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Guest toni

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Patience our female is 12 and her arthritis is worse than ever. The vet has changed to a different meds but they arnt working anymore. Her main trouble is with her front right ankle joint. Has anyone had any experience with a cortizone shot or the equivelant? Our vet hasnt said anything about anything like that but I plan on asking him on Monday! She is still very vibrant and full of life. I refuse to accept that the only option would be to let her go and we have had suck a crappy crappy year I dont know that we can take any more. Especially my hubby, shes he's girl they have been together for 11 years. Any advice is greatly apprectiated and needed!





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Ask the vet for other meds to try.


I can't help with cortisone as our first and last round with steroids for Ryan was not a good one. He's now nursing a bleeding ulcer (2 cortisone injections and then started on prednisone pills).


Good luck.

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Beautiful girl, hope she finds comfort soon. hugs.



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Guest Hannah

I don't know what you are using or have tried but if they are not on the been there done it list take a look at Seraquin. Our vet put fluffy (kitty, 17, with arthritis in both back lags and hips) on them for her arthritis. they are cumulative so it takes 10-14 days for the full effect to kick in but Madam was coming upstairs to shout at us about breakfast within a week of starting her on them :rolleyes: she started on 2 per day for the first month then dropped down to 1 a day maintenance.


non-creaky good wishes from one arthritic old girl to another

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Guest LolasMom

Separate and in addition to the drugs you feel are best for her...do you have a licensed acupuncturist in your area?


My two seniors made amazing progress with weekly acupuncture treatments for arthritis. Hope she feels better.


Patience is a beauty and it's easy to see why she's daddy's love. :wub::wub:

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Guest longdogs

What are you using? William has arthritis in his hips, left hind knee and hind paws. He has bad weeks and good weeks. Generally we can control it using Rimadyl or Meloxicam. The other thing that seems to help is his personal heater (a safe oil-filled column heater rext to his bed) on cooler nights. There are lots of options now for relief of arthritic pain, so it should be a question of finding something that works and is affordable. I've also heard of dogs in crippling pain from an arthritic leg being 'cured' almost instantly by an amputation. Good luck. She seems to have a loving home.

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Guest smarthound

There are many things you can do to help relieve arthritis pain in dogs. Here's a link to a site with a number of helpful articles.

Arthritis Care

And here's a good place to start. 7 Steps for Arthritis Management


Also, as longdogs mentioned, keeping her warm is important, especially if you live in an area with cold and/or damp winters. Our arthritic pups wore light-weight fleece coats indoors most of the winter.


You might consider acupuncture and/or massage therapy. Supplements can also be helpful. Is she taking glucosamine and chondroitin?

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I've had cortisone shots myself--and let me tell you--they're a freaking frackin' miracle.


I have had shoulder surgery twice, and really need a third to remove part of my collar bone. The shots (on me!) didn't feel as if they did much for about 24 hours, but afterward, I got approximately 3 mo. relief from CONSTANT pain from them.


For severe arthritis, studies (sorry, can't quote them right now...) show glucosamine of little to no value. Once the cartilidge is basically GONE, there isn't much you can do except manage the pain.


I have arthritis in my knee, hip, spine, shoulder, and hand. It's the garden variety arthritis, not rhuematoid, and there really isn't anything they can do for you except give you good medication.


Personal experiences only--not a doctor or vet!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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OK well an update. I have been reading all the responses and googling most of them. I meant to respond this morning before we went to the vet but I ran out of time. The news was surprising and a bit of a relief although still not fabulous. Patience injured her shoulder. She has fliud in the joint and so she has been in pretty bad pain. We have narcotics and have been told to ice her shoulder following with heat tomorrow. I am glad to know that its not the arthritis but the vet explained that at her age its not good for her to have an injury like this. She thinks she is a youngin like her brothers. The "anything they can do I can do better" mentality. Unfortunatly we will have to limit her from now on. Thanks for all the advice and I am going to try a suppliment or two to help with the arthritis. Oh and FYI for all... my vet was VERY much against cortizone shots. HE said that at her age and with the antiinflamitory meds she has been on there is a huge risk for bleeding ulcers. He said that on his own I never mentioned what Trudy said about her Ryan I just asked him what he thought! Thanks again all! I will let you know as she recovers!

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Guest smarthound

Thanks for the update. It can be a challenge to take care of our pups as they get older, especially if there are youngsters in the house. Luckily for Patience, she has a caring family looking out for her.


I am taking an online class/seminar this evening given by a local holistic vet, Dr. Julie Mayer, about supplements. If you're interested and available, here's the info.link

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