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Super Dry Skin

Guest tuxandtails

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Guest tuxandtails

i know that the flakes show up more cause tails is black, but he has really dry skin. there are a lot of flakes on him all the time. it is making him itchey, and he has obsessively scratched the fur off of one area. i need suggestions for how to help moisten his skin? ive been giving him olive oil since i got him but it is having no effect. i was going to try fish oil next, is this the best idea? is there any like doggy lotion i could get him. i know it is uncomfortable for him and I would like to resolve this issue asap. thank you!

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Work from the inside out.


Sadie is black too and her coat is beautiful. We use Grizzly Salmon Oil.


We get ours from Sue at http://www.crazyforcollars.com and Lori from Http://www.adogsdreamtreats.com


Both are Gters and really good people who support rescue groups and pet adoption. :)




What I mean by 'work from the inside out' is that it's better to adjust diet and nutrition than to just treat the topical aspect of flakey skin. :)

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Guest ArtysPeople

Inside-out is a good plan, but sometimes I think some dogs just need a little help from the outside, too. Arty gets very dry patches right behind his front legs where the hair is somewhat sparse, even though the rest of his coat is lovely. I've been really happy with this product, which contains oatmeal and moisturizers. It's kind of like a leave-in conditioner for skin and coat. Spray on and massage in.


Also, you might want to take Tails by the vet, if you haven't already, just to make sure there's nothing more serious going on with his skin.

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Wayne, my black male had it really really bad. My vet told me about EicosaDerm which is formulated by a vet. The difference is unreal. The vet who makes the product actually goes to Norway to get his fish oil.It's expensive if purchased at the vet's office, but there are places to buy it online for less than 1/2 the price at the vet. This product is amazing


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We've done extremely well with Hair of the Dog. It's loaded with Omega fatty acids, which help condition the skin, and grow hair.


You can also try a moiturizing spray for topical application. It'll help prevent itching associated woth dry skin. I have used one by Vet's Best and Miracle Coat, both available at big box stores. But I really like Quicker Slicker by Nature's Specialties. It's tough to find, but works amazingly well!! I even use it on my own hair!!

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Guest ShelbyzMom

Shelby was SUPER itchy a few weeks ago. I ordered some grizzly salmon oil from A Dog's Dream for her, I can tell the difference already!

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We use borage oil, a flax, fish and borage oil cap. combo and Vit. E, 400 IU once a day. I get everything at the evil empire and my dogs have beautiful shiny coats.

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My guy is black and you can definitely see the dander. He's shedding really bad right now so when I brush him, it kicks it up and light grey snowstorm all over the yard something fierce. Just one thought though... I have a friend who had a grey that would scratch himself bald in spots. She took him in for a check-up and it was his thyroid. My guy is on thyroid meds. It may be nothing, but I'd definitely have your vet check him too, as well as trying some of the suggestions made by some of the folks here. Good luck!

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Guest gr8hound47

My black grey is the same way. Has the dry flakey skin, has gotten much better since he was started on salmon oil. We use the wild salmon, and I think it is the Norwegian type. I have heard the Grizzly is good also.

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Guest tuxandtails

ya i had heard about the grizzley salmon oil before, i think i wanna give that a shot. when i picked up our foster, our adoption rep head said she thought the bald spot was due to the super dry skin, so i think ill try to treat it first, then if nothing has changed, ill take him to the vet to be sure. she also recomended fish oils, first. so i feel this will be the best game plan, plus fish oils are great for their health anyway right?


thanks to everyone!



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Guest IGmom4now
Inside-out is a good plan, but sometimes I think some dogs just need a little help from the outside, too. Arty gets very dry patches right behind his front legs where the hair is somewhat sparse, even though the rest of his coat is lovely. I've been really happy with this product, which contains oatmeal and moisturizers. It's kind of like a leave-in conditioner for skin and coat. Spray on and massage in.


Also, you might want to take Tails by the vet, if you haven't already, just to make sure there's nothing more serious going on with his skin.



Sometimes you do have to treat externally, as well as internally. My Presto had some bad spots of dermatitis when he came home. I was doing the whole dietary bit, Grizzly Oil, even benadryl at one point to make him stop scratching -- what turned it around for him ( plus the fish oil, olive oil, brushing, etc.) was a product called Kenic Oatmeal Pet Spray. We got it at a local pet store. Two apps and everything healed up, never to return. :-)

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I am interested in this thread because recently I have become increasingly concerned about Merlin's back thighs. He got a lot of hair back when we switched to Grizzly Salmon Oil, but in the last four weeks or so, the backs of his thighs have developed nasty bald patches. My DH is convinced it's a nervous tick, which makes Merlin bite himself there all the time (he is an anxious dog)... I'm not so sure. We have moved to a new place in the last three weeks, and it's been a drastic change for Merlin, I am wondering if the stress of the move could be affecting him...?


I guess I'll try one of the above suggestions. :unsure


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest tuxandtails
Inside-out is a good plan, but sometimes I think some dogs just need a little help from the outside, too. Arty gets very dry patches right behind his front legs where the hair is somewhat sparse, even though the rest of his coat is lovely. I've been really happy with this product, which contains oatmeal and moisturizers. It's kind of like a leave-in conditioner for skin and coat. Spray on and massage in.


Also, you might want to take Tails by the vet, if you haven't already, just to make sure there's nothing more serious going on with his skin.



Sometimes you do have to treat externally, as well as internally. My Presto had some bad spots of dermatitis when he came home. I was doing the whole dietary bit, Grizzly Oil, even benadryl at one point to make him stop scratching -- what turned it around for him ( plus the fish oil, olive oil, brushing, etc.) was a product called Kenic Oatmeal Pet Spray. We got it at a local pet store. Two apps and everything healed up, never to return. :-)


i heard benadryl from a lady at the dog park today. how much do i give them, and which one?

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Gidge gets fish oil or flax oil capsules every day. We also add a little fish to her morning meal - sardines or salmon or jack mackerel (stinks) or tuna. PetCo sells a shampoo called NovaPearls. It is wonderful. It has lanolin in it and is for very dry skin.

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Guest snakes

i tried the fish oil with little relief, eggs helped a little. I used Vet's best (Natural Care) that i got at Petco an it works really well, you do have to apply it every few days though.

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Guest gennygrey

I am not sure what kind of dog food you are feeding your grey, but there are a lot of natural dog foods with quality ingredients which are rich in essential oils for your dogs coat. I am not here to promote one brand over the other, but when I had my dog on commercial brands, he had dry skin and allergies. I switched his dog food to a natural brand with human grade ingredients and it solved his dry skin and allergies.

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