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Scraped Up Legs,

Guest myboydutch

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Guest myboydutch

Well, after running zoomies last night and wiping out on our sidewalk Dutch has deep gashes on both rear legs. :eek They extend from the hock down and are worst around his knuckles and toes. The vet said it is possible he might lose one toenail :( due to the extent of damage around it but hopefully won't.


He's been put on an antibiotic and pain medicine. I'm supposed to keep the wound clean with saline solution and soak it daily in Epsom salts. I'm not allowed to bandage the legs so oxygen can get to them and speed up the healing process.


The worst part is that because he's a licker they put him in an e-collar. Oh man, what a disaster! :blink: He can't eat, drink, go up steps or around a corner without bumping it. That sends him into full blown panic complete with GH screams of death and running. He has reopened two of the foot wounds in his panic. :o I called the vet back and they said the collar must stay on and the bandages off. <_< That means I'm afraid to go back to work and leave him for 8 hours by himself.


I guess my questions are;

1) Do they get accustomed to the collar? My boy is a drama king and I'm afraid he could do more damage in a panic then what we're already trying to treat.

2) A past thread showed someone looking into one of these http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod...p;N=0&Nty=1 Did anyone ever try it? Would it work for rear leg/foot injuries? It seems to me that with his long neck/nose/legs he could reach right around that thing.


Any advice? Thanks in advance!


Edit to add, The sidewalk is coming out!!!

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See if you can get a "bite-not" collar from your vet. Callie hates being in an e-collar and the bite-not works great. It keeps them from being able to turn their head to get at the wound.



Robin - Cordova (Memphis), TN

Argus (BB's Turbo) #86152 Oswald Cobblepot X Hilary Pride

Butler (GoodOleBoyRoy) #92232 Castor Troy X Princess Josie

Bridge Angel Callie (Tom S Macaroon) #87886 Black Streaker X Tom S Megan, April 15, 2000 - November 3, 2012

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Guest greytmonty

Monty too was a frantic mess in an ecollar. We got a bite-not collar and that worked much better. In the meantime can you cover up his legs in some way?

good luck, I am sorry this happened.

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Guest MnMDogs

I have no advice, just empathy. Matty did the very same thing a few weeks ago. Lucky for us, she didn't try to lick too much, and the staples stayed put.


Good luck.

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when blue had his foot operated on, he was given 'the collar' and reacted similarly. duck taped the holes in his (well, actually milllie's) muzzle & it worked fine. the cone thing would bump into things, he'd freeze or panic & start trembling and wouldn't go up or down the stairs. with taped muzzle he was back to normal instantly.


Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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Long sleeve shirt tied around his waist or child's pants to cover the wounds. Don't use the E-collar. I've noticed a lot of greys tend to freak out with the e-collar.


Alternatively, you can also take a regular basket muzzle and stick some duct tape on the inside and outside of it so he can't lick the wounds. This was quite effective when Atlas had a hot spot he couldn't leave alone.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest myboydutch

Thanks so much for all the suggestions. I'm going to call the vet back about the bite-not. In the meantime if I put duct tape in his muzzle is it still okay for him to drink? Because I know he will try.


Edit, my vet never heard of the bite-not collar. :huh I'm going to make some calls to try and find it locally. If not, maybe I can order off-line and get it overnighted.

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I did the duct tape on the muzzle when Babbete had ortho surgery and she did beautifully with it. I took if off for several periods during the day when I could supervise her and for feeding and she made out just fine.


, Phoenix, Okie, Casey, and Ellie the Galga; with Aggie, Alexa, Bear,Cody, Gianni V., Missy B, Babette, Bernice, and BooBoo at the Bridge

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Guest taylorsmom

I would be careful with the duct-taped muzzle--I put that on Rita to keep her from chewing on her happy tail (after her freak-out with the e-collar, of course!) and she vomited into the duct-taped muzzle (the antibiotic she was put on for infection really upset her tummy). Thank God my DH was home and in the next room and heard her gakking and choking, otherwise I am sure she would have aspirated the vomit. I am now leery even of a poop-guarded muzzle when we are not home to supervise, for this reason too. Not to get too gross, but she vomited a lot and it just couldn't get out of the side holes we left untaped in the muzzle. So I strongly recommend the bite-not collar or stockings/tee-shirt ideas others have posted. I think we got our bite not collars from kvvet online, but if you google it I am sure you will find it!

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Guest myboydutch

We did it! We found a fitting bite-not collar! :yay He still hates it and is giving me major stink eye but his head is free without giving him access to his wounds. Thanks so much ABCgreys!

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Guest Greensleeves

Well, you've found a solution, but...


They DO get used to the e-collar. Our vet told us, "give it 24 hours, and she'll settle down." Nelly threw a fit for probably a day and a half, and then was resigned to it. In her case, because her ear was injured, the Bite-Not collar (which we also have) would not have protected the ear (she would rub it up against things). She's now had it on almost constantly for over three weeks. She can eat, bark, go for walks, answer the door, and sleep fairly comfortably with it on. She *does* bang it into doorframes, crate doors, etc, and we wince every time... but most of the time she's fine.


This was the first time we've actually committed to the e-collar and not ripped it off after ten minutes or so, because watching the dog freak out about the collar was so upsetting. But this was also the first time that a dog absolutely HAD to wear it in order to heal. So we were pleased to see that she was able to get used to it. :)


Frankly, I think the initial panic and distraction of the e-collar is helpful--they get so upset about the giant sattellite receiver on their heads that they forget about the stitches/wound/whatever.

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Guest greyaspet

The bite not collar won't work for lower leg wounds they can still reach it. He will adjust to the E collar, taped up muzzles work but you only tape the bottom part not the whole thing. You can take the E collar off for drinking or when you are home. My girl is always doing something to her feet and I hate the E collar but she adjusts it is more me than her and I would rather have a couple of uncomfortable days for her than wounds that won't heal or an infection.


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Guest myboydutch

Hi all! I just wanted to give you an update so anyone following this can use it for future referance...


The bite-not works greyt! There is no possible way Dutch can reach his back legs/paws. Greyaspet, I'm guessing that the person who fitted your pups did it incorrectly. If the collar is too short from top to bottom then it allows too much range of motion. You want to be sure that it fits from the shoulder to all the way up over the ears on a Greyhound. We also learned not to try to tighten it down too much. The chest strap can have some play in it and he still can't get it off over his head (the e-collar could slip right off.)


A note about the e-collar, It is possible that given time he would have adjusted but since (in his panic over wearing it) he was causing himself further injury, I decided to look for an alternative. I found the bite-not at a local vet for under $20 and consider it money well spent!


Good luck to all of you and thanks again for all your support.

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Guest LorifrmLititzPA

After visiting with The Dutchmeister and his Mommy last night, I must say that he does look pretty pathetic :sad1 with his Bite-Not collar on but it definitely keeps him from licking at his back legs. I think that Dutch is no dummy and he's milking this injury for all it's worth ... He got Mommy to stay home with him for two days and Daddy is home with him today. With lots of love, attention and treats and he'll be as good as new in no time!



Get well soon Dutcher we love you!! :wub:

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Kingsley also freaked out in his e-collar and ended up breaking it one time when he ran into a wall, scared himself which sent him flailing and falling down.

He was good at not scratching his head when we were there to watch him, so we just had to find baby-sitters to be with him for the times when we could not be home while he had staples.



Amy and Tim in Beverly, MA, with Chase and Always missing Kingsley (Drama King) and Ruby (KB's Bee Bopper).

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