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Tipper, Another Episode, Different This Time

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Well, test results are in. Tipper's kidneys appear to be fine. :yay: So based on the last three years of bloodwork with fluctuating low albumin levels and other imbalances, doc suspects an intestinal mal-absorption issue. The diagnostic confirmation would be intestinal biopsies, but since Tip has no overt symptoms, doc felt that would be more aggressive than warranted. He suggested I could try a novel protein diet, and recheck Tip's albumin levels every 3-4 months. And in the meantime keep a close eye on Tip for signs of pitting edema. I will plan to schedule his dental for the next albumin recheck in August or so. I still find it odd that an intestinal mal-absorption issue would not manifest as diarrhea. Tip's stools have been normal all along. :dunno


Thanks again everyone, for caring about my booboo, my nearly perfect boy. :wub:

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Oh I'm so glad he's okay! He's such a sweet boy, at least he was when he was here. :wub:

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Oh I'm so glad he's okay! He's such a sweet boy, at least he was when he was here. :wub:


He's like that all the time. :wub: Unless you're a boxer or pitbull, or an evil swimming dog. GRRRR! :rolleyes:

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest larock

This sounds like "Senior Vestibular Syndrome"


Our Walter has been going through this and has had two episodes in the last 6 weeks. The E-Vet said it's like an inner ear/vertigo thing and it does not do permanant damage like a stroke would. He also said these episodes can last 1/2 of an hour to two weeks and is quite common in older animals. Sometimes they have to dispense meds to settle the tummy or clear and ear infection, is that is the cause.


ADDED: I just read that Tipper is OK but felt I should add that Walter has an intestinal disorder with low Albumin levels, as well. Diagnosed in February, we only started his Prednisone last week because we were waiting for his surgery site to heal (healing took 3 months). His last episode was about a week ago but I will definatly keep your information in mind the next time I re-visit this with our vet.


Glad Tipper is OK.

Edited by larock
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  • 2 months later...

Tipper had another strange "mini-episode" last night. It lasted about 15 seconds. I'm glad hubby was home to see it so I know I didn't imagine it. Tip had been napping in his bed when he suddenly stood up with his head sort of tilting upward. He started pacing urgently, head still up, while his eyes sort of rolled down so the whites were visible at the top. I called to him and he came to me, but his eyes were still rolled down and he wouldn't look at me. I had a sammich in my hand and tried waving it in front of him, knowing that would get a response. He didn't respond. I waved it right by his nose, but he acted like he couldn't smell or see it. He was not panting or trembling or wobbling, just sort of acting like he couldn't see. He managed to pace back and forth a couple times without bumping into anything though. Then it just ended. He was totally fine like it never happened.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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I should add: This is the third odd episode I've witnessed in the space of a few months. Each one has manifested differently.


The first was a few months ago. He suddenly acted like he had a bad leg cramp or something. He started hobbling in tight circles in the kitchen, high-stepping with one front leg. This lasted maybe 10-20 seconds. Then he seemed completely fine.


The second was the one I described at the start of this thread: He started tilting his head and wobbled on his feet like he couldn't find his balance.


Then last night... described above.


Maybe they're unrelated, maybe not... We have a vet appt for this afternoon for follow-up bloodwork.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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We're back. The upshot is, things are not perfect, but could certainly be worse.


We will address Tip's digestive issues (protein-losing enteropathy, very likely) with some diet changes, If that doesn't help, we will look into some meds (low-dose prednisone perhaps, but I'm not ready to go there yet). He has lost over five pounds. :(


I am to track and take notes on Tip's "episodes." My vet thinks they are currently very mild seizures, so mild and far between that he would not suggest anti-seizure meds at this point. If the episodes escalate, then we will reconsider.


Oh, and his bloodwork is all good, better than it was in May! :colgate

Edited by ZoomDoggy

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Overall Aimee-I would say that was an excellent update and I can breathe now because I've been holding my breathe for your appointment all day!

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Thanks Mel. :) I feel very relieved, myself. I mean, there's still definitely something wrong happening, some occasional short-circuit in my boy's brain, but it's not at a point where I need to panic/despair... yet. :lol

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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:clap for the bloodwork....


Hopefully the severity and closeness of them stay like they are!!! I would say Congrats to you and Tipper!!

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Poor monster :( tell him to quit scaring his mommy like that and hope he feels better.

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  • 2 months later...

Tip had another incident just now. Very mild this time. I'm documenting it here in case I lose my written records in the paper chaos pile at home right now. Tip was napping next to my desk. I stood up and he awakened, and craned his neck stiffly toward me. His head tilted to his left, his eyes were sort of "sucked in" looking, and rolled down, with the third eyelids extended. His head swiveled back and forth and his eyes didn't track with my hands waving in front of him. This lasted about a minute, then he returned to normal.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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When I last spoke to my vet, he agreed that all these episodes I described in this thread sound like mild seizures. His advice was to document, and if they escalate in effect or frequency, then we would consider action. This is the first one I've seen since July 29.


I'm trying to not panic...


I would not consider this an escalation yet.

Edited by ZoomDoggy

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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When I last spoke to my vet, he agreed that all these episodes I described in this thread sound like mild seizures. His advice was to document, and if they escalate in effect or frequency, then we would consider action. This is the first one I've seen since July 29.


I'm trying to not panic...


I would not consider this an escalation yet.



You're absolutely right. Most vets won't treat seizures unless they are having at least 2 or more a month so don't panic. If this is the first one since July 29 then you're doing really good. A big hug to both you and Tipper. I know you can't help but worry.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Thank you Judy. You're right, I can't help but worry. My main concern is-- how many episodes might he have had while we're at work, or at night, or just maybe when we're not paying attention? Have I missed any?


I do think it's still very mild, and far enough between to not panic, as you said. But, since you have seizure-hound experience, what do you do if/when a more violent episode occurs?

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest EmilyAnne

If he is able to recver from the seizure quickly, then I don't think the seizures are damaging enough to medicate. My last epi-dog, his seizures were very much like what you described in how Tipper craned his neck stiffly and swiveled his had back and forth. He was never medicated and lived for 11 years with those seizures. You Tube has a video of another dog having this sort of seizure. I'll see if I can find it for you.

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