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Chevy's Vet Visit

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Chevy had a laparotomy last month because he had plastic stuck in his duodenum. He was in the vet hospital for just under a week. When we picked him up (to come home) I noticed that he was limping. Chevy has a bad front shoulder that he gets chiropractic care for. I figured that he probably had a rough time in the crate (they ended up having him on blankies on the floor) and was just a little stiff. Three weeks have gone by and just this past week his limping is worse so Dh made an appointment for him to have chiropractic adjustments today.

Dh just called and said that the vet said that Chevy's soreness is not due to his bad shoulder but due to long bone pain and then whisked him off for x-rays! Poor Dh said he was numb all over, "please don't let it be osteo" he told me was all he kept thinking. They reviewed the x-rays together and the vet said they looked good, with none of the typical signs of cancer but she sent them off to a radiologist to be sure. We will get the result by the end of the week.

The vet said Chevy's pain may be shin-splint, Greg said she gave him the proper medical terminology but he was just to stunned to retain it. Shin-splint? Does anyone here have any experience with their grey having shin-splints? Does this condition just suddenly occur? Can it ever be resolved? The vet gave Chevy some Metacam and some to bring home.

Chevy is not really gaining weight either, despite a very healthy appetite. He is still soooo thin from his surgery. He started eating poopsicles which usually doesn't agree with him (surprise, surprise) so I thought that may have been the cause. I now put his stool guard in his muzzle when he goes out. Does it take long to gain weight back after they've been sick? Is it because he is in pain? Should I be feeding him a high calorie diet until he's back to his normal weight?


I am so worried about him! Please be well, Chevy!


Please, please, please don't let this be osteo, please! :cry1




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Guest jurishound

Having just experienced this, you may want to to send the radiographs to OSU as well. I was so relieved to hear from Dr. Couto and get his opinion. Sending good wishes that all is well!

Edited by jurishound
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Guest multiplicity
How's Chevy doing?


Chevy is the happiest he has been since before the surgery! Now that he is on daily Metacam he is playing with his fav stuffie a little more and is stretching his legs more.


I would really like to learn more about shin-splint and the possibilty of it being the cause of Chevy's discomfort. Chevy is not an active dog...he is the baby of my pack and yet he is the biggest couch potato. He is a lover not a runner. :P We noticed this limp when we picked him up at the vet hospital after his surgery, so I do not understand how it could be an exercise induced condition. This is probably why I am soooo terrified to get the news from the radiologist...I just can't make sense of it all and that worries me so much. :unsure

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Guest multiplicity

OK, so I called the vet yesterday afternoon because I couldn't stand the suspense any longer. The vet tech informs me that the radiologist's reports just arrived and the vet will be calling me later in the evening.

I am still waiting for the call...28hrs later and still no call!!! :angryfire:angryfire:angryfire

I am not happy right now. :angry::angry::angry:

I hope when she finally does call that it will be good news!

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I experienced many delays with our vet during the Thanksgiving holiday myself. It is the WORST!!!


Sending many good thoughts and waiting to hear news!!

Bow Wow Wow Yippie Yo Yippie Yay :)


Johanna with hounds: Woodie (Molly's Marvin) (Grenade X Kh Molly) and Petra (Make Her a Pet) (Dodgem By Design X Late Nite Oasis)

and forever missing Hurley (Jel Try Out) (Gable Dodge X Kings Teresa) with Kalapaki Beach in Kauai as the background

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