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Icky Topic... Help

Guest jfroggirl76

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Guest jfroggirl76

Ok, I had to express my 15 year old dogs anal glands. He has a history of impacted glands and they are infected once again. He is on antibiotics and the vet said that I should re-express them in a couple of days.


So my husband was holding him and I was expressing them from the outside @ 3 & 7 o'clock position and the fluid came out then HE STARTED TO POOP.


Has anyone else experienced this or did I put pressure on something that I shouldn't have?



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I think you just triggered a reflex. Probably a younger dog wouldn't have done it, but an old guy might just. I doubt you did anything wrong as such, just feeling you press around at the back there probably just made him feel he had to go.


Did the vet explain to you exactly how to do it? Not that it's rocket science... :P


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I just wanted to say, "Hey, I give you credit. That's more than I can do."

I would guess that the poop was just reflex action from you probing him back there.

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Guest jfroggirl76
I think you just triggered a reflex. Probably a younger dog wouldn't have done it, but an old guy might just. I doubt you did anything wrong as such, just feeling you press around at the back there probably just made him feel he had to go.


Did the vet explain to you exactly how to do it? Not that it's rocket science... :P



My vet tech does it differently than I do, she actually goes in there and I just can't bring myself to do it. I had my neighbor who is also a vet tech talk me through it because we happen to find the infection on New Years eve so she walked me through doing it. I have seen it done so may times before. Noah has a history of anal gland impaction and there is not much we can do about it due to his age.


I know that I did something right because that lovely smelly fluid came squirting out.... ahhhhhh the smell

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Guest KennelMom

I love my dogs...and there's nearly not a single thing I wouldn't do for them....but, expressing their anal glands certainly is one of those things. I've seen it done once at the vet, and that's enough to know I want nooooooo part of that procedure! Kudos to you for your bravery and dedication :lol


An old trick some dog people have passed down is if you need to make a dog poo (ie right before they go into the show ring or something), you can insert a matchstick into their rectum to stimulate the poo response...could be the presence of your...um...finger replicated this.

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Guest jfroggirl76

This is something that I NEVER wanted to do myself. In fact I was talking to one of the adoption coordinators of our group the other day and said that I would NEVER do this and that I would rather pay to have it done.


That was until NEW YEARS EVE, Noah had fluid LEAKING out of his bum and all of the other dogs were trying to lick it.... How gross..... That's when I called my neighbor a couple of doors down & thought she could come over and do it for me. Well my neighbor was visiting family in Erie so she walked me through doing it myself.. I really wish that she would have been home that night, when I called the vet yesterday I was told that I should do it again in a couple of days to make sure that we get all of the infection out and if not we need to put him on stronger antibiotics..


I guess @ 15 1/2 I can't fault him for having a faulty anal gland... and a Mom has to do what a Mom has to do...


edit for spelling

Edited by jfroggirl76
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Guest jfroggirl76
Buy lots of disposable latex gloves!! I've done it once, and got some in the face. That was the LAST time I did it!!! :eek:lol



I am very thankful that I work in a hospital... I would have freaked out if it got some of that in my face.. That smell just permeates in your nose to begin with...

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Guest sassichari

Bless you for doing it!! I am a nurse and for the life of me I have tried to express my little pups glands and I just CAN'T do it. For me he squeals and nothing comes out. For the vet and vet tech one little squeeze and all is done and not a squeak out of my little Coco. Can't imagine trying it on one of my greys. Had to take Max's temp one day and that was enough fun for the both of us. I swear he didn't look me in the eye the rest of the day!

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Okie, dokie now!!! Isn't this a FUN topic??? :lol:


I have LOTS of experience with anal glands, having had a couple of dogs that needed regular "treatment"!


Here's the best way I found to do the deed...


Arm yourself with some old towels and washcloths.

If your tub has a sprayer, you can use that. If not, get a BIG cup for pouring water.

Get a bottle of doggie shampoo or some sort of liquid soap.

Put dog into the bathtub.

Put a big glob of shampoo in your hand and rub up a nice bit of suds over the bum area of the dog.

SQUEEZE the glop out of the anal glands into your soapy hand. (There's a bit of an art to squeezing with the fingertips whilst cupping the soapy palm over the area to catch the squirt.)

Immediately rinse the gunk and the soap off your hand.

Rinse the dog's bum.

Dry the dog's bum.



GPA-Tallahassee/Southeastern Greyhound Adoption

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Okie, dokie now!!! Isn't this a FUN topic??? :lol:


I have LOTS of experience with anal glands, having had a couple of dogs that needed regular "treatment"!


Here's the best way I found to do the deed...


Arm yourself with some old towels and washcloths.

If your tub has a sprayer, you can use that. If not, get a BIG cup for pouring water.

Get a bottle of doggie shampoo or some sort of liquid soap.

Put dog into the bathtub.

Put a big glob of shampoo in your hand and rub up a nice bit of suds over the bum area of the dog.

SQUEEZE the glop out of the anal glands into your soapy hand. (There's a bit of an art to squeezing with the fingertips whilst cupping the soapy palm over the area to catch the squirt.)

Immediately rinse the gunk and the soap off your hand.

Rinse the dog's bum.

Dry the dog's bum.



Great advice Pam, eacept you forgot the most important thing--- Don't breath!! :lol :lol :lol


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Here's the best way I found to do the deed...


Thank you for this. I'll keep it for an emergency.


In the meantime, I prefer:


Call clinic and make sure someone is available.

Put dog in car.

Drive to clinic (<3 mins).

Hand over leash.

Greet returning--and much happier--dog.

Pay bill.

Drive home.

Watch others sniff returning hero.

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Guest DoofBert

My option....similar to Grey Poopon


Call groomer

Schedule appt

drive to groomer

leave houndie

come back in hour or so

greet dog

pay bill

drive home

witness the sniffathon

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Guest jfroggirl76
Here's the best way I found to do the deed...


Thank you for this. I'll keep it for an emergency.


In the meantime, I prefer:


Call clinic and make sure someone is available.

Put dog in car.

Drive to clinic (<3 mins).

Hand over leash.

Greet returning--and much happier--dog.

Pay bill.

Drive home.

Watch others sniff returning hero.

That is definitely my FIRST method of choice, and I would HIGHLY recommend this choice......


Unfortunately Noah is too old and freaks out if you even remotely get him near the bath tub so I have lots of baby whips on hand for his bum and disinfectant wipes on hand!!!


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Thanks for the Friday night entertainment. This is so funny, at least some of the posts. My Eddie has to have this done at least every 6 weeks and he is only 4 years old. I have lots of "stuff" to look forward to. However, I agree with the visits to the vet. My cocker spaniel also had to have it done and I had heard it usually was attributed to females. Ain't so.

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