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Hi From Washington

Guest tbeemer

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Guest tbeemer

Hello to everyone on GreyTalk. My name is Tom and I live in DuPont, Washington. My wife and I are currently waiting on our home visit and are anticipating welcoming in our new grey by the end of July or beginning of August (most likely from the Mile High shutdown group). We're first timers, so I'm looking forward to picking everyone's brains for info to make sure we provide as close to the perfect home as possible. :colgate We've been wanting to adopt a grey for at least 5 years now, but life has presented numerous roadblocks in that time. Now we're settled enough to be able to devote the time necessary to our new family member, and are awaiting the day with an equal mix of excitement and fear. We've read all the books and watched a lot of the videos, so I feel like we're as prepared as we're going to be without actually having the grey in the house. Of course, as I'm sure you'll all attest to, knowing and experiencing are two completely different things! :colgate



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:welcome2 Greetings from Staten Island, NY. this site tends to get a bit addictive :lol:wubsite Can't wait to see pics of your new grey baby.



Mimi- mom to Burdette (KB's Burdette), Sophie (LL's Stupid Is) and bridge babies Kelsey (Kelso's Logo), Sterling (Cold B Tiger), Fritz, Tasha, Chloe and Molly

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Hi from northwest Washington! :D


There is SO much info on GT!! Just jump in and start reading and asking questions. Now I have to go look and see where your town is!



My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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:welcome Greetings from Gainesville, Florida!

How exciting for you!! You're going to love having a greyhound; they are just awesome. We adopted our first GH in December and it's one of the best things we've ever done. You've come to the right place for any questions or concerns or just to share funny pictures and stories!!



Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest tbeemer

Thanks to everyone. Like I said, this one's been brewing for quite a while so you can imagine we're pretty excited to be this close now. I'm looking forward to interacting with everyone.


For Xan: We're in south Pierce County, right off of I-5 next to Ft. Lewis.



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Welcome from and Sunny and Toasty (111F) Phoenix AZ. You found the Holy Grail of Greyhound info. Ask anything and everything. Someone is sure to have had the same issues you may encounter.


Greg and the Girls

Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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Guest zoolaine

Hi Tom! We are in Yakima, WA. I just got my first greyhound a few days ago. I too wanted to adopt a greyhound for awhile now. I originally wanted a senior male but ended up with a female puppy! Good luck with finding your new family member

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Guest tbeemer
A friendly Hello from Germany. Wish you a lot of luck with your new family member .


Wow, a really diverse group, eh? :P Guten Tag to you as well. The wife and I should be over in the Munich area next year (our first ever visit to Europe). It would be neat to visit a German meet and greet! :colgate Rooing with an accent? :lol



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Guest Vinnie

Welcome neighbor - we're not too far away - Wilsonville, Oregon. We are owned by two and a half greyhounds - a half, you say - our houndies Uncle shares the office with us and he definitely thinks I belong to him :lol You will never regret your decision and will look back and wonder how you ever lived without a grey before. They are just as addicting as this site. Can't wait to hear and see your new family member. Congrats!

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Guest dmona

Tom, welcome from South Carolina. I have never met a greyhound I didn't like. We have three of our own and one foster right now. We failed fostering as our third one was a foster.

This site is both entertaining and educational.



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Guest weycoolgrey

Welcome to GT from Boston! Good luck to you and your family with the adoption of your first grey! I'm sure you've discovered by now that not only is this site very addictive, but so are greyhounds! They're like potato chips you know.... :lol:



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Guest sweetpea


My folks live in Steilacoom! (You might be the only other person on this board who knows where that is! :lol)


Ok, so when you get your hound and you're both all settled in and everybody's feeling calm and secure,

(so, not the first day or week or maybe even month) be sure sure sure to go

to the dog park at Waughop lake (I think they call it Fort Steilacoom Park maybe).


Plus also on Sunday mornings at 9 am they have a greyhound playgroup in the smaller section of the park,

so you can meet other greyhound folks and get your dog all tired out at the same time!


Good luck!



and the lovely and talented Sweetpea

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Welcome from Oregon! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures with your new greyhound. You must keep us posted! GT is a great group of people; with members from all over the place. It can be quite an addicting past time and also a great resource for information and inspiration.

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