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Open Wound Management

Guest larock

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Guest larock

Our Greyhound Walter had a cancerous growth removed from his back leg on Feb 7th. At the same time he underwent an endoscopic biopsy and was later diagnosed with Lymphangiectasia. The latter was diagnosed very early, so for now we are hopeful. However, his decreased protien levels have slowed the healing process and as a result, the 8" incission where the growth was removed is not healing well. After the surgery it popped open and had to be restitched 3 times. After much discussion we all agreed to leave the remaining wound 4" open to heal on it's own. Well it's been a month now and for the first two weeks there was some progress, about an 18% decrease in size each week. Then we hit a wall - the last two weeks there has been no change at all. The vet is now talking about re-cutting the edges and stitching again - something we were hoping not to do. The wound is healthy looking, very clean, the muscle remains well hydrated and he's on Metronidazole and Baytril . We've been irrigating twice daily with saline and using Tagaderm dressings at night with medigel (so he can sleep on the bed).


I've been doing some research and have just ordered some Manuka Honey Wound Gel but any additional suggestion would be more than welcomed.






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Hi Lynn,


Have you tried granulex? Its really great stuff. I helped a friend (Pam N.) clean up a wound on her dog's throat that started out about 3" in diameter. By the end of the week with granulex and a little debriding the wound was 1 1/2" and in another week pretty much gone.


I have used it on my own dogs as well. I will also use granulex and then follow up with EMT gel- cleaning it out twice a day.


Good luck!


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Guest larock
Hi Lynn,


Have you tried granulex? Its really great stuff. I helped a friend (Pam N.) clean up a wound on her dog's throat that started out about 3" in diameter. By the end of the week with granulex and a little debriding the wound was 1 1/2" and in another week pretty much gone.


Thanks, I'll look into this.

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At GAA's kennel they are using the manuka honey in a effort to waylay an additional surgery on a returned, underweight dog. I have heard that it is working. You can see the photos on their website. http://www.greyhoundangelsadoption.com/

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Guest larock
At GAA's kennel they are using the manuka honey in a effort to waylay an additional surgery on a returned, underweight dog. I have heard that it is working. You can see the photos on their website. http://www.greyhoundangelsadoption.com/


Thanks Irene - I'm glad Nick is doing better, poor guy. LOVE Candy - she is definately a cutie!

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Guest Greysx4

Hi Lynn,


I once had a foster that had a similar would to Walters. She had a large skin tear on her back leg and because of the location it kept tearing open, just like Walters. I think we tried to stich it about 3 times too before we gave up and the vet finally just decided to let it heal as an open would.

I cut up a childrens pair of tights and fashioned it so it covered her leg that was healing and kept a telfa pad between the wound and the tight. I cut off one leg and cut off about half off the other leg. She wore them just like you would put them on a kid and the waist band kept them on her and the partial leg of the tight that was still there kept the bandaging in place. She wore the tights pretty much all the time and was able to go potty in it with no problem, it would work for a male too since most of the tight is cut away and mostly the partial leg and waistband is all that is left. The vet had me spray the granulex on it three times a day and she was on antibiotics and went in to get her leg checked by the vet every two weeks. It took her a long time but eventually it did heal. I'm not sure how Walter would feel about wearing tights though.

Give Walter a kiss for me.

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At GAA's kennel they are using the manuka honey in a effort to waylay an additional surgery on a returned, underweight dog. I have heard that it is working. You can see the photos on their website. http://www.greyhoundangelsadoption.com/


I was going to suggest the Manuka honey too. Buy the medical grade if you can get it!


The plural of anecdote is not data

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Guest paulamariez

Just keeping your sweet Walter in my thoughts and prayers for a quick healing of his wound! Tiger, Bueller and Domino sending some doggie kisses to poor Walter as well!

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Have you tried water therapy? Running water over the wound for several minutes. Helps stimulate healing. Burpdog could tell you more about it.


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Guest KennelMom

Our Scout had an open wound on her side about 4 inches in diameter....we used water therapy - running water over it for several minutes, 3 times a day and then applying bag balm to the entire area to help with granulation. I will say there was one point where it healed and healed and then just seemed to stop and I was worried that it wouldn't close up. Then, all of a sudden it just started closing up again. It takes time...


Good luck!

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I had good luck using EMT gel and then covering the wound. I know the literature on that says to leave open but due to location, her elbow, a covering was needed. It healed the open wound, where the graft did not take. We had nice new skin development.


and :bighug to Walter



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Guest crazy4greys
Hi Lynn,


Have you tried granulex? Its really great stuff. I helped a friend (Pam N.) clean up a wound on her dog's throat that started out about 3" in diameter. By the end of the week with granulex and a little debriding the wound was 1 1/2" and in another week pretty much gone.


I have used it on my own dogs as well. I will also use granulex and then follow up with EMT gel- cleaning it out twice a day.


Good luck!


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I couldn't agree more. I had a foster who had a wound that wouldn't heal after surgery and the stiches kept opening up. See the post below and then at the end as to how well it healed after using the granulex. Good luck!



Open wound

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All good suggestions. Let me know about how that honey stuff works.


I would find a holistic vet, and get his/her opinion on what to use, too.

Couldn't tell, but it sounds like he's been on the meds for this whole time?

That can definitely have an effect on healing.

I would ask why he is still on Flagyl? That should be a short course of treatment for Diarrhea.

Baytril is a big antibiotic. could be that is preventing the healing, too. I would use acidolphilus to replenish the good bacteria that has been killed while on this antibiotic.


Greyhound Gang has a section with information from Dr. Stack and others about medical issues. There's information about wounds here - Medical - Wounds


Much love to Walter.


Claudia & Greyhound Gang
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Guest larock

Thank you Everyone. I really appreciate your suggestions, all good ones.


I'm going to talk to the vet on Monday and try the Granulex and the water therapy. The tights suggestion is good one too, thanks Barb (i think he'd be OK with it, as long as they weren't pink!). We've been leaving his wound open during the day but I've now started putting the Tagaderm dressing on it 24/7. Tagaderm is a thin film 4" x 4.5" with adhesive around the outer edge. It allows oxygen in but has a bacteria guard. We also put the "cone of silence" on him when he's by himself so he won't bother it.


I have a bit of re-newed hope now.


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Guest VelvetEars

I wonder, too, if some heat therapy would also help - bring blood to the wound to help speed the healing. Worth checking with the vet about.

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