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Young Dog And Old Dog Racing

Guest SusanP

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My 9-yr-old brood Zippy is in heaven, but I'm a little worried about her. After life with only lazy hounds afraid to race her (she has an aggressive style that has always made our other hounds nervous in the yard...) she has found a new racing buddy in our new 3-yr-old Spinner. They had the most glorious race--the longest we've ever seen in our yard-- and came in panting like crazy. But Zippy was also trembly in her hind end after the race and I'm hearing a couple of small wimpers. I think she overdid it. Will she be able to race her new pal? She's been waiting years for this. Or is the energy of a young dog too much for an old girl? And how worried should I be about the trembling hindquarters and all?

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If she hasn't been able to do this up till now, it could just be that she's unused to the hard exercise. Perhaps you can try to restrict her a little at first? Bring them in when you judge that she's had enough, and/or only let her do it every other day to begin with.


When I brought Jack home, at just shy of ten years old, he clearly hadn't been let off the lead or had the space to run in. His first run over the field was a joyous experience for him, and a slightly nerve-wracking one for me, because he literally tripped over his own feet at speed - or caught his sticky-out dewclaws in the long grass or something - and somersaulted. And for the first few times out he would run, then lie down in the grass and pant for a few minutes before we could walk on. But building him up gradually, he was able to run as much as he wanted without getting exhausted. We did a lot of lead walks - 30-40 mins - with him too, to condition him.


Nine isn't too old to have a good run, providing she's healthy, and has no joint or heart issues. Just take care not to let her overdo it at first, because an unfit dog running is prone to injury.


You'll probably find that she'll slow herself down once the novelty wears off too. Jack did. ;)


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Sorry, I didn't answer the trembling hindquarters.


It's probably just weakness and exhaustion in the muscles through not being fit. A massage may help her, and a good long rest in a soft bed will probably do wonders, but if she's stiff or limping when she gets up after a rest, she may have strained or torn something.


Again, unfit dogs running hard are prone to injury, but it's probably nothing serious - unless she's been diagnosed with LS? If she has, you'll need to check with your vet before allowing her to run with the three-year old.




The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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She has no known heart or joint problem, LS or anything. She's always been very spritely. But she was walking kind of stiff just now... I'm not at all sure I could have stopped her from running if I'd tried. I can turn them out separately or hope she realizes she can't keep up with him yet?

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It sounds like Zippy had a fun little run, and there's some post-exertional trembling going on- the same thing that happens when people overwork a muscle when exercising for the first time in a while. If there was whimpering, check for any injury now, and any stiffness tomorrow. I'm not sure whether dogs get the same ache people do (my legs are still hurting from a caving trip on Saturday!), and I keep mixing up anti-inflammatories and which are safe for dogs so I won't make any recommendations!


If there's no problems with LS, hopefully Zippy will get "back up to speed" and be able to hold down her own with Spinner before long!

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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She has no known heart or joint problem, LS or anything. She's always been very spritely. But she was walking kind of stiff just now... I'm not at all sure I could have stopped her from running if I'd tried. I can turn them out separately or hope she realizes she can't keep up with him yet?

Yeah, you might have to turn them out separately on alternate days if you think she needs resting. But she will probably limit herself after the first buzz of excitement.


Other than that, let Zippy out first so you know she's done her business, then let the younger pup out, and bring Zippy back in when you think she's done enough running and leave the 3 yo out for a while by herself. Just for now, while she builds herself up.


It would be a shame to stop her altogether, she's obviously having a blast! :wub:



The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Oh, she *was* having a blast! I almost cried for joy at seeing her so happy running flat out. For years she used to stalk the other dogs and pounce at them, trying to get them to run with her. 2 were so intimidated by her they always just froze and snuck away at the first opportunity. Our big male, now 7, used to sometimes give in and race her, (when he didn't feel like racing he was apt to nip her for pestering him) but he just isn't in the mood all that often. Little Spinner is just what she's been waiting for. They are getting along so beautifully, too. I am happy for her, but don't want to see her hurt.

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Hobbes sat in an adoption kennel for a 1 1/2 years before I got him, so needless to say he was out of shape. The first time I brought him to my parents to visit, he ran around like a crazy fool, with their collie cross. His hind end trembled quite badly. I was so worried, I thought he was just to old to run around. (he was almost 8). That was 2 months ago, today he can beat my parents dog. No problems with trembling in his hind end. He just had to become fit again. If your girlie is enjoying herself, I wouldn't stop her. Maybe just build her up slowly, only letting her run every other day or something.

Hobbes-Ricard Hatch09/23/99-12/21/09 Always loved, never forgotten. Wally TNJ Boy Howdy, GLS Genuinerisk Corinna

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Frank is almost 8, and when he gets an especially envigorating run in at the ballfield, he'll show some stiffness/whimpering getting up and down the next day. It's minor and lessens or goes away with more exercise. I think if your girl has been given a clean bill of health by the vet, she should be fine. Maybe try to work her up to it gradually?

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Best (9) and Dita (6) run together all the time. When I got Best last spring, he wasn't used to it and got stressed and stiff. However, he is now a maniac and comes in less stressed than Dita who is usually panting pretty hard! He isn't limping at all any more and his overall fitness is great. Based on my experience, I would say that Zippy will learn to pace herself and will get more and more fit. It's so great to see them run!


I do give my hounds Fresh Factors so that probably helps.

Lexi the pointeresque mutt (1999), Homer the chi mix (2010) and Lacey the ? (2009). Always remembering Dita, Best, Oba, Bubba, and the others at the bridge.

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Zippy was back to walking like twinkle- toes this morning on our walk (I love to watch her walk from behind!), no sign of stiffness. So I guess it wasn't so bad after all!


But now it's occured to me that my 7-yr-old Dr.Doug, who runs only on occasion, may be tempted to race Spinner, too. Doug has a mild aortic stenosis, and we were told he has no exercise restrictions, but I do worry...



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She should be fine once she gets used to it...I'd keep an eye on her though. I have a friend fostering a 2 year old, her 7 year old broodie is loving him as the other 2 greys she has don't run with her and this guy does.....

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Zippy was back to walking like twinkle- toes this morning on our walk (I love to watch her walk from behind!), no sign of stiffness. So I guess it wasn't so bad after all!


But now it's occured to me that my 7-yr-old Dr.Doug, who runs only on occasion, may be tempted to race Spinner, too. Doug has a mild aortic stenosis, and we were told he has no exercise restrictions, but I do worry...


Good news on Zippy! :thumbs-up


Did Dr Doug see a cardiologist? If he did and that's who told you he had no exercise restrictions, don't worry. Jim's cardio told us that he likes to see ALL his cardio patients get as much exercise as they can tolerate. It is good for general heart health, and may keep them going for longer than if you coddle them. If it wasn't a cardio, then for your peace of mind you may want confirmation on that. :)


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest savvyprchick

Chase (8) still trembles sometimes when he and Lulu (16 months) have a really good, long run (I've had him about 6 months longer). But he's also wagging his tail the whole time after he comes in. I worried the first couple times I saw it but I don't anymore :)

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Clark is 10 and loves running with Dreamy our 3 year old. Gypsy (also 10) only runs when the weather is right and the planets in correct alignment :rolleyes: she's a diva :blush . When we first got Dreamy I would let Clark and Gypsy out first to do their business, bring them in. Then let Dreamy out to do hers and run a bit. After she gets the friskiness out I would let Clark out to play with her. He seems to know when to quit and will come stand by me when he's done.

Sue ,Sky and Dood, Bridge angels Clark, Gypsy, Dreamy and Sneakers, Oshkosh,WI Heartbound Greyhound Adoptionsept2013sigcopy_zps8ad6ed09.jpg<p>

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Yes, Dr.Doug saw a cardiologist several years ago and was told no exercise restrictions. But I worry a bit about a sudden "weekend-warrior" type burst of activity. Maybe I shouldn't. The aortic stenosis is apparently quite mild.

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I'll bet that Zippy had a wonderful night's sleep after her first run. Mine hardly move after they have had so much fun!

From Wisconsin -- It's Nancy, Bob, Carla, June Bug and our newby Skorch.... along with Buffy. She's the little hound that meows.

With loving memorials to K.C., Barko and Major Turn -- all playing at the bridge.

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Then let Dreamy out to do hers and run a bit. After she gets the friskiness out I would let Clark out to play with her.


I have done similar. Still have to watch, but once the explosiveness has worn off, it's much easier to get somebody to come for a cookie, take a break, etc. if they get too worked up.


Hope your girlie isn't sore today. Sounds like she had a wonderful time. :)


I wouldn't worry too much about your boy -- easier said than done, I know -- just maybe watch that he doesn't go overboard.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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