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I'm New To Greytalk From The Texas Hill Country

Guest vickys

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Hello Greyhound Lovers!


My name is Vicky and along with my husband, are the proud parents of three greyhounds: Burt, our Big, Beautiful, Buck Tooth, Brindle Boy who is 8; Maggie Moo, the most magnificent Moogie in the Whole Wide World, she's 6; and Lucy, our Yowler-Baby Growler-Baby Softy Hippie Girl who is 5. They are the 'newest' of the greys we've adopted since 1998. First from MSGAO when we lived in Cordova, TN and now from GPA-Central Texas. Duchess (the dog that ate my parrot, stole our hearts and made it nearly impossible for me to want any other breed of dog) died at age 12 of kidney failure and Callie, 4 years old, who we only had for 3 weeks before we had to say goodbye because of bone cancer.


I tell all of mine all the time that no one, not even Death can change the fact that they're mine, mine, mine forever! (so, get used to it!)


I've been lurking on the Forums for several weeks not introducing myself mainly because I'm shy and didn't know what to post but all the while enjoying the photos and shedding a great many tears when I read about the sick ones and the Remembrances. I finally decided it was time to bite the bullet and make my intro. even if I'm a bit awkward.


So, Hello everyone! from the crispy, crunchy, dry, dry, dry Hill Country of Texas


Vicky S


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Welcome from Plano! :)

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Guest IrskasMom

Hello Vicky .... now there is nothing to be shy about with all the other Greyhound-Obsessed People. WELCOME :wave:wave:wave I/We understand your Obsession. Plus there is a lot of nice People and lots of

Information on Hand. I do all my Crying right here to .

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to your entire Family.

Edited by IrskasMom
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