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Hi New to Greytalk,

My 4 year old Sophie, went in for stitches in her paw last thursday, and died while under the anesthetic. She had had it before to be spayed. My other Grey Cleo was in the week before a tooth extraction and had the same amount and was fine. I am so scared, does any one have any info on this? My vet is an experience Grey vet and is devastated also. :(

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Guest lotsagreys4me

What reason did your vet give for her passing away? Were there other complications or just that she couldn't take the anesthetic. I am wondering if she had something going on that he wasn' aware of. What a shame, I am so sorry for your loss.

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What reason did your vet give for her passing away? Were there other complications or just that she couldn't take the anesthetic. I am wondering if she had something going on that he wasn' aware of. What a shame, I am so sorry for your loss.

He said the only possibility was an underlying heart condition. He also said she just couldnt take it, she was only given a small amount just to get through the stitches and she would be awake in less than 20 minutes??????? My worst nightmare getting that call, I had just left her 30 minutes before the call. My heart is broken.

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I'm so sorry! This is a scary possibility, and anesthesia isn't to be taken lightly, but it sounds like your vet was on top of it. It's just happens sometimes. Painful times. Sad times.

:bighug :bighug :bighug


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest GreytGoolyGee

I'm so sorry for your loss. No matter what the explaination is, it does not bring your baby back home to you. I recently lost my first Grey the same way having her dental done. You're right about the phone call too. Again, I'm so sorry and grieve with you.

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Guest lotsagreys4me

I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I'm sure your vet did all the right things, unfortunately these things can happen. I will be thinking of you

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I'm so sorry for your loss. No matter what the explaination is, it does not bring your baby back home to you. I recently lost my first Grey the same way having her dental done. You're right about the phone call too. Again, I'm so sorry and grieve with you.


Hugs to you, I had to get myself a foster to fill that huge hole in my house, it really does help me to help another grey. If that is all my Sophie could but open up a home to another, I will do it.



Sending my sympathy :cry1


Did you do a necropsy?


I dont think so, What is it?

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No I didnt, I had the option but the outcome would still have been the same, she is gone, and I didnt want to mame her little body. Plus I was told unless you are present, you may not get the truth anyway, if it did turn out to be the vets fault. He gave me the reports and I gave it to my Grey Assoc. and they agreed it was not too much anesthetic at all. Thank you for you reply.

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Guest charmsmom

I am so very sorry you lost your grey so suddenly. :grouphug :grouphug


When a 2 y/o died under our kennel vet's hands, 2 weeks after another 2 y/o passed, the director gave the vet permission to open the dog up. Her heart was FIVE times the size of a normal greyhound heart. Unfortunate as it is, sometimes it happens.


What I'm curious about is why the vet felt it necessary to put her out for stitches. I would think a muzzle and local would be enough for most greys.

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Guest LynnM

I'm so sorry. The little guy I'm dog-sitting before gave us a scare a couple of years ago.... he'd been under anesthesia MANY times in the course of fixing his leg. On either surgery 5 or 6, he didn't do well with the anesthesia. Fortunately, he came around, but it was scary. For his last fix before he was good to go, we used induction drugs only and worked VERY quickly. We weren't going to take a chance again, though who knows if it was an isolated incident or not?!? It can be a total fluke.... though that's no real explanation. Knock wood, he has great teeth and will stand for most procedures.



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Did she have bloodwork done prior to the anesthesia? If not, it's something to consider the next time you have a dog to be put under. It'll help detenct heart, liver, and kidney issues, before they become a problem under anesthetic. I'm not saying that was the problem here, but it may have been a contributor.


I'm so sorry to hear this! :(

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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