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Guest dolfan

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Guest dolfan

Well don't know where to start, but here goes, We adopted our first Grey late March her name is Beauty/QuillsCross, she was retired from Racing because of a Broken Hock, that the owner had repaired, then she was put out for adoption where we adopted her from the KeystoneGreys org, Well since we got her she has favored her leg she had repaired,(Limp) we thought ofcourse she just had surgery(jan 2 they say) and she will limp for awhile, well this limp in the time we have had her has turned into her almost not using the leg at all, she has become a part time 3 legged Grey.....SO, we have taken here to a couple vets for a look, we are in the investigative stage of the process here, where an xray has been taken and it looks to be from the previous surgery related kinda problem, which with MORE surgery can be repaired, it kinda weird, Beauty shows no sign as far as whinning or wimpering because of this leg, she just don't wanna use it.....so we are in the early stages of what is going to happen here, but both my wife and I know we want to make it right, its sad to see her want to play and horse around olny to stumble and loose her balance , it sounds like maybe Cornell might be the choice, there is another hospital mentioned in the conversations we have had, just can't think of the name, anyhow will try to keep this info updated, I would also like to mention that the group we adopted Beauty from have been very helpful so far in this whole matter....I mean we have had to try finding records of the original surgery and how and what was preformed and have info shared with vets in our area, and so far it has all come together that this info is being shared and everyone associated with the Org is wanting the best for Beauty, so I will try to update as we go..

Thanks for reading.......



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A specialist is in order. Also, one that does a lot of greys would be helpful. How old is she?


I have a girl that had a severely broken hock that was not repaired. She occassionally lifts it up but it's not a problem overall. She has had chiropractic adjustments (by a certified AVCA vet) every two weeks for the first 8 months and now we are every 3-4 weeks. Mizzy is 9 and the hock has had 4+ years to heal into what it is.


Sending prayers :)

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Our Pavé came to us in March with a broken hock as well. She has a plate. On carpet she sometimes walks using 4 legs...in the grass she uses that leg VERY well. In the house when she wants to get somewhere quickly...she goes on 3 legs. Of course in the yard she is on leash restrictions only until this Fall. When she lifts her hind leg I tell her to touch down and she ALWAYS does! We are doing some rehab at home and it is helping. Pavé broke her hock in her last race New Years Eve. She was casted in the hopes that it would heal properly...it didn't so February 21st they re-set the leg and plated her. She finally got her splint off at the end of March...so she has been splinted or casted since December 31st and I think everything just feels foreign to her. Best of luck and prayers coming your way for Beauty. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest PiagetsMom

Bob, my girl Piaget came to me with a broken hock at 2 1/2 years old. It was also surgically repaired and she has a plate, although her screws were removed after some healing time. She was taken to a specialist who does more serious repairs. I'd already "pre-adopted" her before her injury, and I'm very thankful that her previous owners were willing to go above and beyond because there was certainly considerable expense involved with the repair.



That was 2 years ago, and for the first 6 months she used 3 legs more often than not. After all this time, she still has days that she'll be hopping and not using her leg, especially when she's running.....I was told that that's not all that uncommon (it can be more of a mental thing with some greys), so even with the best of repairs you might get a little bit of 3 legged hopping in the future. Also, when she stands, if you look from behind you can see that she stands with her weight shifted to her "good" leg. The vet tells me she's absolutely fine and she doesn't ever seem to be in any discomfort.


Good luck with Beauty :)

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we adopted Kingsley just a little over 1 month from when he broke his hock to end his career. His leg had only been wrapped, not set or plated or casted.

When we got him he hopped on three legs. After about a year he used his leg for everything but standing. After almost 3 years he still will stand with that back right leg held up, but he uses it for everything else (running, climbing stairs) without a limp at all.

Hopefully more healing time will help, but a visit to an orthopedist will make you feel better and that you are doing the right thing... we met with one and were assured we did not need to "fix" it and that he would not get worse due to our not surgically fixing it.

Amy and Tim in Beverly, MA, with Chase and Always missing Kingsley (Drama King) and Ruby (KB's Bee Bopper).

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My Babette had a broken hock that was just wrapped and not set at all. When we adopted her she always ran on 3 legs around the back yard but would walk on all 4 around the house.


A year later that joint subluxed and we had to have ortho surgery where they placed a plate and several screws to hold the joint together. She still runs on 3 despite the fact that the joint is probably stronger then it's ever been.


I think it's probably just a habit she's gotten in to more then anything else.


, Phoenix, Okie, Casey, and Ellie the Galga; with Aggie, Alexa, Bear,Cody, Gianni V., Missy B, Babette, Bernice, and BooBoo at the Bridge

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Guest dolfan

Thank You for all your replys, sorry it has taken me acouple days to respond, I am hoping it is nothing to really worry about either, and maybe a habit she is picking up, but the leg is being used less and less so we have decided to investigate and see what the experts have to say, the legs quivers when you try to inspect it, but she does not whimper or really give any sign to it being painful, so don't know what to think... We setup an oppointment for monday at a highly respected Vet until we heard they would be charging $750 for the visit and 4 xrays, so cancelled to further look at our options, I know this is not going to be a cheap fix, if they decide it needs to be fixed(vets upon review) we had the 1 Vet say he thought 1 of the 2 screws were misplaced, that from the xray he took($87) it looked like it was in the joint itself and the only reason he saw for ever putting a screw in the joint was to fuse the joint(no movement in the joint then) so he did'nt think that looked right but he did not know(nor do I) the procedure they used to repair in the original surgery... The Vet that did the surgey in Melbourne has been pretty helpful and if we lived in Melbourne he may even have fixed Beauty at a reasonable price...so we are comunicating with the Keystonegreys Org and they are being very helpful in this whole matter and they too want the best for Beauty...so they are along with our local Rep being very helpful and really leading us thru this and helping us with some of the decisions...I will update as we find out more...still trying to talk with Cornell(Vets experts in our area)......Our Rep would really like us to see a Race Vet, they would probably know whats best also...so that may be an option we have to pursue, which would mean travel to one of the track Vets(Doc's)



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Guest Greyglo

Ghana came to us with an untreated broken hock about 9 months old. She was able to stand on it but had a limp and would yelp any time she bumped into something or another dog. The greyhound savvy surgeon felt surgery would help her. She's five months post-surgery today. She's three legged about 95% of the time; not exactly what I was hoping for. The good thing is that there's no longer a knotted ball of bone that causes her pain when touched. The orthopedic surgeon here in central Jersey said that she was probably in a lot of pain for a long while and may initially continue to favor that leg out of habit. I'm hoping she'll favor it less and less over time. The estimated price for this was $550-$1500. The actual cost was $580. I'm glad we had it done.


Wishing you much luck with your decision and great results if you choose to go ahead with surgery for Beauty.



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Cornell knows what they are doing. I wouldn't worry about seeking out a "race vet" if you can get into Cornell.


Our vet was going to send us to Cornell for something but said "you don't have time to wait, so go to the specialist in Rochester instead - he went to Cornell."


You might have a bit of a time to wait to get in, but it shouldn't be too long a wait either. See if you can get something set up there and go from there.

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Guest greyindy

Moka had walked on a broken hock for ~8 months when our rescue group got her (it was a surprise to them). She had extensive surgery to her tarsals. They rebuilt/repositioned some of her tarsals which had been damaged. Her foot still looks different. She is very capable of using that leg/foot but it is about 50/50. If she is nervous or standing still she usually stands on 3 legs with the fourth just above the ground. When she is running or playing she usually uses all 4. Her surgery was almost 2 years ago.

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oh Bob!

I just saw this...

and I found out actually about Beauty when I was at Diannes today for the haul arriving.


Susan just emailed me..


Please give Beauty a big kiss for us


we are praying for her and you guys!

In loving Memory of: 

Chip, Wendell, Tessa, Moose, Moody, Noble Storm, Thunder, Gracie, Duke



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Guest dolfan
oh Bob!

I just saw this...

and I found out actually about Beauty when I was at Diannes today for the haul arriving.


Susan just emailed me..


Please give Beauty a big kiss for us


we are praying for her and you guys!


Still waiting on a call back from Cornell, should come sometime today, Hal(local Rep) is pretty much taking control of where we go from here...



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Guest paulamariez

Keeping you and your Beauty in my prayers today. Going through my own hock issue today with Bueller, who's nickname, coincidentally, is Beauty!

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Guest LadyChester

I know that it is somewhat of a drive but VCA in Northboro, MA has an amazing board certified orthopedist who sees a TON of injured racers. Her name is Dr. Melissa Dudley. She is amazing ... any of the New England folks here will know of her. She repaired my boy's broken hock and you'd never know he was ever injured. They are also good about getting the dogs in pretty quickly and are reasonable.


The folks in Melbourne are highly skilled and experienced with racing injuries and it is very possible the intention was to fuse the joint. My one broken leg boy's joint is fused. My understanding is that depending upon the specific bones involved, fusing can eliminate the arthritis that is commonly problematic down the road. My strong recommendation would be to ONLY use a board certified orthopedist since it is a re-repair.

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Guest dolfan

I just don't know what to do. I did call northboro and you need a referal. I'm really getting upset and confused with all the answers I am getting. As of right now she has an appointment with a vet in west virginia. not board certified but highly recommended. I guess i'm getting very impatient and frustrated that all this time she is hobbling around and I have to wait wait and wait some more!!! It has been over a week now and still not fixed. I can not believe with all the so called animal loving doctors around our area are sooo much in for the money. guess its just hard to believe I have to take her out of state to get her better than travel an hour to a well known hospital/school all for the money. they would not even think of cutting us a break. Not to be sounding like a miser but we are normal average job people that love our fur kids and try to do the best and get the best for them. BUT... and most want it all or most of the money up front. Sorry for the ranting. I guess it just doesn't make sense to me. thanks so much for all the wonderful responses for our beautiful little girl. She is my heart and just don't want to see her hobbling any longer. Susan (Beauty's mom)

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Guest dolfan

Ok as you can see, that was my wife, she is getting alittle upset over the whole situation...But anyhow we do have a go date for Beauty to be repaired, it is tuesday in West Virginia(thats the bad part) at 11:00am, now to just get her there on time,,lol

We are going at this at the direction of our Adoptive ORG as we feel they are more familar with this kinda situation than we are and know who can give us the best care/treatment for Beauty and still somewhere in there be a fair price also, which had lead to the West Virginia site, it has been used with great luck by the Keystonegreys Org in the past, so we are dealing with them as recommended, the couple of so called expert site around us want $700 or better just for the first visit/concelltation and 4 xrays just to start, and have the cash with you please is their reply...anyhow...its been a little frustrating to say the least, and it also gives you a new look at these so called animal hospitals, its all about money just like the people hospitals, I can really see why so many pets(in general not just Greys) are put down every year, MOST people can not afford to have the pets that they love as family members fixed after an injury or illness, its a hard decision to make but most people just can't afford to and have to have their pets put down...Thats a sad state of afairs in the animal so called doctor society...only the rich can afford the treatment thier pets deserve while the rest of us feel ashamed and guilty of not being able to afford and having to make the tough call of putting a pet/family member down......I'm venting some and hope not to affend.......We are in no means saying we are putting Beauty down, we are going to West Virginia on tuesday morning(5-13-08)to hopefully get her the best care she deserves and let her live a good comfortable rest of her life...will keep this updated as we go..



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Good luck you guys!!


give Beauty a big hug for us...


Hopefully...Beauty will be able to go in style..something is coming in the mail..



and family

In loving Memory of: 

Chip, Wendell, Tessa, Moose, Moody, Noble Storm, Thunder, Gracie, Duke



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Guest dolfan
Good luck you guys!!


give Beauty a big hug for us...


Hopefully...Beauty will be able to go in style..something is coming in the mail..



and family




Beauty got her Present today, she likes it a lot, we put it on her as soon as we opened it and she just got so excited, it was cute, the Collar is really nice, You guys did a really nice job, thank you for being so thoughtful...Here are acouple pics to share of her new Collar..










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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dolfan

Just a little update on Beauty. We left tue. morning at 3:30 a.m. for wheeling west virginia. Had an appointment at 11:40. With it being a 6 and a half hr. drive we had to leave early. She saw a Dr. Radcliffe. He was not impressed with what he felt and when he got the x-rays he was even more upset with what he saw. He did surgery that afternoon. Took the one screw out and cleaned it up a little. It had refractured where the calcium was trying to form a weld around the screw but the screw was loose. I will leave out a lot of the details on what he said. Basically he was upset with whole ordeal that Beauty had gone through. He had other greys in the office from the track. Show us one that had broken hock .did operate. was in better shape after 2 weeks than beauty was in 5 mos. couldn't tell the dog had operation. no cast or nothing. just a little bald spot where they had shaved her. All and all the people were excellent. Dr. Radcliffe is absolutely the BEST.... Wish we could find someone like that around here. Anything major ever happens I will spend the time to go back. Didn't break the bank and truly cares about his "kids" as he calls all his patients. And they are never alone. They provide 24hr. care for the patients. I also found out that some scabs she had on her back are from the flea & tick meds. She is allergic to it. He told me not to use any but just keep track of her. Any ideas out there. Will have Bob put up picks of her soon. Thanks to all. a lot Saner Mamma Susan

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Guest dolfan

Dr Radcliffe and our Beauty after surgery...



Beauty Resting at home after the long ride home..



Roaching even with the fixed leg..lol



Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers...


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Awwww...kiss her for me. Pavé sends her love too...she says that they both can cheer each other on! :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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