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Leg Injury With Pictures!

Guest shelbygirl07

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Guest shelbygirl07

So this morning, my mom called and asked me to come over and help her care for my 7 month old nephew that has been vomiting. She had to take the day off because the baby couldn't go to daycare because he has a stomach flu.


So i take the dogs out and bring them back in and notice this red spot on Shelby's leg from a distance. As i got closer i realized it wasn't a "little red spot" but a bloody patch on the inside of her left hind leg. I grabbed my first aid kit and as i was cleaning it off, i realized that it looked like a canine scrape. What i mean by that is like a canine tooth grazed the leg and split her open. It sure does look like a tooth mark to me. She had to have woke up with it because i don't have any boarders now and Louie sleeps on our bed with us. Plus, our yard is fairly large and she never went near the fence, trees or anything that would cause this. I have never seen a dog wake up with this before.


Could it be possible that she attacked herself in her sleep or chomped her leg when itching? This has never happened before. She sleeps on our bedroom floor on a fluffy bed and there is nothing around her that would cause this kind of injury. She has been on Soloxine for the last 2 weeks and she had been showing occassional signs of sleep aggression for the last month and a half. SHe has not shown any signs of this for the last week.


I cleaned it, tried to wrap it but because the cut is right near her knee, the bandages won't stay on. I caught her licking it so I had to cone her. She is very unhappy and is walking around my mom's house whimpering and very distraught. Thank doG that my mom has a collar big enough so i can put it on her. I think it may be a wee too big for her but will do until we get home. The pictures make it look like she could use a couple of stitches but it really isn't that deep. I have called my vet to give her a heads up in case i have to bring her in tomorrow. I want to give it 24 hours to see if it scabs on it's own.


This was the first picture I took, first thing when i noticed it.





This was an hour ago







This is Shelby being all sad with the cone....







These are her sad little eyes :(




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That might need a stitch. Looks like she knocked it on something.

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"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Shelby - What happened sweetie??? :ohno Have a biskie and take a long healing nap. :dogcookie



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Looks like she caught it on something. If you nick greyhound skin, especially in a place where the skin is stretched, like over a joint, it will pull open into a round or oval hole. Renie did it two and half weeks ago running into a planter in the garden. I bathed it with warm saline a couple of times a day, sprayed it with antiseptic spray and left it open and it's now well on the way to being closed. She doesn't bother it much, so I haven't had to take any drastic measures like cones. :P I've had to cover it for a couple of therapy visits, simply for hygiene's sake, but it quickly goes sticky under wraps, so it's better left open.


If you think it looks inflamed or infected, she'll need to be seen but otherwise, I'd just keep it clean, and watch it. If it's a tooth, they won't want to stitch it anyway, but all a stitch will do is keep it closed so it heals faster and neater.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest KennelMom

Poor girl! They can bang themselves up so easily! That looks like it should heal up just fine on it's own...doesn't look too deep or big.

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Oh honey...sending gentle hugs and prayers that your boo boo heals swiftly. :grouphug


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Poor little girl, she looks sad.What about the Bite-Not collar vs the e-collar. It's so much easier for them to get around with those. Just a thought....hope she heals quickly


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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Guest LindsaySF

Maybe one of your other dogs nipped her? Either in the yard or in the house. She could have scraped it on something though, as Silverfish described. Hopefully it heals soon!

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Guest shelbygirl07

Nope, neither of my other dogs are big enough to reach that area of her leg. Louie sleeps on the bed with us and as far as i am aware, it was like that when she got up.. that's what made me think she was trying to bite an itch and ended up scraping herself with a tooth..

poor girl.. i am getting one of the no bite collars because this cone isn't helping...

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Guest JohnnyBell

The bite not is greyt!!!! You'll be happy you got it. My Shadow had to have stitches and we when from a duct taped muzzle to a bit not collar. It was the best thing I ever bought. I love it!!!!


It could have been from her running and she grazed it with her nail.

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Yep, another endorsement for the Bite Not! I have one on hand for emergencies. :thumbs-up


You can make one yourself out of cardboard and padding plus duct tape. Measure the distance between ears and shoulders, and cut the card a little shorter than that, and long enough to wrap around the neck a couple of times. Corrugated card is best, with the corrugations running lengthwise along the neck. Pad the long edges of the card so it doesn't bite into the dog, wrap the card around the neck - not TOO tight, but enough so that they can't turn their head too much - and secure with duct tape. If you have no card, you can even use a rolled towel. Duct tape will secure that too.


The proper Bite Not is much better, but the homemade version will do for a while and I do believe they find this type of collar much less distressing than the cone. :)


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest whatahound

Dearest Shelby,

Hope you feels better soon. Don't worry about the cone, my Mom says it's a new fashion trend.


Lubs Acer.... :wub:


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Guest shelbygirl07

my poor girl had to sleep with the cone on all night so she was very restless. She has the attitude like I am punishing her. Poor shelby. I get the no bite collar today from the hospital :(


Thanks Acer! Shelby was glad to hear about this year's trend. She feels very fashionable!

Edited by shelbygirl07
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Guest lotsagreys4me

I vote for the Bite Not Collar alos. My dogs hardly know they are wearing them. they eat, run, play with them on. all they cant do is lick whatever it is I am trying to get healed.

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I guess I've been lucky never to have to have used a cone with any of my dogs. They don't seem to worry their injuries much. For little cuts like that I spray granulex then apply a little emt gel and it will be fine in no time...or go see your vet to have it looked at. Not everyone is comfortable dealing with the cuts and scrapes. We had had some many over the years that I take care of the smaller ones myself...sometimes the not so small ones as well. We love granulex at my house.

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