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What Is Going On Here?

Guest AlmondJoy

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Guest nerak254

We went for about a 1 /2 mile walk tonight about 7, came home and had dinner. Aruba didn't eat all of hers which isn't unusual, I think she believes in free feeding. :blink: Anyway a few minutes ago she decided to change positions and how she did it seemed kind of odd. Just now I took them out for a last pee and when she got up she was kind of leaning to the left and was walking like a drunk kind of. She did it out in the hall too and I helped her down 4 steps as best I could and she wasn't straight then either. She had to go down 2 steps to the lawn and that was about the same. The pee was done and we came in and I helped her up the steps. She came in and laid down and seems to be walking straight now. She's panting quite a bit and I think she is freaked. Actually I think we are both a little freaked.


Anyone seen anything like this?

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It kind of sounds like my Frasier when he had his first vestibular issue. ??? It took a few days for him to be back 100%. Lynch's vestibular was more severe.

A friend's dog just went through this last week, though it was more severe.

Hope you figure it out and it's something minor.

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Guest nerak254

She seems fine now. She's not panting anymore, I suspect at least some of the panting is from it being a little warm in here after our beautiful day. I'm going to turn the heat off and it may help. I think we'll go to bed and see how things are in the morning. She sleeps next to me so I'll know if something is going on during the night.

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Poodle has had two very bad episodes.


The first time he started walking like a drunken sailor and falling over. I took him to the vet who said it was an ear infection and gave us drops.


Fast forward about a year and I wake up to *THUD* on the floor. He tried to get out of bed and fell. He couldn't walk more than a step without falling over. I called our new vet in panic and when I picked him up his whole back end was like dead weight. That vet said he'd had a stroke. I said that something similar happened before and it was diagnosed an an ear infection. She said "I can't tell you what happened before but this dog is having a stroke - look at his eyes". They were rapidly going back and forth.


After we got home I asked a very grey savvy vet for ideas and she said in most cases vestibular syndrome has head shaking issues and he didn't have that either time. :dunno Second vet said we could tell more with a lot of tests, but tht wasn't possible. He got a shot and was on baby aspirin for a week the second time and is fine now. :goodluck We'll probably never really know what the episodes were.

Edited by Hubcitypam
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How's she doing this afternoon? Prayers that it was an isolated incident!

Edited by duncan41

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest nerak254

I am hoping th ings are still fine. I was lucky enough to be called in to work for a shift today...lots of cut backs. She was fine when I left although I was playing with one of her ears (you know when they lower their heads and basically put theier forehead in your lap) While I was doing that, all of a sudden I had a big blob of slobber on my bare foot. :puke


I'm done at 5 so I'll see then.

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How scary. I hope she's going to be okay! I'll be checking this thread after 5...


:goodluck :goodluck :goodluck


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest nerak254

She seems perfectly fine. Ate some dinner and then went back to sleep. I really need to take care of this at home if I can, hours at all of my jobs have been drastically cut and There is nothing to pay it with.


What should their BP be and where do you take it? DD#1 is working out and I could take her over to her house when she gets home. I know she has a stethoscope at home and I'd bet on a pressure cuff too.

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