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Suture Care

Guest Giselle

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Guest Giselle

My non-grey had her cyst removed from her front leg a few days ago. She killed her e-collar and ripped off her bandages, and now I've given up. No matter what I do, she's going to lick her sutures, so I decided I should just feed her the antibiotics and properly care for her sutures.


The only problem is I'm not sure how I should care for her sutures. I know I shouldn't wipe it down with hydrogen peroxide. Should I even clean it at all? Any advice?

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Guest LittleGreys

If she chews at the sutures you will end up with a big mess. Believe me, I see it every week. They chew at them, then the wound gets bigger and many times has to be debrided and resutured, or left to heal as a big open wound. Did you try an anti-chew spray, we use ChewGuard, that stuff is nasty. Use a man's tube sock over her leg and spray the sock good with ChewGuard. It can be done, don't give up. It is just going to take great effort on your part.

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you could put her in a muzzle with a stool guard or use duct tape to cover the end to keep her from licking. If she continues to rub at the wound with the muzzle you may need to cover it with something. I used one of my long sleeved shirts and put womens panty liners inside of the sleeve to act as a sterile padding and also as another barrier. If you can't keep her from licking the wound is going to get much worse.

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Guest Giselle

The problem is she's a pretty neurotic and persistent gal. This is her e-collar after two days:



The first night she ripped the e-collar apart. I just took a bunch of string and tied it all back together. And now it looks like this :rolleyes: (if you look closely, she actually ripped a hole in it)


We don't have ChewGuard, but I'll go out to the pet store and see what they offer in terms of chew deterrents. I have friends with retrievers and they tell me that Bitter Apple doesn't work, so I'll see if they have something stronger..

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Guest Giselle

The only reason I can't do the muzzle is because her tummy's been a little off lately so she just went through a bout of vomiting. I figure she got into something rancid. Even though she's so big, she's still very much a stupid puppy in the mental/cognitive department :lol She stopped vomiting a few hours ago and is sleeping quietly so I took the chance to rewrap her bandages and put some Yuk-2e gel on her. The store only had Bitter Apple, Bitter Lime, and this Yuk-2e gel, and they said Yuk was the most potent so that's what we ended up getting :)

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When poodle was almost disembowled and got a stitch or two out both my vet and Dr. Stacksaid water therapy would make it heal way faster and it did. He was smaller than yours, but flushing the wound a couple of times a day with the shower massager really worked.


I know tht doesn't really answer your question...

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Guest Tenderhearts

I feel for you as Lori Ann was terrible about leaving 'owies' alone! :blink:


When she had sutures on her flank from being attacked by a chow, I found that benadryl helped calm her down enough to leave them alone, plus they were starting to itch from healing (1 mg per pound).


Your girl is just beautiful! :wub:

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This is going to sound crazy but when I needed to cover an inside thigh area, I put an old pair of tights (with hole cut out for tail) on one of our hounds and then attached a sock onto the tights with safety pins. Its wasn't "pretty" but it kept the wound from getting licked. I hope your beautiful girl heals soon.

Cosmo (Fuzz Face Cosmos), Holmes (He's a Dream), Boomer (USS Baby Boomer), Ella and missing our angels Clay (Red Clay), Train (Nite Train), Trip (Bock's Teddy Bear),Larry (Bohemian Frigid) and Jimmy (Bohemian Raw)
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Poor little Ivy-girl!


We went through this when Manero injured his foot too. I could not find an E collar to fit him (the ones that had a large enough "dish" could not be made small enough around his neck - dang sighthounds! :rolleyes:). I just sprayed his bandage with icky stuff, and he left it alone for a while. Toward the end of his two weeks sutured, he tore off the bandage, but left the sutures alone. I tried reapplying the bandage, but off it came again. I figured, as long as he leaves the sutures alone, he's fine. We had no further trouble.


Give the little cutie a kiss for me!

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest Giselle

Thanks everybody!


Yeah, I'm leaving it alone. I literally SOAKED the tube sock in Yuk-2e gel. I taped it down and I doused the tape in the Yuk gel. I even followed the instructions and dabbed a glob of the gel in her mouth to intensify the bad taste (I felt really bad doing that). It lasted all of 12 hours. The next morning, I woke up and she was all nekkid again :lol


Cool idea about the water therapy! I wasn't sure if it was okay to wet the sutured area, but I'll try it later tonight. She's not really bothering it, so I'm just keeping a very close eye on her and hoping the area heals asap.


Does anybody know if something like skin glue would be okay to use on her? I'm thinking it might help if there's some type of barrier on her sutures or something.

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Thanks everybody!


Yeah, I'm leaving it alone. I literally SOAKED the tube sock in Yuk-2e gel. I taped it down and I doused the tape in the Yuk gel. I even followed the instructions and dabbed a glob of the gel in her mouth to intensify the bad taste (I felt really bad doing that). It lasted all of 12 hours. The next morning, I woke up and she was all nekkid again :lol


Cool idea about the water therapy! I wasn't sure if it was okay to wet the sutured area, but I'll try it later tonight. She's not really bothering it, so I'm just keeping a very close eye on her and hoping the area heals asap.


Does anybody know if something like skin glue would be okay to use on her? I'm thinking it might help if there's some type of barrier on her sutures or something.

If it was me I would stay away from the skin glues. That stuff stings something terrible. Have you looked into a sturdier E-collar?

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Guest Giselle

The e-collar she destroyed is made by the Kong company, so I assumed that they used sturdier plastic (it sure felt a lot sturdier than the ones we have at the vets). At this point, knowing her and her odd quirks, I think I'm just going to watch her like a hawk and maybe try wrapping her leg in another tube sock soaked with the Yuk gel. I know she doesn't like spicy stuff. Maybe Tobasco sauce wouldn't be such a bad idea, either <_<

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Please don't wet the sutures.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

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