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New Hound Not Drinking, Any Advice?

Guest Kitty_cat

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Guest Kitty_cat

We got our first greyhound last night: very happy with him so far :-) I am worried about his lack of water intake though. In the last 26hrs he's only had 4 licks of water, literally. He wasn't eating either, of course, so I just gave him a couple spoonfulls of plain yogurt on a couple of pieces of kibble and he reluctantly ate that, but refuses to drink. I've done the "skin tent" test and I suspect he may be slightly dehydrated. What can I do to encourage him to drink??

worried mom

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Guest Hollys2hounds

Watching him for dehydration is crucial! Is he eating anything in particular right now?



Until he calms down and gets into a routine I would even give him:


kibble mixed with some watered down canned wet food (just to give it some flavor)




kibble mixed with some boiled chopped meat (water added).

My two will not eat kibble unless it is mixed with something. To them it is like cereal without milk!!!!


Will he eat an ice cube? My two love them.

Good luck with your new addition!!!


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When we first got Stevie he was a real spook and not very happy about being in our home. He wouldn't drink either. His mouth was always so dry and stinky. We gave ice cubes and added water to the kibble like some of the suggestions here. It seems like he was a light drinker for the first few months. We just thought he was rebelling against the adoption (he was a lucky one who had a trainer who adored and spoiled him). Good luck - surely he will drink when he gets really thirsty. Maybe your bowls are just different than what he is used to and it will take him awhile to get used to all the changes. All of my greyhounds have some autistic tendencies when it comes to change and routine!

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Guest Kitty_cat

Success! 2 tsp Friskies canned food with lots of warm water and he lapped it up happily. Silly boy. I guess the Brita filtered water wasn't good enough for him :-) Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I LOVE this site!


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It could just be that your water doesn't taste right to him. We used to do a M&G at a store in Ft Worth that had terrible tasting water & none of the dogs would drink it. One dog would always hit the bowl with his paw until it spilled. Also my DD lives on a ranch so her dogs are used to well water & don't care for city water because it's so different.

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Guest IrskasMom



Catherine WELCOME ..... :wave:wave:wave This is the Place for any Help with your New Addition. See

if he likes a few Licks of Ensure if you are worried about Food Intake . Also Pedialite could be helpful. If it's

good for Baby's it can't hurt the Hounds . Just to get him on a Schedule.

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Guest Kitty_cat

Great suggestion Holleys2hounds, Stewie's appetite is definitely back with the kibble + warm water + canned food. Still won't drink straight water, so apart from the straight water bowl I've added a bowl with water + just a bit of canned food to give it flavor, and he likes it heated up a bit. He's got me wrapped around his little toe! I'm guessing over the next few days he'll start drinking without my efforts... Or he'll keep me as his slave chef! :P

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Guest Hollys2hounds

I also love the Pedialyte idea added to the food. It will replace lost electrolytes etc. It comes in unflavored. I do that in the event my guys get the big 'D'.

Good luck with your new addition!

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What kind of water do you have? You might try distilled and see if that is ok with him :)


I remember one grey (and no, I can't remember which one), didn't want to drink so I had water in a plastic bowl, ceramic bowl and stainless steel bowl. Eventually he started drinking and it had nothing to do with what kind of bowl :rolleyes:


Burp hated stainless steel and I had to put his water in a plastic bowl. Their smell is so keen sometimes I wonder.


I know my guys have been on filtered water (from a PUR mounted on normal fixture) and hate regular city water. They either smell it and walk away or drink very little.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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