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Hannah Has Gone Blind

Guest hannahmom

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I have a 90 pound blind greyhound. They adjust very well. I am a firm believer in treating them just like any other dog with a few exceptions. Those exceptions are several commands (step up, step down, stop, easy, careful, watch your head or look out, back up and a few more that are specific to your lifestyle such as stairs, etc.)

I move furniture around, I just have to show him what I've changed, and he doesn't have a problem. These are very smart dogs!

When we lived in Ohio he did a full flight of steps up and down to go potty and did them on his own. He has never had troubles eating or finding water or going potty. He even runs in the yard! He's been totally blind since he was 3 and he's 9 now. He's happy and content and pretty well adjusted! He was very shy before and is still extreamly shy, but at home if you didn't know he was blind, you probably wouldn't pick it up for a bit if you were just casually watching the dogs.

I will say that I have 2 dogs who HATE it when he's walking around and they are laying down and both have a warning bark that they give him and he knows they are there. When he's heading to a bed with someone on it and I see it I just give him the 'careful' command and he goes extra slow. He's actually only stepped on other dogs 2 or 3 times and occasionally bumps his head into a door frame or wall and I just don't make a big deal about it.

I guess the worst part for me is that he does occasionally step in poop! I keep a towel on the deck to wipe his foot off just in case. I do keep the poop picked up religiously to avoid this as much as possible.

Good luck and I know this probably isn't going to be as hard for him as it is for you. :)

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Guest FullMetalFrank

What a shock, I am sorry to hear your news. But, like others have said, I do believe it is easier for the dogs than it would be for a human. I hope Hannah adjusts quickly and that she isn't scared. I will keep her in my prayers, (you, too!)

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I guess the worst part for me is that he does occasionally step in poop! I keep a towel on the deck to wipe his foot off just in case. I do keep the poop picked up religiously to avoid this as much as possible.

Good luck and I know this probably isn't going to be as hard for him as it is for you. :)


LOL, I forgot to warn the OP about the proverbial "Poop Foot"!!! Sheila comes in with a poop foot once in a while, I usually smell it before I see it :ohno

On the other hand, I have full vision and occasionally I come in with a poop foot as well!

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I know this is easier said than done but STAY POSITIVE! :) For her sake and for yours! This is not the end of the world. This is not the end of her life as it once was. This isn't even something to be sad about! Let me explain.


You probably know my boy Julio is blind from PRA, which is just like SARDS but with a gradual onset. I know that a sudden onset is harder to get used to than a gradual onset, but if you stay positive and try not to worry about her or pity her, you can help buffer that.


Just stay positive and treat her like you've always treated her. She has to completely change the way she navigates her surroundings now. She shouldn't have to worry or stress about why your behavior is changing. You need to be consistent for her to help her adjust! :)


Blindness in dogs is really not a big deal. I'd be devastated if I lost my sight, but it is hardly a handicap for Julio (his deafness included!). I can promise you that if you stay positive and treat her just like you always have, it will help her immensely. :)


Some blind dogs learn to respond well to sound. A lot of owners of blind dogs will use words like "step" for stairs or curbs and "watch out" if they're about to run in to something. I can't use verbal commands since Julio is deaf now (never liked them much anyway) but he's very sensitive to touch. He knows that when I hold his collar behind his head that it's time to get up and follow where I guide him. He knows when to step up or down curbs by the way I tug on his leash.


It's so, so important to treat her just as you always have. I feel like I can't stress that enough. It just drives me crazy when people are devastated over their dog's new "disability" and neither the dog or the human ever really recover. It's sad to me when that happens because it's so easy to live with a blind dog and so easy for both parties to adjust.


No one has ever pitied Julio and he is a perfectly normal, healthy, happy, functioning old guy. He just can't see or hear. There is hardly a handicap. The biggest adjustment I've had to make is more due to his deafness, but I have to go find him and lead him to the back door when the dogs go outside. Otherwise, he's extremely self sufficient! :thumbs-up


Good luck to you both!!

| Rachel | Dewty, Trigger, and Charlotte | Missing Dazzle, Echo, and Julio |

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Guest Greyglo

The link you posted at the start of the thread was great in its optimism for the dog's future. Wishing you and Hannah a smooth transition. Loved the caring suggestions of using Glade and bells, and the info from the other blind dog owners. Hope that helps your Hannah. Thoughts are with you both.

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I'm am so sorry to read about Hannah. There is so much advice and experience here on GreyTalk to help you thru this. Everyone will be thinking of you and praying for a smooth adjustment for Hannah. Hugs to you as well.


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I am so sorry. :grouphug On a positive note...I think she will adjust and do very well. Hugs all the way around. :grouphug


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Guest hannahmom

She seems to be doing OK today

She climbed the stairs ( 17 of them) last night to go to bed, went down them this morning, managed potty and breakfast with no help and little fuss

We went for walkies this morning, and as long as she received some occassional verbal cues, there were no issues

She's actually roaching right now



Hannah has been my troublemaker since the day she walked in the door as a 3 time behavioural bounce, and as much as she frustrates me, I wouldn't have her any other way. I feel guilty for wishing she would just mellow out - this may force her to :(

As long as she doesn't get bored and start feeling helpless, I think she'll be OK



I'm off to the store to get some essential oils to mark corners where she needs to be careful

Thanks to you all for your advise and support

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Oh Tena, I'm so sorry to hear this, Hannah is a sweetie, and she will adapt. We sure enjoyed her the short time she visited us...Quite the personality she has...I don't think anything will hold her back from being herself :-) , Quade is blind in one eye and he adapted quite well, the vet told me that dogs will adapt better than humans, because they have their sense of smell they use more than we do. So the air freshen idea sounds like it would be helpful...my problem with Quade is I love to move furniture around so I've had to adapt to not keep the dog bed and runway to the door free of obstacles, It's worth it though...


Chin up girl, she'll be fine.



Edited by jmall
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Guest vahoundlover

I'm sorry to hear this. :grouphug The book Living with Blind Dogs is a good book. Sounds like Hannah is already adjusting well, I hope she continues to do so.


My std poodle is blind (PRA), she has adjusted well and I would bet no one outside of our circle would even know she is blind.

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Guest Mommydog

Oh I'm sorry :grouphug I'd never even heard of SARD before, but from your update she sounds as if she's coping well. Animals normally adjust to these things far better than we ever do, you'll probably find that her hearing and scenting will become acute. Gentle scritches for Hannah.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

She's going to continue to do well :grouphug and so are you :grouphug



Chin up, she's a tough girlie and she knows she's safe with you. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she continues to be your mischievous monkey.



You are both in our thoughts and prayers.

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Oh, my goodness, what a horrible thing to happen! I'm sure Hannah will be coping far better than you, they usually do!


Remember when scenting rooms and steps and barriers and danger spots for her that dogs' sense of smell in thousands of times better than ours and be careful not to overdo it. Just a tiny dab of lavender or something similar on the top step, something different on the bottom step and she'll soon learn her way round. Many owners of blind dogs don't even know their dog can't see till someone points it out to them - that's how well dogs adjust.


Good luck to you both! Bells on the other dogs is a good idea!


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Guest tricolorhounds

I'm very happy to hear that Miss Hannah Banana had a good night... A few more of those and maybe you'll be able to relax...


Tons of hugs coming your way from...


Lynnet and SabannaBanana

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Tena, what a scary thing to go through. I am glad to hear she is adjusting quite well so far. I think you will be surprised how well she will adjust and how quickly. I had a dog that suddenly lost her eyesight as well and she did very well. She did bump into the odd thing which was heart-breaking but she went on to live another few years as a happy dog. She needed direction on her walks and that got more challenging when she began to lose her hearing but she responded well to gentle touches for guiding her way around. Animals have an amazing ability to adapt so don't worry, Hannah has many happy normal years ahead of her. :)



Just to add, I was at the dog park the other day and a big German Shepherd came running up to me. His eyes were totally silver and so I asked if he could see and the owners said no. He was completely blind. And there he was...running around at the offleash park having a great time! He knew the park well and listened very well to their verbal cues and his nose. I was very impressed!!

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Guest twilliams

I am so sorry. Hugs to you both. With her amazing spirit & your love it will all work out. Give Hannah a big birthday hug from all of her fans and friends and tell her she is receiving many, many birthday wishes today!!

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