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Bizzarre And Freak Accident

Guest Zeushounds

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After Candi comes home, be careful of coming up on her silently on her blind side. Also she will have a problem w/ depth perception at first. When she goes out in the yard and is running, watch her when she turns towards her blind side. If she can't see something with her good eye, she won't know that something is there on her blind side and will knock her head on whatever the item might be - chair, table, statue, tree, etc. Be careful of the stairs at first.


We have a girlie that lost eyesight in one eye right before we adopted her, so I know it takes a while for them to realize they only see out of one side and to adjust for that. When they get moving fast, they forget and then wham!!


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Before I fell in love with greyhounds, my husband and I frequently trolled our local SPCA. They got to know us there, and week after week, we could never find "the right" dog. One day, they said "We've got the dog for you!!" His name was Cody, and his previous owners let their cat scratch him in the eye, and then didn't treat it. By the time they took him to the vet, they surrendered him b/c of the cost of his needed surgery. The SPCA just had to get his eye out, b/c it was so damaged. So they let us have a "preview" of him a couple days after his surgery. He was a sweet loving dog, but he did bump into things! They said he would get more controlled once he was used to having partial sight. We loved him and were going to adopt him, but he didn't get on with our first dog. :( I'm still sad that Cody couldn't be a part of our family, b/c he was a wonderful dog.


Fast forward a few years, and my parents had a cairn terrier who needed an eye removed b/c of some genetic issue they are prone to. Unless you knew about it, most people didn't even notice at first that she had one eye. She was already a bad-tempered dog, but she was VERY sensitive about her blind side. She got around the house just fine, but my parents were careful about walking past her blind-side, just b/c it would startle her. (she was old, and couldn't hear well either)


AND . . . my first dog's best friend was a one-eyed cattle dog. They played like mad, and you'd never guess she only had one eye.


So my life has been touched by quite a few one-eyed dogs, and I think you'll find that your sweet old girl is still the same, once the healing is done! What a terrible accident, but in a month you probably won't even think much of it.

"Mrs. Bass was a poor teacher, a phrase which here does not mean "a teacher who doesn't have a lot of money" but "a teacher who is obsessed with the metric system." --Lemony Snicket


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How frightening! One of my 'Tzu's lost an eye last year. He really has no issues from the loss. We did opt to have the artificial orbit placed in the socket as it does prevent their head from becoming miss-shapen. She is very pretty and will adjust quickly to the changes.


:grouphug :grouphug

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
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Guest KennelMom

No advice, but lots of healing hugs and prayers for your girl. We have a dog sighted in only one eye, but she' not had to have her blind eye removed so I'm not sure what to tell you on that front.

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Guest Sighthound

Sorry to hear about Candi and Tiggers accident. Many :grouphug and :hope being sent your way. I had a friend that had to have his sighthounds' 9whippet) eye removed. The first thing that caught him off guard was the swelling and bruising. But it went away in about a week or so. His dog is doing fine now.

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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes

:o Oh my gosh, what a scary thing to have happen.


Many thoughts for Candi to heal and recover. Also many healing thoughts to Tigger too.


Keep us posted.

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Guest Zeushounds

My Candi Girl is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:offwall:yay

I just got her cleaned up a bit, fed and settled in to rest with some reiki. The doctor said she did great today. She did have a bloody nose when we picked her up, but we were told that would take a day or two to go away. Not to get into any gory details, but after looking at what we were told was the third eyelid for the last two days she looks great. I guess I thought the only stitches would be closing the eye. It looks like she has two sets. One is closing the eye and the other appears to go from the far corner of the eye all the way across her nose. I guess because of the extent of the injury they opened the nasal cavity to clean it up. The fractures are cleaned up and left to heal on their own, which will make me more paranoid of her bumping into things. Given that I do not see a whole lot of swelling, I am wondering if that means her face will be real sunk on that side once it heals? So many questions and so much unknown.

I am just so, so happy that she is here with us! :confetti:bighug

Not to insult anyone, but my girl has always had "blonde moments" where she would bump into things anyway. If the boys are barking at something, she would be facing the other way and bark! Or when she wants to come in she stands at the door, faces the other direction and barks! Princess's can do that though!

When she came home tonight the boys gave her the "are you okay" sniff-over and have been giving her her space. I think Tigger does not know what to make of her with that e-collar on. He did try to start a roo with her from down the hall. He was too far away to hear her soft response. He could always get her going in a good roo session!

As Tiggers do, he has "bounced" :bounce1 back from his dog bite as well as his incident with Candi. I am still keeping a close eye on his sore leg and keeping the scratches/gash clean.

I cannot tell you all how grateful I am for all the great information and wonderful support. Please keep those thoughts and prayers coming for my Princess. I am hoping we are through the toughest part. At least physically anyway. The trauma on the emotional side is a whole other story.

I did not even think of the whole startling her on the blind side. I keep thinking it would be similar to when I had to wear a patch over one eye. Obviously that was short-term, but required a lot more movement to see things.

We also could not have gotten through this without such a wonderful vet. She has been on the phone with us and both the incompetent(I will deal with them tomorrow :kickbutt ) and the competent doctor caring for Candi this entire weekend. I have not gotten much sleep and need to try to do that now.

Thanks again for everyones support and I will keep you posted on Candi's recovery.


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Guest VelvetEars

Glad to hear she's back home. I think it's more nerve-wracking for them to be away when something's wrong - at least when they're home you have a sense of how they're doing, and can love on them. :)

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Guest Vinnie

I am so sorry that your sweet girl has lost an eye. We "puppy" sit for a few of our friends who have greys and/or whippets and one of our regular slumber party guests, Tigger, lost an eye due to a disease a few years back now - he does remarkably well with one eye (though he is 14 1/2 now so the eyesight is going and that does create some other issues - though nothing that can't be overcome). There are a couple of things that we make sure of when he is over - never come up on his "blind" side, call his name and make sure you have his attention when going to give or take something from him, and we put his bed in an area where he can see people or other fuzzy friends coming. We also do some exercises with his good eye to make sure he is still tracking with it - as when he loses his "good" eye completely, things will change again. He does not like things coming at him fast and to protect himself he can be a bit space aggressive. If he is attentive and knows that someone or something is coming towards him, he is much better. The other thing we do is make sure that he gets good reinforcement too - handsome boy, beautiful, etc and lots of love - he reacts well to the positive and we think it helps him. We hope that her transition back into your home goes smoothly and that things get better for you, it sounds like you had a rough week. Hugs to you and scritches to your beautiful girl.

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Guest GiJenn51

Brenda that's great she's home!!! Give her a smooch for me! Like you ever wondered that Tigger would bounce back??? :lol


Hugs to you guys!

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Guest Zeushounds

Quick update - We had a good night!

Candi seems to be having more difficulty with the e-collar than losing an eye. Getting her to let me ice that area has been unsuccessful. I am trying to move things around here as much as possible to accommodate her. I am thinking of maybe trying to shorten the e-collar or finagle something with it. She mainly needs it for protecting the facial stitches, not the typical licking of an injury issue. Something more narrow would work much better. Any ideas? I did see a soft e-collar in a magazine I am considering getting. I need to see how much she does or does not bump into things beforehand.

Thanks again everyone!

Gotta go get our walk in before it gets too hot.

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Is it a clear e-collar? If not, try one of those -- much easier for dog to negotiate.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest Zeushounds
Brenda that's great she's home!!! Give her a smooch for me! Like you ever wondered that Tigger would bounce back??? :lol


Hugs to you guys!


Candi is so much more relaxed-not to say Bob and I are not also!! She would not walk in the hospital and yet refused to let me take her out of the car when we got home-she jumped out on her own! She thanks you for the smooch!


Tigger is such a drama boy when something happens and two minutes later he is off running and playing again! The hard part is you really can't tell the extent of the injury, if any. But when he is down you know something is very wrong.


Anyway, next time you are up this way we will have to take you to this place for a walk. It's so peaceful and has plenty of water spots for the pups to cool off and play. So far the other dog owners have been so nice and more importantly responsible.


Sending hugs and kisses back to yours!

There is a whole lot of hugs and kisses going on here for everone! My Rudi is sitting back(between hiding from the thunder and fireworks that is) trying to figure out just what is going on in this house. We are so happy to be together again!


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Guest Winterwish

Sending good thoughts for Candi's healing and adjusting going smoothly. Very glad she's back home with you already,poor girl! Get well soon Candi! :dogcookie:dogcookie

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Guest RooRoo

I'm so sorry to hear about poor Candi. Rizzo has been wearing the Comfy Cone from from PJ's Paws and Claws. It is very pliable, soft and can be cleaned with a damp cloth. (it's a nylon covering). There are strips of velcro that stick together once you adjust it on their neck and it stays on securely. It's been on and off Rizzo dozens of times and it seems to be well made.


I originally ordered the wrong size (a medium was TOO short) and their customer service was very prompt and nice about making a quick exchange. I received it within 3 days of ordering. I believe I paid $25 (with S+H). Worth every penny, especially if you saw the one from the vets :blink:


This is size Large: Candi's nose will probably stick out like Rizzo's allowing her to eat, drink and be as comfortable as possible; yet not paw at the stitches on her face. Rizzo slept in all positions - including roaching with it on for a couple of weeks.



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Guest Zeushounds

Thanks Maria. That is exactly the one I was considering. I was reading the description and could not figure out how nylon would be sturdy enough. It's good to know someone that has used it first hand. I will have to order one. I have tried the blow-up one in the past. Much more comfortable, but definitely not made for the long nose of a greyhound. I did manage to get a shorter e-collar from PETCO today. Unfortunately they did not have red for Candi's Red Hat Club, but she was okay with Princess Pink!

Is Rizzo okay?

I thought about posting pictures, but thought they may be too graphic. I am not even sure I want a memory like that once this nightmare is over.

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