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Something Is Not Right With Spud

Guest BlackandBrindle

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Guest BlackandBrindle

This morning I could hear Spud's stomach making gurglies from across the room. He ate his breakfast (duck necks) but had to leave half way through because he had to go out to poop. He also didn't eat enthusiastically, which is what he always does.


He seems a bit unsettled, but he's laying down now.



I'm going to take his temp (any advice as it's the first time I've had to).


Roy is out of town, I have to go to work in an hour and a half, and the housekeeper is coming for the first time today :crazy



The only change in his diet has been homecooked. He's not getting the supplements that Sadie is but it could still be a food issue.


Gums are pink, he's not dehydrated. I should wait and see right?


As I type this he's going to sleep and looking fine... It's been a long time since I had to worry about Spud not feeling well- it makes me wonder if he got into something last night while I was asleep.


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Sending prayers all is just fine. Flashy yesterday had the gurgles but poops and eating were fine...he sure had a noisy tummy though! :grouphug


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Fletcher sometimes gurgles and gasses :lol It usually doesn't last more than a day (often less) and I don't worry unless it goes on longer. I just figure something triggered a minor IBD upset (the wind from the north, the angle of the sun :rolleyes: ) I hope Spudsie is better by tonight!

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I just asked about taking temps properly. Any digital or glass thermometer works. Use Vaseline or mineral oil. Insert about an inch and wait about a minute and a half. You can take it under the arm if they are laying down, but it tends not to be as accurate. Ear ones don't work well.


Hope Spud feels better soon. Has the weather changed on you?

The Girls

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Guest BlackandBrindle

It's gotten about 10 degrees cooler. I checked the backyard and poops were normal so maybe it's just a bit of gas or something.


I did leave them alone for longer than normal yesterday (just realizing this as I type) so that might have something to do with it.


He's not used to me going to work all day and then going to the gym on top of that.


Going to have to get some vaseline or mineral oil (did not end up checking him before I left because I didn't have any lubricant). He's gonna love that :rolleyes:

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Guest SoulsMom

Soul sometimes has a gurgly tum-tum. On those days he usually doesn't finish his meals. I usually don't worry about it too much, unless he shows other signs of not feeling well.

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He's probably fine. They have "off days" just like we do sometimes. I wouldn't worry about it unless it carries over for a couple days. :)

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Guest BlackandBrindle

I'm just extra sensitive right now. Spud, who raced at 75 pounds, was down to around 60 lbs after months of diarrhea the first year we had him. Even then, he ALWAYS ate whatever I put in front of him.


Dealing with Sadie's valley fever has put me in constant 'alert' mode but I do tend to freak out more when it's Spud.


Of course the last time he was off like this was when he ate five pounds of uncooked rice so I'm also worried about what he could have found to eat :rolleyes:

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Guest BlackandBrindle

No more gurglies and he ate his breakfast with no coaxing so I'm just going to assume it was a moment of "I don't feel well" and leave it at that.


On other news, we've started Sadie on a full dose of Fluconazole and so far so good :goodluck

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