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A Friend Called Me This Morning ...

Guest MomofCash

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Guest MomofCash

Maggie has 2 Greys, Cinni and Kate and used to live here and they were our play partners. They moved from here some time back and over to Missouri, where her parents are and she's taking care of them also in their aging years.


Anyway, this morning she called and said that Cinni is at the E-vet. About a week ago Maggie came home from work, Cinni was laying on the couch and her throat was swollen. She managed to get her tag collar off and her entire throat was swollen. At some point during this last week, the swelling also moved to her lips. Within the last 2-3 days, she has started bruising ... first between the legs and now it has started moving down her chest. Maggie said the swelling is from the base of her jaws, all the way down her neck and it's hard, not soft. The e-vet says that it's a hard mass, not a liquid mass ... her breathing is fine, but having difficulty swallowing but they're making sure she gets some sort of canned food (ED?) watered down with water. The e-vet doesn't have the ability to do an ultrasound, but all the x-rays haven't showed anything at all ... they show a clear passage, nothing there.


She's had Cinni in and out from her regular vet for the last week too, so they've been trying to identify the problem - but can't seem too.


Maggie is just at her wit's end and I told her I'd post on here to see if anyone had experienced anything like this before ?


Any sort of suggestions, help, advice ... anything would be appreciated. I feel so helpless being so far from her ... :(

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Guest MomofCash
Have the vet call Ohio State asap. Where is she located? How far is a specialist?


Couto Guillermo Professor Veterinary Clinical Sciences (614) 292-3551 couto.1@osu.edu




Greyhound medical consult:





I just passed her the info ... Maggie is actually in Hazelwood, Missouri.


As far as the specialist - the e-vet said it would probably be Tuesday before they could get Cinni in for an ultrasound? Then again, I have no earthly idea how far the specialist would be from Maggie.


Does that make sense ?

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Holy crap.


Bee sting? Snakebite? Infection affecting the lymph nodes?

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest MomofCash
Maybe I missed it has she had any blood work done? Unexplained bruising & swelling- I would think she would need some lab work...


Just called her back - lots of bloodwork by the regular vet and the e-vet and all values are normal.



Holy crap.


Bee sting? Snakebite? Infection affecting the lymph nodes?


She said the vet said that if it had been a sting/bite, it would have lasted a couple of days at best - not more than a week?


She just said that she called the e-vet and gave them Dr. Couto's number and such and the e-vet said that was really for the specialist to call because they really wouldn't be able to do anything more there. I was like what the heck ?


She also said that the e-vet said that Cinni is resting well, just stressed to be in the crate (she's never been crated) and that the bruising seems better.


I don't know - this just doesn't feel right to me. But Maggie is going to go pick Cinni up at 8:00 tomorrow and bring her straight to the specialist (without an appointment). Hopefully they will fit her in ...




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She can also contact OSU herself using bupdog's contact addresses. They are happy to work with pet owner and/or vet. Praying they can get an answer quickly.

Edited by foxysmom

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Guest MomofCash

Update ....


Was away from my desk and Maggie left a message. She picked up Cinni @ the e-vet this morning and brought her straight over to the specialist, where she has left her. She said that the specialist mentioned a tick disease that's prevalent in Greys, and that he's surprised that they didn't test for this before ... Maggie wasn't sure if they had or not. The specialist is also going to call Dr. Couto once he has some results of his own testing.


For my own knowledge - what sort of tick disease would you think the specialist is referring to ?

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Guest MomofCash

Maggie called crying - the specialist called and said Cinni has an "aggressive hard mass" ... as seen from the ultrasound. They did more tests/bloodwork but won't have the pathology report back until Tuesday late/Wednesday early morning. I asked Maggie if the specialist had called Dr. Couto and she didn't know ... so she called the specialist back and he said he wouldn't until he had the pathology reports and that he has greyhounds himself and knows about them. He did call and talk to her regular vet, who Maggie is going to call this evening and maybe get more info and some advice in English instead of vet-speak. Plus, Maggie is just so upset ... the specialist told her that they didn't know if they could operate since the mass was in her neck and had "blood surrounding it" and what it was tied to and that at best she'd have 6-8 months. Can they make that determination without a biopsy or any type of pathology back ?


I'm frustrated being so far away from her and she being so upset. The specialist told her to come and get Cinni and bring her home and wait for the pathology results and try to decide what to do. How can you decide what to do if there's nothing definitive?

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Guest greytexplorer

Poor all of you!


I think it's going to be a "wait and see" thing until those path reports come back.

And I am betting it will be fairly definitive as to what the options will be.

Please insist that the vets contact Dr Couto with the results from everything (xray, sonogram, bloodwork, etc).

I don't care how much we love/appreciate/obey our vets; two heads are ALWAYS better than one when it comes to figuring out what action needs to be taken.


Prayers for all of you, that Wednesday gets here soon, for peace and a good outcome.



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Guest MomofCash

Cinni is home with Maggie - swelling has gone down in her neck somewhat. Maggie said that the regular vet had given her a steroid shot - I suppose this would alleviate some of the swelling? She still has not spoken with her regular vet, who supposedly spoke with the specialist late this afternoon. Maggie is just besides herself, as I am being so far away and nothing that I can do ...

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Guest gottaluvgreysindy

Have her call Dr. Couto herself. It seems that none of the other vets want to do it. I wouldn't go with not knowing. Please let her know that we are all praying for her.

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Guest guinness_the_greyt
Have her call Dr. Couto herself. It seems that none of the other vets want to do it. I wouldn't go with not knowing. Please let her know that we are all praying for her.


I agree... Call Dr Couto... he may call the specialist himself to request the info.


Don't wait for the vet or the specialist to call... sometimes egos get in the way. :sad1



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Guest lat41065



If she is interested in a second opinion or needs a specialist have her call Jane at greyhound campanions and she can give her a referral to someone they use. They are a wonderful supportive group.

Also a friend recently contacted Dr. Couto and he was extremely helpful with her greyhound.


She and her baby are in our thoughts.




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Guest Redpack

Okay, ignore me if I'm nuts...but my ds swelled up like this....I know humans are different, but I wonder... because they couldn't find what was wrong with him....many trips to the doctors and finally two stays in intensive care ...something called ludwig's angina....infection of the tissues under the tongue that spread down his throat. Said they didn't find it because it usually occurs in the elderly and is linked to tooth absesses...It eventually formed into a cyst under his chin. I know you said they did blood tests...has she been on any antibiotics? An infection would be better than a mass.

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Have her call Ohio State. Since she is the owner, they will talk to her (or have her email them) so they can suggest what it could be and perhaps a direction to look at.


Has anyone tried antibiotics? Clavamox would not hurt and if it's something like suggested above, it would help.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest MomofCash
Have her call Ohio State. Since she is the owner, they will talk to her (or have her email them) so they can suggest what it could be and perhaps a direction to look at.


Has anyone tried antibiotics? Clavamox would not hurt and if it's something like suggested above, it would help.



I'm trying ... yes, she was on antibiotics but when she picked Cinni up at the specialist - he said to take her off of everything. Which I thought was strange. This was Maggie's response to my email yesterday after receiving the pathology reports, etc. from the specialist from Monday:


"Yes, they still cannot tell if the mass is cancer or not. They now want to do exploratory surgery to see more another $1800.00 to $2500.00 and still do not know."


Honestly, I'm a bit perplexed and I think that Maggie is so upset - she doesn't know what to ask or what to do.

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Have her send everything or put something together in an email and email to the consult line. Dr. C I think is in Dewey but Dr. Marin should be there.


Have her say everything she is thinking. The more complete with what has been done and what should be done and her thoughts is best.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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