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Guest JasnJack

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Guest JasnJack

I've been reading about dry skin on greyhounds quite a bit on GT. Before adopting our hounds, we had great danes. I always used Murphy's Oil Soap to bathe them. It's low lathering, rinses off easily and doesn't strip the natural oils from their skin. I'm ready to give my two a good cleaning and wondered if there would be a problem using this on greyhounds, with their very thin skin. Has anyone used Murphy's on their grey?

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Guest lionessgrace

I have not used Murphy's Oil Soap. I actually just use those moist dog-bathing towelettes to wipe her down maybe once every other week. Even though she doesn't really get wet she'll shake just like she did after I'm done.

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I don't think using Murphy's soap on the greyhounds is a good idea. I second the last post about the dog-bath wet wipes. I do the same. When they get a bath, it is on a hot summer day, outside with doggy shampoo - gentle. It smells really good and the hounds get a nice cool down.

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I wouldn't use Murphy's. I think the waxes and wood conditoners would be bad for a grey to ingest if they lick it off. Plus I would bet the PH is wrong for dog's skin.



We use and carry Bobbi Panter's line of shampoos, because they are very concentrated and rinse very clean.

I will also use an empty catsup bottle or similar type (actually a hairdresser's color bottle) and put shampoo in the bottom and add water, then squirt all over and lather. That way there isn't a blob spot on the skin that is hard to rinse out.


Bobbi Panter Shampoo

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Guest boondog
Our derm vet recommends a plain oatmeal based dog shampoo.


That's what I've always used on the pups and I've never had any problems.

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Guest greytkidsmom
Our derm vet recommends a plain oatmeal based dog shampoo.


That's what I've always used on the pups and I've never had any problems.


ditto that


EarthBath makes a nice aloe and oatmeal shampoo.

DermPet also makes one that they say is compatible with Frontline.


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Murphy's Oil??? Must admit never heard that one. DH & I have a cleaning business, and we use it on floors and cabinets! :lol

I also do the adding dog shampoo to a squirt bottle and filling up with water. We use mild shampoo, also oatmeal shampoo. We like to wash Opie outside on a hot day in his pool. (water hose run from in the house, so we use warm water on him) In the winter, if he needs a bath, DH puts him in the tub.

Mom to Toley (Astascocita Toley) DOB 1/12/09, and Bridge Angel Opie (Wine Sips Away) 3/14/03-12/29/12

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Oh man! I had horses for many years, and Murphy's is the soap of choice FOR RIDING TACK. I've never heard of anyone using it on an animal! Interesting!


I use wonderful Nova Pearls shampoo. Remember, a greyhound doesn't need frequent bathing!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest becca97

for Rhias dry skin we used what i use for my collie who also has sensative skin, a mild aloe vera shampoo we dilute in a plastic measuring jug in the summer for any dog we bath (thw two girls mentioned Rhia the grey and Jess the collie need more regular treatments as they have sensative and dry skin, ) we do it on a hot day outside, in the winter we make sure the house is warm and hari dryer is at the ready, with warm fluffy towels on hand to wrapp dog in once that first shake is over (obviously havn't tried this on Rhia yet as she's new)


And for any impromtu ' dog has been for walk and romped through the mud' i have a mild baby shampoo for a quick warm cloth rub/clean much like a normal post walk rub but with a small amount of mild soap to help clean any mud/dirt off.


i guess whatever one uses the emphasis is on mild :)



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Guest JasnJack

Thanks so much for all your great tips. I hadn't thought about wipes - what a great idea for quick clean-ups. I'm going to check out your suggestions of shampoos. What a great resource you all are!!! :nod


edited for spelling :rolleyes:

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Guest Kitty_cat

I use the Vet Solutions shampoo and the leave-on conditioner. I'm very pleased with it. Smells good too. Can get it at vet clinics and on line as well I believe.


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I use wonderful Nova Pearls shampoo. Remember, a greyhound doesn't need frequent bathing!


I do, too. I love the lanoline and it makes Gidge's black fur shine. It's a bugger to rinse off, though.

Mary in Houston

Everyone has a photographic memory, but not everyone has film.


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Guest Javagirl

We use the generic oatmeal dog shampoo for sensitive skin. I bath my dog more frequently than most grey-owners and he never has any dry skin except for the same flakies under his front 2 legs but he's always had that. And of course, I give him the fish oil 2x per day.


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Guest PiagetsMom

Zodiac Flea & Tick Shampoo was on one of the adoption lists of recommendations, and that's what I've always used. I'd say we only bathe maybe once every 3 or 4 months here, as Piaget isn't really much of an outside dog, so she's never really dirty.

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