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Introducing Zuki!

Guest grey_dreams

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Guest grey_dreams

I've been hanging around here for a long time, asking many questions and learning a lot from everyone. Finally the day has arrived!


My new love made the long journey from SCOOBY in Spain to GINN in Netherlands. His name at SCOOBY was Ciro. Here is his adoption photo from the SCOOBY website:




We went to meet him at GINN yesterday, brought him home to Amsterdam, and renamed him Zuki. He has been an absolute love and is being very good. He liked the car ride home, and isn't at all afraid of all the noise and bustle on the streets (trams, busses, bicycles, people). He behaves beautifully on the leash and loves our neighborhood park. He mostly ignores our cat, and she is not too concerned about sharing the house with him either. He slept through the night without a sound and has not had 1 accident in the house. He is afraid of the laminate floors, but that's getting better already today. The biggest problem so far is his fear of the stairs - we live on the 3rd floor, and the stairs are the open kind that you can see through. He weighs about 30 kg, so it's not easy carrying him up and down. If anyone has advice for how to help him gain confidence with the stairs I would be grateful!


Here is a photo I grabbed this morning while he was sleeping:




I am in love! :beatheart


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:confetti Congratulations! :confetti Zuki is gorgeous! Not that it matters, but is he a retired racer or a galgo? Scooby rocks! One of my galgos came from there and I know they also help with the greyhounds when the tracks close there.


Here's the standard stairs method Link that I've typically seen. I only have a few steps leading out to my backyard, so I've never really had to do any major stair training myself. But I've seen that a hesitant/inexperienced dog will often follow another dog. Do you have a friend with a dog that can go ahead of Zuki up and down a few times? This could be a real confidence builder for him. Have the other dog walk slowly just a few steps at a time ahead of Zuki at first and then reward Zuki and friend with treats.


The picture of him sleeping is lovely. What a beautiful coat he has. I look forward to updates and more pictures.


Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Guest grey_dreams
:confetti Congratulations! :confetti Zuki is gorgeous! Not that it matters, but is he a retired racer or a galgo? Scooby rocks! One of my galgos came from there and I know they also help with the greyhounds when the tracks close there.


Here's the standard stairs method Link that I've typically seen. I only have a few steps leading out to my backyard, so I've never really had to do any major stair training myself. But I've seen that a hesitant/inexperienced dog will often follow another dog. Do you have a friend with a dog that can go ahead of Zuki up and down a few times? This could be a real confidence builder for him. Have the other dog walk slowly just a few steps at a time ahead of Zuki at first and then reward Zuki and friend with treats.


The picture of him sleeping is lovely. What a beautiful coat he has. I look forward to updates and more pictures.


Thank you Cynthia! Zuki is a galgo, he is 3 years old. And yes, Scooby rocks!


We have tried placing each foot on a stair (front left-front right-back left-back right) for a few stairs, but that's not working so well as he is just freezing at the stairs. He is also too anxious (trembling, nose dripping) to take treats, but today I will try it before his dinner with stinky mackerel and liverwurst :P . Thanks much for the suggestion of getting help from an experienced hound! That's a brilliant idea! My adoption representative at GINN has a greyhound-whippet girl who is a pro on my stairs! I will try to see if we can arrange an appointment if he's not gaining confidence in the next days.

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Oh, Zuki is just beautiful! Congratulations! :confetti


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest bowiebears

Congratulations! Zuki is a gorgeous dog. Many many happy years together!


We tried the 'experienced greyhound' to teach our first hound the stairs. No luck.

He is still a bit anxious about stairs, but one of our friends did help him to learn how to do it with help by simply walking up and down the stairs with him a few times each day, standing next to him, touching his collar so he felt safe.


Good luck!


More pix would be wonderful too!



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Guest Greyglo
...Here is a photo I grabbed this morning while he was sleeping:




He's so precious! Congratulations, and wishing you many happy years together!!

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Guest lizmego

He'll get used to the stairs in time. You've got an added obstacle of them being open on the back. I've found its easier if they can't see through them -- probably not covenient for you, but if you could throw a towel over the stairs at first he might go up them easier. And then once he has confidence with the stairs he can try them with the back being open with no covering. My three were afraid of our basement stairs, and although they didn't go down in the basement very often, when they did, I would cover the stairs and they would have no problem going up or down. I think that totally helped them transition so they could easily go up and down my parent's deck stairs which are open on the back.


Good luck!

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Guest grey_dreams

Thanks everyone for your nice comments and welcome!


Congratulations! Zuki is a gorgeous dog. More pix would be wonderful too!




I think he is absolutely gorgeous too! He doesn't like the camera much, so I haven't taken many photos. Here is one from today in the park. Zuki says: "I smell rabbit!"




He is doing so well! He decided on the second day that he would go down the stairs, and so we don't have to carry him down anymore. This is what our stairwell looks like going down:







He is still afraid to go up. Today he did try a few stairs by himself, but then wasn't brave enough to continue. This is what our stairs look like going up:




He'll get used to the stairs in time. You've got an added obstacle of them being open on the back. I've found its easier if they can't see through them -- probably not covenient for you, but if you could throw a towel over the stairs at first he might go up them easier...


This is a brilliant idea! We tried it yesterday with a large sheet. He easily went up 3 stairs, but then froze when he could see through the steps again. Unfortunately, I don't have a sheet to cover 3-stories-worth of stairs :).


I am sure he would go up if he couldn't see through them. I think it will just take time for him to become more used to it and build up his confidence. Also, my friend at GINN has a beautiful girl hound that can come here and show him how to do it if he doesn't figure it out :P .

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Guest jettcricket

Oh my....he is beautiful!! :wub: Congrats....wishing you and Zuki many happy, healthy years together. I love his name.


Whoa....look at those stairs. I'd be afraid of them too!!! Reminds of when I was a little girl and we walked up to the top of the Statue of Liberty. They made me dizzy.....

Edited by jettcricket
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Guest grey_dreams
Whoa....look at those stairs. I'd be afraid of them too!!! Reminds of when I was a little girl and we walked up to the top of the Statue of Liberty. They made me dizzy.....


:lol Oh yeah, the very first time I went up them I was pretty thrilled too. That's why I know how hard it must be for him. He is very brave though, and I think with time he will be convinced that he can do it. :)


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