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Um... Feminine Nonsense

Guest Doingy

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Ok, I have had Jolene for two years and she is about four years old. When I received her from the track she had recently been spayed (Still had stitches). Well last week, there was a little blood coming from there and we went to the vet. The vet said that it did not look like heat blood, and because she had been spayed she probably had an infection, we started antibiotics. Well this weekend at the dog park she was a bit randy, and even let a male mount her which she has never done before (normally she bites their face off if they try anything fresh like that). I read online that a small piece of ovary might have been missed during the surgery. Has anyone else had this experience? This is the first time in two years this has happened, does she need another operation? And lastly... why me?

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Guest ArtysPeople

One of the meezers had a portion of a "uterine horn" left in her after her initial spaying. Meezer in heat was not a fun time. Anyhow, the treatment was, essentially, exploratory surgery that involved a very large incision and quite a bit of poking around to find the errant horn. The healing process was a nightmare for all involved, as you can imagine it would be for a noisy young cat with a very large incision all the way down her belly. So, while it's a possibility here, I would certainly not want it to be the case, and I'd make another trip to the vet. With the cat, there were other physical signs that she was in estrus (don't want to get too graphic, but her female parts were, well, reactive), and I'd assume the same is true for dogs, and that a vet should be able to spot them.


Best wishes,

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I am pretty sure what the hormone levels would say. There is some tell-tale swelling, also she is flirting with some of the boys, also a lot more male dogs have been visiting my porch to... I guess ..,.. court her.

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Sounds like a little bit got left behind.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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I have seen it in a cat. On the initial spay the vet said she only had one ovary and one kidney. Sure enough awhile later she went in to heat. They did the second surgery right away stating that it would be easier to find the missed tissue.


Hoping that you don't have to go the route of a second surgery, but it is a possibility. Good luck and keep us posted.

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