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Prayers For Lisa's Outkast

Guest BlackandBrindle

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Outkast has been hospitalized for HGE and he's approaching critical status.



They aren't sure of it's cause. Prayers and good thoughts are greatly appreciated.



Also, can anyone tell me about this diagnosis?

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Lisa, btw, is Luluaz here on Gt.


She'll know more at eleven (forty minutes from now).



She said that Doc Yokam said that 75 is critical where the dog could die and Outkast is at 71 or 72. I don't know what that means.


I believe they are holding him for 72 hours, doing more bloodwork, putting him on IV, etc...


For those of you who've experienced this, was the dog's white blood cell count higher than normal? I don't believe Kaster's wbc's are out of normal range.

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Guest VanillaBean

My iggie Poppy had it once. On a Sunday. So off to Emergency Vet. Tons of Antibiotics, IV's and I do believe some steroids and she pulled through. She does not have to eat special food now, but if I see the signs of it coming on, she gets a prednisone. Happens about 2-3 times a year.

Prayers for Angus. It is a scarey thing, but they do live through it!!


OH, don't remember about the WBC.


ETA: I was her secret santa last year, so some extra hugs going out from Sandusky!

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Guest BlackandBrindle

I just spoke to Lisa and she hasn't heard anything from Dr. Yokam which is a good thing. He told her that if she heard from him something else was going on... so no news is good news right now.

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