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Strange Bald Spot On Neck

Guest tuxandtails

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Guest tuxandtails

We noticed this small bald spot on tails neck yesterday. he seems to have scratched it a little bit so it is red. trying to figure out if this is something major that he may need to go to the vet for, or nothing. he hasnt scratched it today, so thats good, and it dosent seem to hurt him when i touch it, but its weird because i definitely didnt notice it before. ok, thank you for your time!


here are a couple of pics of it:





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Guest greyladydown

Looks like the hair has worn away from rubbing up against a collar. How long have you had him?

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Guest tuxandtails
Looks like the hair has worn away from rubbing up against a collar. How long have you had him?


about a week. seems weird just that one spot would be all red and bald. seems a little puffy swollen now too..

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Guest boondog
Looks like the hair has worn away from rubbing up against a collar. How long have you had him?



That's what I thought, too. It should improve if you keep his collar from rubbing it. Of course, if it doesn't I'd have the vet check it out.


My Crystal can't wear the nylon web collars (like Premier) because they irritate her neck. She has to wear collars with soft lining. This may be an excuse for you to do some collar shopping. :P

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Guest ishapespace



I'm with collar rub as well. Berry White has had a similar issue before. I would reccomend getting a plain old buckle collar from petsmart or wherever for wearing around the house. What we do is they wear plain collars inside at home and only martingales when we leave the house. I also have their tags on a small carabiner clip (like they use for climbing) and I move them when we change collars. This way, no tigher martingale all the time, but they still have a collar on. We used to keep the "tag" buckle collars on all the time and then add the martingale, but the tags on clips works better.


See below. Here is Dax with BOTH collars on. Notice how loose and low the other collar is. It helps with the rubbing you often see with a martingale.



I also noticed he pulled some when you guys had him out on Saturday, so I definately think the collar is the most likely culprit. Good luck! And don't hesitate to call if you ever have more extensive questions :D

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Guest tuxandtails

ok ok, i was just freaking out then, im an overprotective daddy lol. i am going to have his collar off for the day or so to let the irritation go down, then i will puta buckle collar on for the house and martingale for walks only!


thank you to everyone for your advice!

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Guest Tigonie

Congratulations on your new pup! Yeah, I agree, for a few days I'd keep the collar off when you're indoors. If it doesn't seem to get better or if it gets worse, I'd check with the vet.


Assuming it is the collar, you might want to look at a martingale with a softer lining. One place to look is the Pet Merchandise section on this board.

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Oh, yeah...collar rub. Wendy has a bald spot in that same spot from the collar she wore at the Rescue. After two month's being home it's no longer irritated and it looks like little, teeny hairs are growing back. :yay


Check out the tag collars from Carpe Canem, http://www.carpecanem.com/store/index.php/cat_6. They are super soft leather, attractive and affordable. They are strong enough to be used to lightly restrain, as well.

Irene ~ Owned and Operated by Jenny (Jenny Rocks ~ 11/24/17) ~ JRo, Jenny from the Track

Lola (AMF Won't Forget ~ 04/29/15 -07/22/19) - My girl. I'll always love you.

Wendy (Lost Footing ~ 12/11/05 - 08/18/17) ~ Forever in our hearts. "I am yours, you are mine".

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I adopted Ellie B. a couple of weeks ago right out of the kennel. She was there a little over a month and was only wearing the plastic collars used in the kennel. And she had a pretty rarw red area on her neck. It's only been a couple of weeks but the scabbing from her scratching is almost gone. Just a few spots left. I have just washed it in warm soapy water, dried it and put some anti-biotic cream on it. She still scratches some, but no where near as much.


Now if I could just cure her shoe fetish I'm good to go.. :lol

Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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Many greyhounds have a bald spot there!


George has worn every kind of collar to see what works best--the Lupine collar that my adoption group supplied me with was the worst, followed by a shearling lined collar, then faux fur. The only kind that doesn't seem to make him bald is either leather or the kind lined with the satiny stuff (which I hear is actually the worst material for some dogs!).




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest tuxandtails

oh boy im glad to hear this isnt the serious problem i thought it was. i washed it off with a little warm soapy water and am keeping the collar off him for now. ordered a couple new ones now too, hopefully one will cut down on his irritation :hope


thanks again to everyone!

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Frank had a similar spot when I got him, years ago! His turned out to be from the aluminum rabies tag he was wearing. I removed it and I just keep his rabies tags with his records now. I guess he was sensitive to the aluminum, the hair grew back without further incident.

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