn't tell us which ones :)

Edited by Burpdog

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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I don't know if they do the same tests in hounds, but autoimmune conditions are generally accompanied by higher sed rates (erythrocyte sedimentation rates, also listed as "ESR" on blood panels), and C-reactive protein (CRP). If you have any blood panel results in front of you, you can see this for yourself.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Oh, no clue on this one, but please keep us updated! In the meantime, sending hugs, prayers, chin scritches and lots of healing white light. Poor Rudy! Hope you can get to the bottom of this mystery!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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If it is autoimmune that can be treated. And lots of dogs have autoimmune-related diseases and live a long and happy life - lupus, IBD, some skin diseases. Just having a diagnosis has got to be better than not knowing.


The pred will help if it is auto-immune though you don't want him on it forever.



greysmom :D

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest SoulsMom
If it is autoimmune that can be treated. And lots of dogs have autoimmune-related diseases and live a long and happy life - lupus, IBD, some skin diseases. Just having a diagnosis has got to be better than not knowing.


The pred will help if it is auto-immune though you don't want him on it forever.



greysmom :D


YUP! Soul an autoimmune disorder and he's still a very happy boy and wonderful ambassadog.


Hope your vet(s) get to the bottom of it soon!


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Guest 8_Greyt_Greys

We are dealing with the same thing . Lukes tick panel was normal but they questioned it anyways. Luke has been on baytrel, predisonecding Clavamox, And some pill to help kidneys. We have been dealing with this for 6 weeks now.

When we started his blood work look horrible and they gave him a 50-50 chance. His weight went from 89lbs to 69lbs.

He is now 78lbs blood work is looking better. We were doing blood work every week at first then 2 weeks now 4 weeks.

he is off the baytrel and clavamox. His predisone is cut in half. and his kidney med cut in half.


I would ask them to treat for tick disease .

Sending good thoughts. we know what you are going thru.

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Guest Cris_M

When Gabriel first became ill, we thought he might have AIHA (autoimmune hemolytic anemia). Since you haven't mentioned that Rudy is anemic, I am believing that he doesn't have that particular disorder.


However, I do know how upsetting it is to hear that your pupper might have an autoimmune disorder. What can drive you even crazier is not knowing what the problem is.


FWIW, Gabriel was on massive doses of Pred (he was way sicker than AIHA). Yes, he got some minor infections. We watched him closely and got him to the vet quickly. As a result those minor infections stayed minor. Just saying that if Rudy has to be on Pred for an extended period of time, infections can still be dealt with effectively.


Give Rudy an extra rub, and tell him to get better!

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Guest argolola
Dogs can test negative for erlichia if they are in crisis.


Has he been on 5mg per # of body weight twice a day for 8 weeks at a time?


What are his platelets, HCT and RBC?


Has he had a urine culture done?


edited to add: what did the vet test for TBDs? everything doesn't tell us which ones :)

300 mg twice daily on Doxy

PLT 108

RBC 1037

HCT 72.1


Urinalysis, yes. Culture, no.


Thank you all. I just picked up the Pred.


Have a call in to find out what TBDs were tested.

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Guest PiagetsMom

You and Rudy have certainly had a time of it......sending good thoughts that you'll find something that will work for your boy :grouphug

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Guest argolola
I'd have your vet contact Ohio State for a consult at this point! Do find out about the TBDs though.


Great idea. How do I get the two of them in touch with each other?

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