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Valley Fever Question

Guest BlackandBrindle

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Yesterday I took Sadie in to get her titers tested. We'll probably get those results sometime tomorrow. We also ran a full liver panel for my peace of mind.


Sadie has been on pretty heavy duty doses of Flucanozole for six months (of course now I'm thinking, is it nine?? already? certainly it hasn't been that long? I'll have to double check that).


Anyway, the last titer we had for her she tested at half of her original titer which I think was 1:38. So she was either at 1:18 or 1:16.


I would eventually like to not medicate her. Have any of you had that experience? I know some dogs have to be on VF meds for the rest of their lives, but I only want to medicate Sadie if I have to....


Any thoughts?

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I have no personal experience with VF and I only know 4 people who have VF dogs and they all say(per their vets) that they are on the meds for life.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest BlackandBrindle

I think it differs from vet to vet as well as how severe the case of VF is.


Sadie's wasn't that bad to begin with (her only symptom a sometimes limp).


I have a friend who has a mastiff with VF and they have taken him off meds, per the vet, with no adverse reaction. They have him on Prozyme I believe and I think he's been off meds for almost a year.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

I don't have any personal experience with VF but I talked to a Greyhound friend the other day and asked her about her hound that does have VF and she said his titers were real good so they tried weaning him off the meds with testing every 3 weeks or so and the titers jumped back up when he was completely off the meds so she's keeping him on a low dose of the med with another check up in 3 weeks to see if the titers are back to their normal lows and if so then will maintain him on that low dosage for his life.


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My friends dog was able to come off her meds for a while, but started coughing again & her titers went back up....so back on the meds. Remember that the meds don't kill the fungus, they just help the body fight it better. They are now beginning to say that some humans can get relapses, so I'm assuming the same would be true for dogs.

Carol-Glendale, AZ

Trolley (Figsiza Trollyn)

Nevada 1992-2008...always in my heart

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Yes, the vet told me that dogs have relapses so I know it's not a 'treat once' kind of thing. I'm just wondering if it's better to only treat when there is a titer or symptoms. I did not know that about human relapses though.


If I don't get Sadie's meds in her exactly right I get to deal with two days of vomitting. That can't be fun for her :(...


At the very least I hope we can put her on a much reduced dosage than the one she's on now. Stupid fungus :angry:

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I have the same question. I sadly believe it is a dose forever. Shanti feels so cruddy on it I hate to do that too. :( I know your pain! By the way I think Sadie was 1:32 and dropped to 1:16. ;) I started the medicine in July you were a few weeks behind us. Does that help you any????


Can you tell I got home today? :P

The Girls

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Guest BlackandBrindle

I'm so glad you're home!!!!! I missed you.


We get the results tomorrow and I'm going to ask the vet. He keeps telling me one step at a time, but he doesn't realize that I really like to plan out a few miles at once :P

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That is the exact statement I got!!! They must teach them that in vet school for us nerotic ones. :)


Missed you too! I thought I would be on via my IPOD, but could not get the wifi to work without a passcode I did not have. It was a long exhausting week!


Let me know what they say. I will keep my fingers crossed for Miss Sadie!!!!!!

The Girls

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Mary Jo, my friend's standard poodle Lucy was diagnosed with VF about 18-24 months ago (I can't remember exactly). I believe it was a mild case, and Lucy has been off meds for the last year with no relapse, so it is possible, but of course they get her checked regularly.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Well I just spoke to the vet :(


Sadie's titer has not gone down from the last time we tested, so another three more months of Flucanozole. Also, her liver values are up, not alarmingly so, but we're going to put her on Denamarin (sp?) for her liver.


Does anyone know what that is? Roy is going to have to pick it up so I can't ask the vet personally and I want to do a little research.


I wonder if putting her on milk thistle will help? Or is that too much?

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If I don't get Sadie's meds in her exactly right I get to deal with two days of vomitting. That can't be fun for her :(...


I can relate to the vomiting......I did that twice a day when I was on those stinking VF meds!

Carol-Glendale, AZ

Trolley (Figsiza Trollyn)

Nevada 1992-2008...always in my heart

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There are several liver support supplements out there. "Liver Support Factors" is an excellent one.


I've been using sam-E for iggy Lexi with great results. I originally used Denosyl, but just switched to Vitality's sam-E with other supplements, as it's less expensive. I order these from Entirelypets.com as their prices are the best, and they ship very quickly.


The sam-E brought Lexi's liver enzymes down from astronomically high to normal, and she's now on it permanently.


Hope this helps!


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