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Guest Carrie

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Guest Carrie

Hi everyone, I'm new here and thought I'd say hi and give a bit of an introduction! I don't have a hound yet (or likely for some time), I'm waiting until after I graduate college. I have two years left. I'm a junior at Michigan State right now, studying in Graphic Design and telecommunications. Once I find a "real" job and the living situation gets stable, I plan on adopting a grey.


Since I was younger I've shown dogs, terriers to be exact. :D I own four Parson Russell Terriers with my parents who live on their farm, and I've also handled many terrier breeds professionally in dog shows. My dogs Nash and her daughter Lea are both AKC champions. Unfortunately, as much as I love my terriers, I know they're not city dogs and will never be able to put up with living in East Lansing. Going to a lot of shows I met many retired racing greyhounds at the REGAP booths and others (and gave many donations!) and fell in love. Their personalities seem amazing, and I love the idea of adopting one off the track. Seems like a nice jogging partner too - my terriers can't keep up for very long! My boyfriend is also a lot more fond of the personality - he doesn't like the hyperactive terriers that much...haha!


So anyways, hello GT! To meet the terriers visit http://www.hadlea-russells.com :)

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Welcome from Gainesville, Florida. :)

We adopted our first greyhound 4 months ago after admiring them for many, many years. So glad we finally did! Adopting a GH has been a wonderful experience!!


Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest Carrie

Thanks everyone!


The people here on GT seem so nice and I'm glad to meet you all - people on the PRT forum bicker so much. This seems like a nice change of pace!

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Guest LokisMom
Thanks everyone!


The people here on GT seem so nice and I'm glad to meet you all - people on the PRT forum bicker so much. This seems like a nice change of pace!



Don't let them fool you, plenty of bickering here too ;)


Welcome. People here are incredibly nice and helpful. I've been very happy I found this forum.


As a side note, not sure if this has been covered but most greys take awhile to build up to being jogging partners as they are sprinters, not lonbg distance runners. I don't run but I am pretty sure there has been posts on Training and Behavior about the subject. You could probably do a search and learn more.

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Hmmm. Color me confused!


I always thought it was Parson Jack Russell--now I see it was Parson John Russell, and that the breed is no longer called "Jack Russell"!



So what are we to do??? Everyone aside from show people and breeders knows this as a Jack Russell! Or is there an entirely NEW breed?


I was raised by English Setters, and we showed one of them, and you really threw me here!


Oh, and welcome to GreyTalk!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Carrie

Thanks guys!


Hmmm. Color me confused!


I always thought it was Parson Jack Russell--now I see it was Parson John Russell, and that the breed is no longer called "Jack Russell"!



So what are we to do??? Everyone aside from show people and breeders knows this as a Jack Russell! Or is there an entirely NEW breed?

Haha well, yes his legal name was John but his friends all called him Jack. The name was changed sometime in the early 2000s in America from Jack Russell to Parson Russell for two "official" reasons...

-further separate the breed from the "shortie" jacks because people were trying to register these dogs in the AKC...

-to make it consistent with the UK/FCI system, where there were Parson Jack Russells (long legged like mine) and then Jack Russells (australian short legged Jacks).

To make matters more confusing, a rival club (not AKC affiliated) trademarked the name "Parson Jack Russell Terrier" so it wasn't an option to keep the Jack in there. Which I would've preferred, it would make explaining the name so much easier!

So, once AKC changed the name to just "Parson Russell" the UK and FCI followed suit. Was that confusing enough for ya? Haha.



As a side note, not sure if this has been covered but most greys take awhile to build up to being jogging partners as they are sprinters, not lonbg distance runners. I don't run but I am pretty sure there has been posts on Training and Behavior about the subject. You could probably do a search and learn more.

Yeah, I've heard that before. Quite frankly it'll probably take me a while to get into jogging condition too! :lol: I pretty much stopped in college. I figure it'll be a bonding experience if we both ease into it. B)

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