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Rescue Remedy

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My 13lb Ig Flex hurt his back..vet wanted to keep him there for iv steroids and rest. I was so worried about leaving him that i said I wanted to try to handle him at home (with oral pred) he is very calm tonite, but since he went up on the couch a couple times I wanted to help him relax and sleep. i gave him rescue remedy, but because I am so stressed from this i didnt think when i gave it to him and I gave him the dosage on the bottle (4 drops) but he only weighs 13 lbs....now I am a nervous wreck thinking i gave him too much since there is alcohol in there! Has anyone given to an Ig? if so, how much? thank you, i am very worried..now i am thinking I should have let him stay at the vet...i was just so worried because he is such a nervous little guy...being in a strange place away from us and his big greyhound family...any advice would be appreciated. thank you

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Please relax, 4 drops could never hurt him.


That's right from Bach's book.


Feel better Flex

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Not to worry. I routinely give iggy Bailey 3-4 drops. He'd probably have to ingest a bottle of RR to get a buzz on.


The other thing I use for my iggies and Biggies when I want them to sleep or relax is melatonin. The tabs are 3mg, and I'd probably give an iggy 1/4 of a tab.


Hope your sweetie gets better soon!


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thank you. I have melatonin here..would that be ok to give in combination with Rescue remedy and prednisone? how much for a 13 lb guy? I am doubting I can get him to rest as much as needed here...I am trying to keep him in the kitchen (no couches to jump on), but that is confusing my 2 big greys. this morning while letting them out of the kitchen ...he got past me and went upstairs in a moments notice. I am assuming "rest" means no stairs, not just no jumping? I am just so worried about leaving him at the vet..he is such a needy little man..and I worry about him being cold there..I am giving this morning to decide and then calling back to ask the details about the iv steroid treatment..can I bring his bed? I just want him better..


Edited by dbullwinkel
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I'm late but I use 4-5 drops and repeat in 30 minutes if she's really going to be freaked. for a constant infusion you may put 4-5 drops in the water so he/she gets a bit every time water is consumed.

Angie, Pewter, and Storm-puppy

Forever missing Misty-Mousie (9/9/99 - 10/5/15)
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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How does he feel if he is in a crate? One of our dachshunds hurt his back and I had to keep him very calm, so he stayed in the crate most of the time. The vet wanted complete rest - so with 2 greys and the other 2 doxies I couldn't take a chance of him being excited and want to play or jump. I kept the crate in the rooms I was in when I was at home and walked him on a leash not let him run free. It wasn't easy, but the vet said that was the best for him and it did work. I also used Rescue Remedy to keep him calm.

Good Luck I hope he starts to feel better. :bighug


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How does he feel if he is in a crate? One of our dachshunds hurt his back and I had to keep him very calm, so he stayed in the crate most of the time. The vet wanted complete rest - so with 2 greys and the other 2 doxies I couldn't take a chance of him being excited and want to play or jump. I kept the crate in the rooms I was in when I was at home and walked him on a leash not let him run free. It wasn't easy, but the vet said that was the best for him and it did work. I also used Rescue Remedy to keep him calm.

Good Luck I hope he starts to feel better. :bighug

thank you..he does not do well in a crate..has never been in one with me. but when my son owned him he tried to crate him due to toileting accidents. didn't work well. I have had for over one year..he has never been crated. I am trying to keep him in the kitchen. the vet said no walks..which I thought would be better than letting him in the yard. I go out with him. since it is so cold, he is in a rush to get in..

I was going to ask how often to give the RR..got my answer!


I'm late but I use 4-5 drops and repeat in 30 minutes if she's really going to be freaked. for a constant infusion you may put 4-5 drops in the water so he/she gets a bit every time water is consumed.

thank you..i gave it to him around 6:30 this morning and by 9-ish he was up walking around..so I gave it to him again. I have two greys, so I am not sure if I should put it in the water since they don't need it...well one does!

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There are several Bach remedies that might benefit here. Bach has a book out for animals. If you're interested, pick up the book. FES also has one out for animals.

I've never seen any benefit using them but so many people have


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I have read 2 Bach books and they both said that is one of the wonderful things about the Bach remedies-they are so dilute that it would be pretty much impossible to give anybody too much so you don't have to worry about that. They don't work like "conventional" medications that generally associate efficacy with concentration. They work by helping correct the animals energy. I have found them to be indispensible. THEY WORK. In fact they work so good they have been "copied" quite a bit but I doubt if the copycat versions work as good as Bach's original essences. Just give it to him as needed. You can administer it several times/day if needed but probably 2-3 times will be adequate. You can also put some in his water. Like the other poster said there are several Bach essences and the book(s) can help you select the most beneficial ones for any given situation. I have had wonderful results using Rescue Remedy on fearful hounds as well as in other situations. Hope this helps.

PS- It won't have any effect on the greyts that don't need it so you can put it in the water if you want. That is another good thing about the Bach essences. If an animal doesn't need it or you select the wrong essence it won't harm them in any way. Remember it doesn't work like conventional chemical things-its healing energy-so if its not needed it has no effect.

Edited by racindog
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I have read 2 Bach books and they both said that is one of the wonderful things about the Bach remedies-they are so dilute that it would be pretty much impossible to give anybody too much so you don't have to worry about that. They don't work like "conventional" medications that generally associate efficacy with concentration. They work by helping correct the animals energy. I have found them to be indispensible. THEY WORK. In fact they work so good they have been "copied" quite a bit but I doubt if the copycat versions work as good as Bach's original essences. Just give it to him as needed. You can administer it several times/day if needed but probably 2-3 times will be adequate. You can also put some in his water. Like the other poster said there are several Bach essences and the book(s) can help you select the most beneficial ones for any given situation. I have had wonderful results using Rescue Remedy on fearful hounds as well as in other situations. Hope this helps.

PS- It won't have any effect on the greyts that don't need it so you can put it in the water if you want. That is another good thing about the Bach essences. If an animal doesn't need it or you select the wrong essence it won't harm them in any way. Remember it doesn't work like conventional chemical things-its healing energy-so if its not needed it has no effect.


Thank you!!

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