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Vet Visit Tonight

Guest BlackandBrindle

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Guest BlackandBrindle

It's time for Sadie's annual well visit check and Spud has some issues (probably minor, but for my peace of mind it will be better to take him in) so we have a vet visit tomorrow.



Just wondering, do you get bloodwork done on your hounds when you take them in for a well visit? My two haven't needed dentals so I don't get the bloodwork done then, and was just wondering what the majority of people do...



Depending on expense I'll get Sadie's done tomorrow and Spud's done in January, at his well visit. (If it's inexpensive, I'll get both done tomorrow)...



Also, please keep Spud in your thoughts. I'm sure his issues are minor, but I'm worried. (I'm always worried)






Ok, so I took the kids in today. Spud has a deposit in his eye that we are watching, but probably is nothing. He's done *something* to his dew claw, so it's benadryl, cortaid, and epsom salt baths for the next ten days. Could be worse.


Sadie has some inflammation on her gums on her canine teeth, so it's more tooth brushing there. Vet said that it's usually on the molars, but my kids like to be different :rolleyes:


Anyway, the real question is this:


The blood work up would be about $150. This includes the complete *normal* blood work, a full tick panel, and a valley fever test. VF is predominant here, so I have no objection to that. The tick panel is a good idea I think too.


Does this price sound right for that amount of testing? Just wondering... we didn't get it done tonight, as money isn't flowing at the moment, but will probably get them in January, for both pups...

Edited by BlackandBrindle
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Guest GreyFox

We took Doodles for her well visit last month and had bloodwork done. No dental was needed (yay! I was thrilled!), but our vet said it's a good idea to do the wellness blood check when she's in good health and then we'll have a benchmark for - heaven forbid - when she gets into her senior years and things start changing. It made sense to me. It was expensive (over $100.00 Cdn), but we won't need to do it the next time unless she needs a dental or there's an issue to check out.


Good luck. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Spudzie.

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On the young ones I'd get a blood panel done once a year and twice a year on the seniors.


I screwed up big time this year. I got Huston's blood panel done when he had his dental and did not get a copy. Got it done last week and requested copies of both panels. He is now on doxy and if his platelets and HCT don't come up in two weeks, we will do a tick panel. Point being, Huston is only 6. Now I am kicking myself that I did not have a panel done last year.


The panel should run around $80

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Guest BlackandBrindle

So I'm thinking because of the other issues with Spud I'll have Sadie's run with her well visit and wait for Spud's well visit.



After Fritofeet talked me down off the worry ledge, I am pretty sure Spud got bitten by something. (Still taking him in, just not freaking out quite as much).

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Alan's first complete panel of blood & urine was done last June after a seizure. I wanted everything checked. Now, b/c he's got k/d, he gets bloodwork every few months (& urine too). Before he was 8, no blood work routinely.

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Yes, $150 sounds reasonable for all those tests. :) With my6 yr. old I do annual blood work, and twice a year with my seniors. I don't repeat tick testing/VF unless symptomatic or bloodwork is off.

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I think the bloodwork sounds really inexpensive. CBC, profile are often about $100 by themselves. A TBD panel to NC State can cost more than that by the time you pay for shipping, etc.


I would question whether or not you need a tick panel. If general bloodwork is good and he is healthy... how would you interpret a positive result? Would you treat w/o any indication that there was actually an infection? Remember the test does not test for infection... only the body's response to exposure.





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Guest spider9174

yes. i got the blood work done when i adopted gable. it showed above normal (for a grey) bun/creatinin levels. it turns out that he is just above normal. i've had blood work done on him about 5 times in the last year. three times were to check his kidney function. once when he was at the evet and then recently with his excessive urination/drinking. his values have never changed. however, if when he was at the evet for dehydration and the big d he had done them for the first time, we probably would have thought his ailment was much worse.


so yes...it's good to have some baseline values so when something does happen you know what is norm for your pup and what is not.

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Lucy got annual bloodwork until she was 8, since she's had twice a year bloodwork at least(some years maybe a time or two more if something was going on).


Ziggy gets annual unless something seems to be going on with him. He's 6 now. Once he's 8 I'll go to twice a year as well.


I usually pay around $90 which includes a full thyroid panel. I have done the tick panel adn VF panels in the past but don't remember what they cost...the $150 sounds like it would be a pretty decent price for everything though.

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Cost sounds really low. Around here, we pay about $80 for CBC and $125 for a super chem. IDEXX Snap 4 (heartworm/erlichia/lyme/anaplasma) runs - ya know, I'm not sure, but I want to say $35 or so - but as Dr. Feeman pointed out a full tick panel through a reputable place such as NC State is $90 + shipping costs, so probably around $125 or more. I've no idea what VF runs since we don't have it on the east coast. Sounds like you got a deal :)

Edited by turbotaina

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It's time for Sadie's annual well visit check and Spud has some issues (probably minor, but for my peace of mind it will be better to take him in) so we have a vet visit tomorrow.



Just wondering, do you get bloodwork done on your hounds when you take them in for a well visit? My two haven't needed dentals so I don't get the bloodwork done then, and was just wondering what the majority of people do...



Depending on expense I'll get Sadie's done tomorrow and Spud's done in January, at his well visit. (If it's inexpensive, I'll get both done tomorrow)...



Also, please keep Spud in your thoughts. I'm sure his issues are minor, but I'm worried. (I'm always worried)






Ok, so I took the kids in today. Spud has a deposit in his eye that we are watching, but probably is nothing. He's done *something* to his dew claw, so it's benadryl, cortaid, and epsom salt baths for the next ten days. Could be worse.


Sadie has some inflammation on her gums on her canine teeth, so it's more tooth brushing there. Vet said that it's usually on the molars, but my kids like to be different :rolleyes:


Anyway, the real question is this:


The blood work up would be about $150. This includes the complete *normal* blood work, a full tick panel, and a valley fever test. VF is predominant here, so I have no objection to that. The tick panel is a good idea I think too.


Does this price sound right for that amount of testing? Just wondering... we didn't get it done tonight, as money isn't flowing at the moment, but will probably get them in January, for both pups...




That's extremely cheap if it really includes a tick panel. Here the tick panel ALONE would cost that much.


I just paid over $100 for a urine culture!


It was $110 for a clotting test for my cat! Ugh.



Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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That's way cheap - are you sure that will include everything.


For me, a CBC and Chem panel has always been just around $100 - here, in Boston, at the specialty hospital in Rochester.

Tick panels can be expensive, especially if you are doing a FULL tick panel. If you can get all that done for $150 for each dog, go ahead and do it, you'll at least have a baseline for each dog if needed in the future, but that is a bargain in itself for the tick panel



In the last month I've spent well over $1,000 on blood tests - hell, $325 of that was today. $150 for a butt load of stuff sounds like a bargain to me at this point.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

My brain is fried, and because of response, now I'm second guessing myself... I'll call because I don't think I have that paperwork with me. :)



But if it is as cheap as it sounds, I'll have them both done in January.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

$165.89- Full Panel


This includes valley fever and tick panel.


There is a 15.45 collection fee.


$73.50 for a full thyroid work up, but that doesn't have to be done unless the doctor feels it's necessary or they are displaying symptoms.





I think the bloodwork sounds really inexpensive. CBC, profile are often about $100 by themselves. A TBD panel to NC State can cost more than that by the time you pay for shipping, etc.


I would question whether or not you need a tick panel. If general bloodwork is good and he is healthy... how would you interpret a positive result? Would you treat w/o any indication that there was actually an infection? Remember the test does not test for infection... only the body's response to exposure.




If the tick panel is included, I'd go ahead and get it done. I would not, however, treat unless there were symptoms. I don't like to overmedicate my dogs, and even the vaccinations make me wince. I still do it, but I try to take a natural approach when possible.

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