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Excess Water Consumption And Urination

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It's been 3 1/2 weeks since Wally came home and he is still drinking a huge amount of water. I made an earlier post about it and was told it was quite common in dogs new to the home. I always have water available for him and he is never crated anymore so he always has access to it. Also he doesn't seem stressed by anything, he is one mellow dog. Shouldn't the water consumption at least have slowed down a bit by now?


I'm getting quite concerned they may be something medical going on. My other grey has kidney issues and excess water consumption and urination is one of the symptoms. Wally has had only one accident in the house in 3 weeks then the last few days has had a lot of accidents. I've been there every time and told him no firmly and brought him out immediately but the accidents continue. I suspect a UTI but that doesn't explain why he drinks so much. This may not be connected to the issue but his initial blood work showed a low calcium level. All this has me worried something more sinister is going on.


I'll be going to the vets with him on Monday but just want to see if anyone has some thoughts on the matter.

Hobbes-Ricard Hatch09/23/99-12/21/09 Always loved, never forgotten. Wally TNJ Boy Howdy, GLS Genuinerisk Corinna

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Do you have access to the urine dipstick tests? They run about $28 for a bottle of 100 on eBay or whatever, and cover about 10 different factors- including specific gravity. They're the same test your vet uses, although they may use a machine to read them rather than eyeballing them.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Excessive drinking can point to so many different things! Kidney issues, diabetes, Cushings and so many other things. I tend to always want to rule out a UTI first, not with just a UA but with a culture as well And obviously the urination is from the drinking.

Whatever is going on, if anything, I am hoping it's an easy fix. Please let us know after the vet visit.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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Guest TBSFlame

When Flame came home he drank a lot of water. He would drink whatever water he found until it was gone. It took months for him to get over it.

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Guest greyscot

Vet visit is certainly a good idea. I'd take a urine sample in with me so the vet can do the dip stick test. Good luck with the vet.

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When Flame came home he drank a lot of water. He would drink whatever water he found until it was gone. It took months for him to get over it.


That eases my mind a bit. Did Flame have accidents because of it?

Hobbes-Ricard Hatch09/23/99-12/21/09 Always loved, never forgotten. Wally TNJ Boy Howdy, GLS Genuinerisk Corinna

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Onyx has been doing it for 8 years. I have asked several vets about it and they never found a problem. He just LOVES his water. You should see the size of his water bowl. :eek

We have a dog door, so accidents are not a problem but I imagine they would be if he were stuck inside for any length of time.



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Guest Alexandra_W

My giant schnauzer did the same. Thought it was only due to being bored, ie no medical cause. But still took him to the vet, as excessive drinking and dilution of the urine can cause kidney damage in the long run. So just to be sure.


My vet also believed it was psychological. We was wrong, he had lots of wbc in the urine - ie a UVI of some kind. Was put on broad-spectrum antibiotics, and whitin days thinga went back to normal. Drank normal, pee'd normal. After 5 days of medication no signs of wbc in urine, and no diluted urine. ANd NO accidents in the house. Before they were common, both dribbling urine, and large pools of urine.


He is still on the antibiotics so still have to see what happens when he comes off them.


But as others have said - a vet check is a very good idea.

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How's Wally today. Did the vet appointment go ok?


I changed the appointment till tomorrow, so I could see a vet I have a lot more respect for. Wally actually hasn't had any accidents today, so who knows whats going on.

Hobbes-Ricard Hatch09/23/99-12/21/09 Always loved, never forgotten. Wally TNJ Boy Howdy, GLS Genuinerisk Corinna

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Guest speedoketo

Don't put too much faith in the dipstick test for specific gravity, the results can vary pretty significantly from what you'll find on a refractometer. Hope everything turns out ok for your houndie!

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Also, excessive drinking could be thyroid related, and even diabetes. Glad you're taking him today. Good luck at the vet's, and keep us posted.

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Like Flame above, my Minny did that for about 3 months when he first came from the Dubuque track. Incessant excessive drinking followed by excessive frequent urination. After around 3 months he seemed to 'get over it' and now drinks/urinates what I consider to be normal for a dog his size.

Edited by racindog
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