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Otis And Roo Are Both Having Med Problems

Guest WarmheartedPups

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It looks like she fell or whacked into something. I will hope that's all it is and that her soreness goes AWAY!!!!!


Here you can kinda sneak an ultrasound of the bladder area in with the cystocentesis 'cause they use the ultrasound to guide the needle. $70 all-inclusive, with culture and sensitivity. If you do the ultrasound separate it might be another $80-$120????? X-ray is I think $35 setup fee and then $35 per picture. But that's here and you're there. :(


I know how you feel. I don't even ask the vet "how much?" any more, I just close my eyes and hand over the credit card. LOL


Hope both puppers have minor, easy things that can be fixed before YOUR credit card faints dead away.



We must be so expensive here. Last year I had 2 view abdominal x=ray for Otis and it ws $225.00

The Cystocentesis or cath, UA and culture is $140.00 each time. I am thinking the Ultrasound would

be 500.00.....I am guessing.

Really,,,,,I dont care...like you said...close my eyes and say charge it....I just want them to be well.



Oh, I'm so sorry about Otis and Roo! That explains why your little Wedder Girl has not responded to my repeated inquiries for a Wedder update.


My vet charged me $139 just for the urine culture. The test itself! And that was with me delivering urine in a sterile cup (duct taped to a hanger bent into a swell handle!).


$225 for two x-rays is outrageous. Are you sure that didn't include some kind of "exam" fee or emergency fee?


The sagging belly doesn't sound good.


Hugs and good wishes,


Susan and George


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest WarmheartedPups

Update on Roo.


She is not limping this a.m. Good!!


The spot on her side is the same...no better ...no worse.


It is much bigger than the picture shows as her fur hides a portion of it. It is bright cherry red.


I will wait a few days and see if it fades...if not .....I will take her in.


Wont know anything about Otis for awhile....first the UA culture results mid week..... then x ray or ultrasound.


We are going to a M & G...their favorite thing....and maybe I wont worry for awhile!!

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Guest WarmheartedPups
Just stopping in to check on Roo and her bruise. Any better today?


Yes....Roo''s bruise seems to be better...she is still limping....but coming along...fingers crossed.


Otis is having his ultrasound tomorrow....Think good thoughts.



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You got it!! Many prayers coming from the hilltops of Western New York!


Just stopping in to check on Roo and her bruise. Any better today?


Yes....Roo''s bruise seems to be better...she is still limping....but coming along...fingers crossed.


Otis is having his ultrasound tomorrow....Think good thoughts.


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Guest CaroleWithRunningDogs

Oh man Linda - you have got to see Dr. Barr. You are spending way too much money and I don't care if he is miles away, you don't need to be spending that kind of money and not getting results. My x-ray ran more like $50-60 bucks, though have not needed an US. You get a 5% discount for having a greyhound and 5% discount when you're over 60 at Foley. Do not mess around when you have these kind of concerns. I know there are well-meaning vets but when you need a specialist you need to go to the best, and he sounds less expensive than you are dealing with for gosh sakes. I'll never forget spending $750 on Patch's broken toes only to find out a year later that they never healed. That is what sent me up to Foley.


I sent you an email the other day, and this must be why you didn't acknowledge it. Call, drop the dogs off, whatever I can do to make things easier. Please make an appointment to see Dr. Barr...763-754-9754.


Did I sound pushy enough? Hugs, Carole and her crew :gh_face

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