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Update On Cofax And Message From Dr. Couto.....


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Here is what Dr. Couto wrote this morning (I wonder if he ever sleeps?):


Thanks, Tina; I did receive the fax. Dr. Brummer's description of the bladder lesion does fit with a tumor, but also with a number of inflammatory conditions. The urine looks inflammatory, but there were no bacteria growing, so it may be a "sterile inflammation" (ie; polypoid or pyogranulomatous cystitis). Here at OSU we would do a cystoscopy under general anesthesia and biopsy the lesions. As I mentioned before, thus far I have never seen a bladder tumor in a Greyhound (although there is always that first one…).

If Colfax has a tumor and the endoscopy shows that the rest of the bladder is clean, he would be a good candidate for surgery, given its location (most tumors are in areas where surgery is not an option). Hope this helps; please let me know how we can help



To date Cofax has no other symtoms - no pain - no strain - haven't seen anymore blood. She does have heart and anxiety problems which adds problems when having to sediate her. I'll talk to Bob and put a call into Dr. Brummer to discuss things further, but would like to get your opinions too. There goes the rest of my sanity and nerves! Thanks again for all your support.

Tina dogmom to Rocket and Angels Cofax (my girl) 5/9/01-7/1/10(OS), ReRun (my boy)(4/18/95-4/19/07 Heart tumor)) Dedicating my life as much as I could - to keeping the smile alive of my Lambie Pie - lost 12/04 to Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever.... & then there's the hubby - Bob

.... http://www.freewebs.com/3nofleas/ .

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No advice but I wanted to say that my sister's grey has what her vets are saying is a bladder tumor, too. Dr. Couto told us basically the same thing. Sonja (my sister and also moremoney here on GT) has started Rory on Piroxicam (an NSAID that has bladder tumor shrinking capabilities) to see if it shrinks whatever it is that is in her bladder. She started it last week and is supposed to repeat the ultrasound next week. If it doesn't shrink/change, I'm not sure what her next plan of action will be.

Edited by retiredracers

Elphie, Kulee, Amanda, Harmony, Alex (hound mix), Phantom, Norbet, Willis (dsh), Autumn (Siamese) & Max (OSH) & mama rat, LaLa & baby Poppy! My bridge kids: Crooke & Mouse (always in my heart), Flake, Buzz, Snake, Prince (GSD), Justin & Gentry (Siamese), Belle (Aussie/Dalmatian mix), Rupert (amstaff) and Fred, Sirius, Severus, Albus, George, Hagrid, Hermione, Minerva, Marilyn, Wren, Molly, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, Ginny, Neville, Bill, Percy, Rose & Charlie (rats)

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Guest SoulsMom

This sounds just like Archie, when he had polyps in his bladder caused by bladder stones. Initial diagnosis was cancer, (with a slight chance it could just be polyps). When they opened him up, sure enough, polyps! They removed 1/3 of his bladder, and he hasn't had a problem since.


Isn't there a way to test the urine for crystals?

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Here's some infor I found surfing.............









Not sure about a urine test for crystals.... I'll ask. We're not scheduled for a recheck until the first week of Oct. BUT - you know me........ I had waiting........... so I'll be calling the vet soon........ and now I have bluetooth for my cell phone - in case I have to talk and drive again (so I don't get another ticket! - oh don't tell Bob about the ticket - he doesn't know!)



Any suggestions for sediation along with the concerns of her heart and anxiety problems?? In case we go that direction.......... I did ask last time about doing a scope in the bladder...... he said because of her size - that might be a good way to go - she's big enough to do it safely.

Tina dogmom to Rocket and Angels Cofax (my girl) 5/9/01-7/1/10(OS), ReRun (my boy)(4/18/95-4/19/07 Heart tumor)) Dedicating my life as much as I could - to keeping the smile alive of my Lambie Pie - lost 12/04 to Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever.... & then there's the hubby - Bob

.... http://www.freewebs.com/3nofleas/ .

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T, no experience here, but you know Cofax is very special to us so all we can offer is to keep her in our prayers. And you and Bob as well of course. I know how much you love your girl, so she's in the best hands. Please give her a big hug from us


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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One thing about Greytalk........... all the pups here are really part of everyone's family. And that's a good thing...... no one has to feel like they are alone.

Tina dogmom to Rocket and Angels Cofax (my girl) 5/9/01-7/1/10(OS), ReRun (my boy)(4/18/95-4/19/07 Heart tumor)) Dedicating my life as much as I could - to keeping the smile alive of my Lambie Pie - lost 12/04 to Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever.... & then there's the hubby - Bob

.... http://www.freewebs.com/3nofleas/ .

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You can check for crystals in humans. It requires that all urine be caught and basically put through a strainer. When the crystals are caught, they get checked for what type of crystal they actually are. Treatment is based on the type of crystal.


Now, if you can figure out how to catch ALL of a dog's urine, you're better than I am.


Have you asked how bad having part of the bladder removed is in regard to difficulty and post op pain/complications? I would want to know how it compares to a spay. If it is no worse, that might help with decision making.


Hugs for you and Cofax.

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Just got a call from the vet we had before we moved to NY (in NH)....... she suggested NOT waiting a month - said that was way too long - said there's a specific test they can do to check for bladder cancer, it's either urine or blood - do that first and schedule another scan and then the scope - if it's not cancer and has grown - check with the scope to see if can be removed or if part of the bladder can be removed. Either way - she said seek a specialist out to do the surgery and reading if a biopsy is done and DON'T WAIT.


I have a call into our vet here in NY - he has seminars most of the week, so we may have to wait a little bit, but I won't wait long. At least I know I'm more right by asking around than I am by just listening to one vet and waiting a month.

Tina dogmom to Rocket and Angels Cofax (my girl) 5/9/01-7/1/10(OS), ReRun (my boy)(4/18/95-4/19/07 Heart tumor)) Dedicating my life as much as I could - to keeping the smile alive of my Lambie Pie - lost 12/04 to Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever.... & then there's the hubby - Bob

.... http://www.freewebs.com/3nofleas/ .

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A regular urinalysis will show a variety of crystal types. They can see them in the office while looking at the urine under a microscope, although most urine tests are sent out nowadays. If there are stones an xray should show them.


I heard of a dog in a Florida adoption group who had part of her bladder removed. Apparently it didn't go well or it was extraordinarily serious. The last tally I heard of was $7,000 and counting for surgery and aftercare. Archie clearly has a fine vet as well as a fine guardian angel to come out unscathed and it great condition. :angel Yay!


We may be dealing with bladder issues in our 6 month old intersexed gh pup one of these days. If we need to do corrective surgery on her, we're hoping to go to a vet school that has a urology section, probably U of TN, and hope for the best. The idea of bladder surgery scares me. :goodluck


Marcia in SC

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Guest SoulsMom

Archie's was around $3000 (total for all tests and the surgery). He DID have an excellent surgeon, this was in CT. The surgeon called me before, during, and after the surgery. I got to bring him home that night.


We had "tinkle" issues for about a year, since he lost 1/3 of his bladder. The muscles just weren't strong enough. Often times he didn't even know he was "dribbling" and would get quite embarrassed when he noticed it :blush


They also pulled three stones out of his bladder. The did not see these on the ultrasound or Xray, and they must have been hidden by the polyps. As far as I know, the vet didn't even test for crystals, as he was positive it was cancer.

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A regular urinalysis will show a variety of crystal types. They can see them in the office while looking at the urine under a microscope, although most urine tests are sent out nowadays. If there are stones an xray should show them.


I heard of a dog in a Florida adoption group who had part of her bladder removed. Apparently it didn't go well or it was extraordinarily serious. The last tally I heard of was $7,000 and counting for surgery and aftercare. Archie clearly has a fine vet as well as a fine guardian angel to come out unscathed and it great condition. :angel Yay!


We may be dealing with bladder issues in our 6 month old intersexed gh pup one of these days. If we need to do corrective surgery on her, we're hoping to go to a vet school that has a urology section, probably U of TN, and hope for the best. The idea of bladder surgery scares me. :goodluck


Marcia in SC



Keep us updated on your 6mo pup............. hope things go okay. Email me to let me know if you post in case I miss it.


I'll keep everyone here updated best I can on Cofax...... meantime....... I keep learning more and more........ thank you everyone for all your advice and sharing your experiences. It's never easy to talk about things that break our hearts.


Tina dogmom to Rocket and Angels Cofax (my girl) 5/9/01-7/1/10(OS), ReRun (my boy)(4/18/95-4/19/07 Heart tumor)) Dedicating my life as much as I could - to keeping the smile alive of my Lambie Pie - lost 12/04 to Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever.... & then there's the hubby - Bob

.... http://www.freewebs.com/3nofleas/ .

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JUST GOT THIS MESSAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!!


Hi Tina,


We received today Cofax's x-rays that we consider not diagnostic for any disease (neither polypoid inflammation or tumor).


Please keep us updated






Paulo Vilar Saavedra DVM, Ms

Greyhound Health and Wellness Program


The Ohio State University

Veterinary Teaching Hospital

601 Vernon L. Tharp Street

Columbus, OH 43210


Please help us continue our mission by donating to The Greyhound Health and Wellness Program.

Use the link below to the secure website for online giving.


Thank you for your support!

"We depend on your generosity"




Tina dogmom to Rocket and Angels Cofax (my girl) 5/9/01-7/1/10(OS), ReRun (my boy)(4/18/95-4/19/07 Heart tumor)) Dedicating my life as much as I could - to keeping the smile alive of my Lambie Pie - lost 12/04 to Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever.... & then there's the hubby - Bob

.... http://www.freewebs.com/3nofleas/ .

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I'm so glad they don't consider it a tumour! What a wonderful relief for you!



Edited because English has suddenly stopped being my first language! :lol

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That is excellent news! I am happy for you and Cofax!!!

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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We're still going to do a special urine test for bladder cancer and another scan to be sure. If they show anything - on to a scope. It's not over yet.

Tina dogmom to Rocket and Angels Cofax (my girl) 5/9/01-7/1/10(OS), ReRun (my boy)(4/18/95-4/19/07 Heart tumor)) Dedicating my life as much as I could - to keeping the smile alive of my Lambie Pie - lost 12/04 to Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever.... & then there's the hubby - Bob

.... http://www.freewebs.com/3nofleas/ .

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Just keep in mind that the urine bladder cancer specific test (been a while-think it's called VTBA) can (and frequently does) give you a false positive. I my opinion I wouldn't trust the results. By the way, the test is for diagnosing TCC (transitional cell carcinoma). I would do the scope and get true biopsies. Best of luck.

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The news from OSU sounds hopeful! Sending good thoughts and prayers for Cofax. :hope

Denise & Strider, Blake, Fields, Frank, FlippyDoo, and Momma Gail.

The Bridge Angels Zack(Ags Marble Chip) 4/25/93-2/16/06, Wanda(Rainier Rowanda) 12/14/94-06/09/06, Brooke/Boogers(Rainier Restive) 01/01/99-10/20/08, Warlock(Rainier Rammer) 4/29/99-10/01/09), Patsie(Frisky Patsy) 5/17/96-2/05/10, Hatter(Cals Madhatter) 6/3/00-3/11/10, Dodger(Rainier Ransack) 4/29/99-4/16/10, and Sparkle(Okie Sparkle) 11/8/2000-1/28/11

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Just keep in mind that the urine bladder cancer specific test (been a while-think it's called VTBA) can (and frequently does) give you a false positive. I my opinion I wouldn't trust the results. By the way, the test is for diagnosing TCC (transitional cell carcinoma). I would do the scope and get true biopsies. Best of luck.


Because of her heart and anxiety problems - we using the easiest methods we have available first - but we're not depending on the results fully - just mainly looking for any changes. If it looks worse - on to the scope. With hope and prayer - maybe the leison will be gone and we won't have to worry. Even sediating her for the scope there's a risk of putting enough stress on her that could cause problems and results we don't want to even mention aloud (to avoid tears).


Tina dogmom to Rocket and Angels Cofax (my girl) 5/9/01-7/1/10(OS), ReRun (my boy)(4/18/95-4/19/07 Heart tumor)) Dedicating my life as much as I could - to keeping the smile alive of my Lambie Pie - lost 12/04 to Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever.... & then there's the hubby - Bob

.... http://www.freewebs.com/3nofleas/ .

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