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I'm Shocked

Guest KennelMom

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Guest KennelMom

Cliff notes: Hanna was diagnosed with PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) about a week ago and she saw the vet opthamalogist today to assess her vision and confirm the diagnosis.


The doctor said that Hanna is nearly totally blind at this point. He said he would be surprised if she can really see much of anything. I was shocked b/c you would NEVER know it. She doesn't bump into anything (well, not any more than our other -sighted- klutzes :rolleyes: ), she walks around the yard with no problems, maneuvers the pack and walking around other dogs. Goes up and down stairs...hops in a crate at dinner time. She goes for walkies. I really thought she had some decent vision left because she doesn't act like a dog who can't see. I mean, I live with this dog 24/7 and you would just never guess she can't see!


In a way, I guess I'm a little relieved to hear this. I hate for my Hanna to be blind, BUT it seems like she really is adjusting well. Dogs are so amazing.


Here are some pics taken Nov/Dec 07


PRA dog's eyes are more reflective than dogs with normal eyes. You can see in this pic, the entire eyeball has almost an opalescent quality



And another one inside where it's more evident:



Here's one taken outside that I just can't believe I didn't notice something horribly wrong when I uploaded it (kicking self vigorously). Her eyes are black - there is virtually no iris to be seen. And this pic was taken *in sunlight*. Sure enough, the other dog's pics from that day you can clearly see their brown irises. Looking back through pics over the years, her eyes have always been really dark though nothing quite like this.


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Guest vahoundlover

WOW! It must be a relief to know that she has adjusted so well!! (this has been one of my biggest fears) I've been watching for your update...Katie was DX friday with PRA. I was shocked, to say the least! I've been watching her REALLY close, I suspect we will hear the same thing from our specialist that you heard...the little clues are so minute, I would have never guessed!


Would you mind posting the picture you mentioned in the earlier thread....I think I know the *odd reflection* you wrote about....I wish I had had the forsight to question it when I caught it in a picture I took of Kate quite sometime ago...I can't find the picture, I must have deleted it..*stupid*


I know this heartbreaking for ya'll but Hanna doesn't seem to be bothered by it at all. What a smart cookie!!



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Guest KennelMom

:grouphug I'm sorry to hear about Katie. :grouphug Being a genetic disease, I'm really worried that we are going to start seeing more cases of PRA. I hope we don't....


I'll look for that pic and upload it. The vet specialist gave us a booklet on living with a blind dog that had this poem in it:


I cannot see you Mommy, when you cuddle me so near.

And yet I know you love me, it's in the words I hear.

I cannot see you Daddy, when you hold me by your side

But still I know you love me when you tell me so with pride.

I cannot see to run and play out in the sun so bright

For here inside my tiny head it's always dark as night.

I cannot see the treats you give when I am extra good

But I can wag my tail in Thanks just like a good dog should.

"She cannot see. The dogs no good" is what some folks might say

"She can't be trained, she'll never learn She must be put away."

But not you, Mom and Daddy You know that it's alright

Because I love you just as much as any dog with sight.

You took me in, you gave me love and we will never part

Because I'm blind with just my eyes, I see you in my heart.


Sherrill Wardrip


I wonder if Suzie can do a "Blind Greyhounds see with their heart" decal....

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Guest vahoundlover
:grouphug I'm sorry to hear about Katie. :grouphug Being a genetic disease, I'm really worried that we are going to start seeing more cases of PRA. I hope we don't....


I'll look for that pic and upload it. The vet specialist gave us a booklet on living with a blind dog that had this poem in it:


I cannot see you Mommy, when you cuddle me so near.

And yet I know you love me, it's in the words I hear.

I cannot see you Daddy, when you hold me by your side

But still I know you love me when you tell me so with pride.

I cannot see to run and play out in the sun so bright

For here inside my tiny head it's always dark as night.

I cannot see the treats you give when I am extra good

But I can wag my tail in Thanks just like a good dog should.

"She cannot see. The dogs no good" is what some folks might say

"She can't be trained, she'll never learn She must be put away."

But not you, Mom and Daddy You know that it's alright

Because I love you just as much as any dog with sight.

You took me in, you gave me love and we will never part

Because I'm blind with just my eyes, I see you in my heart.


Sherrill Wardrip


I wonder if Suzie can do a "Blind Greyhounds see with their heart" decal....


What a beautiful poem! *dang allergies* Thank you for sharing it with us.


I worry about seeing more greys going blind too...the last couple of days, I feel like I'm watching all of them like a hawk.


That would be a COOL decal!

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Guest whatahound

Years ago I had a bassett hound that was totally blind. She did so well, I cried for weeks but she was fine. I have a book called Living with Blind Dogs. It was a huge help to Daisy and I.


Wishing your girl the very best. It does sounds like she is adjusting very well.

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Our Angel Chelsea was blind and nobody knew other than us. She still did stairs...she did everything. When I changed furniture I would lead her around one time and then she was fine. It did come to a point however when I leashed her for potty time because she would still run and play and that made me very nervous...in the house I had no worries. It is amazing how well they adjust. Hug that little girl for me. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest KennelMom

Thanks everyone. It's always great to read more stories about blind dogs who've adjusted with no problems!


I worry about seeing more greys going blind too...the last couple of days, I feel like I'm watching all of them like a hawk.


Tell me about it. Our other dogs probably wonder why I'm flicking my fingers at their face :rolleyes: A part of me feels awful - how could my dog go blind *right in front of my eyes* and I not notice?!?! The vet told me he's had a hard time convincing people sometimes that their dog really is blind b/c they say he/she just doesn't act like they can't see. Sometimes people don't realize there's anything wrong until they take their dog some place new or they rearrange all the furniture at home and the dog bumps into everything. I'm definitely more aware now...several very subtle things that I chalked up to her personality that were probably more related to declining vision.


Our boy Grandpa has "old dog eyes" and doesn't see too well. Probably just shadows, light and vague shapes at this point and it was very obvious when his vision started going. With Hanna (who's only 6) - virtually no clues. Maybe b/c I expected an old dog to start to lose sight as his eyes got cloudy. But a young dog who's eyes are clear...you just don't think to look for blindness.

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Well, I have to agree that it's a shame that she's blind, but comforting to know she's adapting well.


I had a cat that was blind and you'd never know it - she navigated as though she had 20/20 vision and lived for years that way.... and by the way, she was a tripod!!!! Animals do so much better than we humans!! Hugs and scritches to Hanna. :heart



th_Chancepool.jpgmissing my Angel, Chance ~ 1/23/99 - 1/24/08 (Fortified Heart)

"...for every joy that passes, something beautiful remains"

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Well thanks for the early morning tear-jerker! :angry:


I am really glad to hear that Hannah is adjusting so well. She sounds amazing. :wub:


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest vahoundlover

Boss and Buster have *old dog eyes*, it has been easy to detect that their vision was going.


I think back..... Kate (7) and I use to do a lot of agility (we were to the point that I was considering competing)...we both loved it, about a year ago her interest really declined and we quit. Was that the beginning??? I think it must have been....This past summer/fall I noticed the others would run ahead when they saw a squirrel in the trees, (yes they are faster) ;):lol but Kate has always been the hunter...if she saw a squirrel, she was on it!! She led THEM off the patio.....I chalked it up to her slowing down... :(

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Guest fastdogs
Sometimes people don't realize there's anything wrong until they take their dog some place new or they rearrange all the furniture at home and the dog bumps into everything. I'm definitely more aware now...several very subtle things that I chalked up to her personality that were probably more related to declining vision.


I'm sorry about Hannah, but glad she has adjusted so well.


I'm curious as to what to look for that would indicate sight loss.

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Guest KennelMom
I'm curious as to what to look for that would indicate sight loss.


Using hindsight, here's the things I've noticed. We have a wooded section at the back of our yard - lots of trees. She used to meander through there quite a bit, she does so much less now and prefers to remain in the main part of the yard that has no trees at all. Our back door has a screen door and the inside door. A few times I'd open the screen door but the inside door was shut and she'd walk into it (I assumed she was just not paying attention/in a rush to get inside to the "primo beds"). For the last several months, when walking in the yard she would sometimes seem to be walking around things when nothing was there (maybe she just picks up an odd smell??) Most recently, when giving out treats, she wouldn't take one offered to her until it was almost touching her nose. Mostly though, for the last few months I've just had that nagging "something's not quite right" feeling in watching her. Ironically, she's been to the vet at least twice in the last year - once for a check up and once staying overnight for some stitches.

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I'm sorry she's lost her sight, but glad she's adapted so well. Our critters are amazing, aren't they? My husky, Aurora, had lost most of her sight due to age and had no problem navigating anything until her hearing started to go. Then she started having difficulty with spatial awareness, but she still managed fine as long as I was aware of where she was. Smart, adaptable critters, our pups.

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Glad to hear she's doing so well. My cat has slowly gone blind over the past couple of years and it's hard to tell. He gets around great. He occassionally runs into something but it's just good for a giggle, especially when it's Argos's butt.


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Guest vahoundlover

Hanna has one of those needlenose faces that instantly melts your heart. :beatheart


Thank you for posting the pictures. The 2nd picture shows exactly what I saw in Kates' picture.


Heather, no kicking allowed :grouphug I KNOW your a good mom, one of the best! ...just sad this could take place and not even realize :grouphug Maybe this will lead one or both of us down a new path.



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