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My Greys Died Last March

Guest gotgr8hnds

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Guest gotgr8hnds

Today I'm writing about what I'm doing to honor my Jack's memory. My post includes information about the note I wrote to him, the release of a balloon bouquet, a story about wind chimes & how they help me remember him & a link to a Rainbow Bridge Movie.....Maybe what I'm writing or doing will help someone else who has suffered a loss - I hope so. . . .


March 3rd 2009

I arrived home today and heard the chimes on my screened-in porch ringing. . . . and the sounds warmed my heart. Today it's been a year since I lost my Jack to hemangiosarcoma. . . . . .and the anniversary of Gracie's death will be on the 28th. . . .It's cold here and it's a pretty day. The sky's a beautiful shade of blue and there are fluffy white clouds. This morning I took the note that I wrote to Jack last night and attached it to a balloon bouquet, containing five brightly colored balloons, and I released it in the park where I'd taken him for walks. I watched the balloons for a long time - until they became a tiny speck and then disappeared through a small hole in a great big cloud. I wanted to honor his memory in some special way and it felt good to do this. Today I'm keeping my greyhound candle lit, too. I just miss him so much. I'm going to do the same thing for Gracie on the 28th. My heart is still grieving for them and aches.


The note that I wrote.........

My Sweet Jack,


It has been one year today since you died and there is such an ache in my heart. Every night, as I look up at the stars, I think of you and know that you are my guardian angel watching over me. One day, we'll be together again. . . and when I see you running towards me, I know that I will feel such an unbelievable joy! For now, I'll remember you - every day - in quiet ways........like when I hear my chimes ring and imagine you running and 'kicking up the wind' that stirs them and when I tell you I love you each night before I go to bed. You live on in my heart and in every greyhound that comes into my life. Thank you, my dear Jack, for the lessons you taught me and for being such an incredible blessing in my life. ~~~My Sweet Jack, may you 'kick up the wind' and run on the wings of angels~~~


My Story About Wind Chimes...........

'Dog Town' is a series on the National Geographic channel that is a favorite of mine. It focuses on the dogs saved and cared for at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanub, Utah (www.bestfriends.org) . I love this show, especially one episode I saw back when both of my dogs were healthy. It dealt with the loss of one of the dogs, named Bruno, at the Sanctuary.
A graveside service is held for each of the animals in the sanctuary that dies and the staff members who cared for the animal attend it. The service is performed by the pet cemetary caretaker and it's held at the Angel's Rest Cemetary. Afterwards, the staff members individually pay their respects and leave a beautiful polished stone on the gravesite. When this particular service was over, here's what the caretaker said:
"I've never done a placement at Angel's Rest where the chimes don't ring. The chimes are a signal from Bruno that everything's okay. Bruno is over at Rainbow Bridge, whole and happy and healthy and running around in need of nothing. You see, while he's over there running around, he kicks up the wind and the wind finds its way over Rainbow Bridge down into Angel's Canyon and strikes a chime in Angel's Rest so we know he's okay." (You could see and hear the chimes ringing and they sounded beautiful).
I've had chimes on my screened-in porch for a long time, because I love hearing the sounds they make. They took on a whole new meaning when I lost my dogs, though. That's because I believe that, every time I hear them ring, it's Jack and Gracie sending me a hug....letting me know they're okay...reminding me that they are right there with me. Sometimes they make me cry.....but, more often, the beautiful sounds bring a smile to my face and I feel my dogs inside my heart. I will always have chimes nearby, because I think that wonderful man was right.....Gracie and Jack are running around 'kicking up the wind' and it's finding its way over the Bridge in gentle breezes that float down and ring my wind chimes so that I know they're okay. I am certain that, one day, we will be reunited with our beloved greys. I so much look forward to the day that I will see Gracie and Jack running towards me, because we will have such a joyous reunion!


RAINBOW BRIDGE MOVIE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I found this movie a couple months after my greyhounds died when I was searching for pet memorial poems on-line. I've seen lots of Rainbow Bridge Poems, but this is the first movie I've ever found. It's simple and touching and the music is really beautiful. I watch it often and it brings me a lot of comfort. Here's the link: Rainbow Bridge Movie If you're going through a hard time, I hope that it will bring you comfort, too.
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Guest koolaidnconner

:grouphug . I watch Dogtown too and love that show. I keep saying I have to go get some windchimes after I saw that show.


I also watched the rainbow bridge movie, that was beautiful. Made me teary.

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Guest how888
:grouphug What beautiful tributes.. A world of memories to hold close to your heart... Somewhere Over The Rainbow.. I always listen to Faith Hill sing that song and I always think of our greyhounds up over there waiting for us. I am going to release a balloon for Howie too... Thanks so much for sharing... Edited by how888
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Guest gotgr8hnds

Thanks, everyone, for your kind messages. They mean a lot.


If you ever decide to get a set of wind chimes. . . .I've had mine for many years and they still look like new. They are made by the JW Stannard Company and I have the ones called 'Allegro'. (They make a really beautiful sound). I bought these same chimes for friends a few months ago and found them for less than $30 on-line and thought that was a good price. I plan to get a couple more - with different tones - for me. I'm so thankful that I saw the Dog Town episode I mentioned in my original post.........because hearing my chimes ring is such a quiet and gentle reminder of Jack and Gracie and it's my special, on-going connection with them. I would never have thought that something so simple, like hearing chimes, could provide such comfort & help so much with my grieving.....


I'm sorry that the link I tried to create to the Rainbow Bridge Movie didn't work. I'll just copy and paste it here and maybe this one will be better: http://www.indigo.org/rainbowbridge_ver2.html I liked the music so much in this video that I purchased it on-line (I think I found it at amazon.com) and have it on my MP3 player - it's very soothing. The person who wrote it is Kerry Muzzey.




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We never have enough enough time with our sweet babes. My heart is with you. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest Jennifer4719

Very nice tribute to your Jack and Gracie. :grouphug It's hard enough to lose one, but two in such a short period of time must have been totally devastating. Jack and Gracie will always be with you in your heart.


Give Bear some extra hugs today too!

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Guest jettcricket

...After losing my baby girl, Cricket, a dear friend of mine told me, "They are so easy to fall in love with and so very hard to lose"...how true.


My heart hurts too...missing my babies, Jett and Cricket. :beatheart

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