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Zooks Is Getting Worse - Update

Guest Zookiesmom

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Guest Zookiesmom

Ok, so I posted about leg licking and open sores. We put pants on him today, had a neighbour check on him at lunch time, and got him to the vet late this afternoon. Vet liked the pant idea to keep him from licking and gave us panalog cream (antibacterial and steroidal, I think, to relieve the itch). We went and got him better pants, trimmed them up, etc. He seemed fine all evening. Tonight he wasn't comfortable lying down (after we put the panalog cream on) and at midnight he was up. We got him calm, adjusting the pants, etc. and got him back in bed. He went for a pee, then he pulled a drawer out of the dresser (doG only knows how) and we noticed another mark on his other leg not too long later (we had the pants off for a short tiime, but he wasn't licking). He refused to go to bed. I thought maybe it was itching badly so we gave him a small amount of benadryl. He wont sleep. He contintues to stand on either side of our bed and pant. And not just next to us, right in our faces. He's out for his third walk in three hours right now. Something is wrong. He doesn't seem to have a fever, checked his ears, but he's shaking big time, especially his back legs. He's in from his walk now. He pooped, but it didn't seem urgent. Any thoughts? Reaction to the cream? I'll check this in the morning, assuming we get some sleep sometime tonight!




Update 9:37pm Friday

OK, so during the day he apparently was fine. The neighbour said he was normal when she was here at lunch. When we got home, he was completely normal. Most of the evening he was fine. It just started again, at about 9pm. He was pacing, staring at the corner near the back door, staring at the kitchen, staring at me and panting, again. I palpated his tummy and he seems fine. He had dinner at about 5 tonight, not the nutro, but technical lamb and rice, which he'd been on for a long time. Andrew's outside walking him right now to see if thats the problem. I just don't know what to do with him. When he gets back if it doesn't stop we may give him a pepto since his tummy may be bothering him. Gosh I hope we can figure this out.... how could he have been fine all day and then bothered again now?

Any ideas?

Edited by Zookiesmom
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Gosh, poor Zooks and poor you.


Panalog is only an antibacterial. There are no steroids in it. Perhaps Zooks is having a reaction to it, but I think that is unlikely. My vet swears by the stuff and used it on his small children in preference to "human" drugs. I've used it on numerous dogs over many years and never had any sort of reaction. However, here is a patient information link on Panalog:



Sounds like Zooks may be due another vet visit today. I am so sorry for both of you and hope Zooks gets better soon.


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Guest Zookiesmom

Thank you for your replies. He's on nothing other than the panalog, which we only used once, at like 8pm. So, the first sore appeared, gosh, a few weeks ago, and just last week (after it had started to heal) we switched their food (from technical lamb and rice to nutro lamb and rice). Anyone think its the food? I'm thinking now that maybe the first sore was a fluke, but the rest are an allergy to the food? I couldn't find anything about allergies to the meds in panalog, so I think thats a long shot. He has NEVER acted the way he did throughout the night last night. He finally would lay down, but every 15 min or so whine a bit and get up until we told him to lay back down. He seems better now, calmer, so we're going to keep an eye on him for now. We're also noticing pink spots on his belly, near his "little friend", lol. One is on the very underside of his back leg, and we thought it was a birthmark we hadn't noticed, until we saw another one appearing on his belly this morning.

I really hope he's okay. DH and I both have busy days today, and we have to pick the truck up later. At least I can call the neighbour to check on him during the day, as long as hes resting well when we leave (im sure he's tired!) I;ll write mroe whern I get to work. Thanks everyone.

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Guest Tenderhearts
I wonder if the distress was totally unrelated, perhaps a stomach/bowel discomfort. Was he doing ok on the old food?

That's what I was wondering too? :dunno With the panting, shaking, not laying down, I'm thinking gastrointestinal too.


Personally I've stuck with the same kibble for a couple of years now. I find I create a lot more problems by trying to switch. My dogs don't tolerate lamb well, so we've stayed away from that.


Also, dogs can develop an allergy to something like a particular food ingredient or environmental factors out of the blue after being fine for years.


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It seems quite coincidental about his food change and this sudden change in behaviour. You may want to consider switching him back. I know you were having trouble getting him to eat, but a hungry dog will eat.


Allergies to food can show on the skin, as I've mentioned to you about Atlas and Icarus.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest Zookiesmom

THanks for the comments on Nutro. We haven't had the bag long, and he said we could bring it back if they couldn't handle it. He had the technical for breakfast this morning. We switched because Nina doesn't seem to care for the Technical anymore. They just seem to get bored with their food.


Gastro problems makes sense, now that I think about it, but even though he wanted to go outside, he didn't really have to go. He peed the first time, and poo'd the third time we walked him, but Andrew said he didn't really have to go badly or anything.

It's so weird, he's never acted this way before. We know when he paces and whimpers that somethings bothering him, but to just stand next to the bed and pant isn't like him at all. Any thoughts on something neurological?

We didn't put the pants back on him this morning, in case they were hurting him. We put his pj's on instead, and the fan to keep him cool. We have to go pick up our truck sometime, so if its early, we're going to go check on him, and if not, I'm going to call the neighbour and ask her to check on him.

I just don't get it. I've never seen him act this way before.


I forgot to mention, he is taking a glucosamine capsule because he seems sore when we go for long walks, and I figured it couldn't hurt him.

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I don't know if this would become a habit for him to expect but could you lay down with him on the floor, (assuming you have something you can get halfway comfortable with) and just lay near him?


I know that when Beau first had his leg injury, he could not get comfortable and the panting was excessive. I would lay down close to him and eventually he would settle down. I would do this in my room where he normally sleeps and then slip myself into bed.


Hope you can get him comfortable so that you can function during the day.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

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Guest Zookiesmom
It seems quite coincidental about his food change and this sudden change in behaviour. You may want to consider switching him back. I know you were having trouble getting him to eat, but a hungry dog will eat.


Allergies to food can show on the skin, as I've mentioned to you about Atlas and Icarus.


Yes, that was my first thought after last night. He was eating fine, but Nina wasn't :S. She's just a spoiled brat and wants me to cook for her!!!!!!


Thanks Jiffer :)


I don't know if this would become a habit for him to expect but could you lay down with him on the floor, (assuming you have something you can get halfway comfortable with) and just lay near him?


I know that when Beau first had his leg injury, he could not get comfortable and the panting was excessive. I would lay down close to him and eventually he would settle down. I would do this in my room where he normally sleeps and then slip myself into bed.


Hope you can get him comfortable so that you can function during the day.


We thought about that, but he has some sleep aggression and we were worried if we moved while he was sleeping hed get scared and snap.

I'm at work now, on a second wind I guess, lol, because I'm not sleepy.... yet

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Guest Tenderhearts

Just a thought on Nina getting bored with the previous food.


Do you ever put add-ins in the food?


My dogs get something added every day, and I don't mind a bit. Some of the things I use are the tricolor pasta, sardines, salmon, eggs, and veggies. I always add water too to moisten the kibble and warm it in the microwave.



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Guest Zookiesmom
Just a thought on Nina getting bored with the previous food.


Do you ever put add-ins in the food?


My dogs get something added every day, and I don't mind a bit. Some of the things I use are the tricolor pasta, sardines, salmon, eggs, and veggies. I always add water too to moisten the kibble and warm it in the microwave.


They always get oil and water, and sometimes get pasta noodles or rice. I was cooking for them during the pet food recall, and I think that sparked her recent snobby attitude toward the food! Haha! Warming it is a good idea, they might like that. Thanks!



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Guest Tenderhearts
Just a thought on Nina getting bored with the previous food.


Do you ever put add-ins in the food?


My dogs get something added every day, and I don't mind a bit. Some of the things I use are the tricolor pasta, sardines, salmon, eggs, and veggies. I always add water too to moisten the kibble and warm it in the microwave.


They always get oil and water, and sometimes get pasta noodles or rice. I was cooking for them during the pet food recall, and I think that sparked her recent snobby attitude toward the food! Haha! Warming it is a good idea, they might like that. Thanks!

The warming works wonders here! :) On the rare occasions I do run out of something to add, I just add water and microwave till the kibble is softened. They still scarf it up! :chow:D


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Guest CaroleWithRunningDogs

My dog is suffering from horrible allergies at this point in time too, environmental. Second year in a row that it came on in mid-August, and lasted until we get a freeze. Does that coincide with your weather? Benadryl is safe for pups, which I heard you mention. I've tried all the home remedy one can think of. One that worked fairly decent before the itching spread was the corn starch paste. Looked good on my white/black dog too :gh_face . I was pretty happy with that until he went at it again. I can't get pants to fit my boy yet! I'm back to the store this week-end looking for a tall-man's shop to find boxers big enough in the "rise". Our vet also gave us small doses of Triamcinolone that I'm starting now as I can't take it any longer. I want to cry when I see my boy has itched himself raw. We did the initial blood work and see that his allergies are environmental. If you really think it is food - well I think going with a simple, fewest ingredient possible food is the way to start and work up from there. let us hear from you. I so empathize. Carole

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Guest greytmonty
My dog is suffering from horrible allergies at this point in time too, environmental. Second year in a row that it came on in mid-August, and lasted until we get a freeze. Does that coincide with your weather? Benadryl is safe for pups, which I heard you mention. I've tried all the home remedy one can think of. One that worked fairly decent before the itching spread was the corn starch paste. Looked good on my white/black dog too :gh_face . I was pretty happy with that until he went at it again. I can't get pants to fit my boy yet! I'm back to the store this week-end looking for a tall-man's shop to find boxers big enough in the "rise". Our vet also gave us small doses of Triamcinolone that I'm starting now as I can't take it any longer. I want to cry when I see my boy has itched himself raw. We did the initial blood work and see that his allergies are environmental. If you really think it is food - well I think going with a simple, fewest ingredient possible food is the way to start and work up from there. let us hear from you. I so empathize. Carole

We live with awful environmental allergies here too. You may want to consult a derm vet.

About 25% of dogs with environmental allergies also have food allergies, and the only way to figure that out is with a food trial. In the meantime have your vet look at your dog's itchy spots, as infections are easy for them to get and can be hard to get rid of.

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Guest Zookiesmom

Thanks everyone for all your help! My neighbour just went and checked on them (she heard us last night too, :(). Nina didn't get out of bed, lol, and barely opened her eyes in acknowledgement, lol. Zooks wanted some pets. His jammies were still on, and he was acting perfectly normal....

I think it may have been a combination of things now... allergies, freaking out from the drawer being pulled with him, and milking it for all the attention he can get - drama queen!!!!

We should be picking up our truck soon, and we'll be checking on him then. I'm so glad my sweet big boy is feeling better. It broke my heart to see him so distressed last night.

Thank you everyone for all your help and advice. Since he's acting normal now, we're going to keep an eye on him. I think we'll return the nutro food and go back to Technical.


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Come on baby...feel better soon sweetie. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

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Poor guy is obviously distressed about something and I wonder if it is totally unrelated to the leg. When reading over this thread I was thinking maybe a UTI or maybe having trouble urinating. If tonight is the same as the previous night I would take him to the vet. Hope you and Zooks get some rest. :grouphug

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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