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Everything posted by Robin

  1. Tina - that is SO fantastic. But We didn't hear you shouting this morning and we were in Riverside park as well! Great news!! I'm sure you and Eric are beside yourselves with happiness. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  2. Recently Shadow was bitten IN his mouth by a squirrel. I saw part of the encounter and cleaned up the squirrel fur afterwards. We have black squirrels here that are pretty tough. I grew up with red squirrels that were fast enough to get away from a Greyhound and grey squirrels that were smart enough to stay in trees high enough to avoid a confrontation. The black squirrels here fight back! Shadow bled a bit but I thought he bit his own tongue! Wrong. He has been bitten on his gum around the upper left canine tooth. Long story - short - we take him to Vet and he is on Metacam and Novo-Bioclav. His Vet can't do a thorough exam of course - Shadow's mouth is kinda sensitive. She wants to do a complete exam in a week after swelling goes down and healing has started. She doesn't think all the damage is due to the squirrel bite and continues with words that include PRE-EXISTING & TUMOUR. Mind starts racing at this point. You can imagine. I'm not particularly wanting Shadow to go through a dental ( he is 8 ). Cindy our last pup, died six months after a dental at the age of 12. I know many of you have posted your success stories about dentals for seniors ( if Shadow can be called a senior ) but I am really concerned. He will probably need to be sedated for a complete exam and that would be ideal timing for a dental.....but? Is there any special blood testing that should be done prior to this? What other questions should I ask? Most importantly are mouth tumours possible? My exam ( non professional of course ) didn't see anything like a tumour in his mouth - just swelling from a bite. He won't let me get really close unless I have cheese. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  3. Tina and Eric - we are so sorry for your loss. Words cannot express how Judy and I feel. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  4. I have stopped my self from posting my thoughts SO MANY times as this thread has evolved from Kodiak roads to something more Alaskan! But I digress Trudy your shed is great. It is nothing like the Rubbermaid unit I put together. Sorry if I had you wondering about your assembly prowess!! Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  5. I put a unit like that together last summer. Wait till you get to the roof! You are gonna have a HARD time with the sections closest to the house. The roof panels snap into the ridge beam - eventually. Use lots of soap as they suggest. You might want to talk to a neighbour for some help! Good luck. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  6. So glad to see and hear that she is doing so well. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  7. Eva - I have to go with Xan on this one too! Glad to hear Bailey is home and recovery will be just that much faster. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  8. Good news Eva. She will bounce back quickly. Especially when she is back home! Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  9. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Tim and Bailey. Has the Vet found any reason for the enlarged spleen yet? look for a quick and uneventful recovery. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  10. BradyzMommy already took 503. Put my guess at 504. I don't think you'll see any in Canada at all. Safe travels - this is the road trip of a lifetime. Take lots of pics!!!! Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  11. Liz - so glad to hear good news. Xan's chants are AWESOME aren't they. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow.
  12. Liz & Larry This is so hard to write... words cannot express just how sad we are to hear your latest news. Xan's chants have worked in the past. Until you get more results let's all chant: Nimby, you've fooled them all into thinking you were sick, but you were just having a bit of a cough. You're fine! Time to show them the joke, and come on home all better! biggrin.gif * Get Dr. Cuoto's second opinion ASAP - think of Loca. Our prayers of course and thoughts are with you and Larry. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  13. In the meantime let's all start with Xan's chant: Come on Black Jack, fool the doctor!! Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  14. SO happy to read such great news!!!! Shadow is looking forward to the first run of spring at NCR and so is Loca. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  15. Hey Robin - it's supposed to be 'break a leg' for good luck!!! Just in case wear green to the vet. (the chant continues) Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  16. So the chant continues. How is Loca feeling now anyway? Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  17. Really encouraging news. We are still doing Xan's chant BTW. What a roller coaster for you though!!! Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  18. Shadow has had neck pain in the past. Vet says it is common with sight hounds, due to long neck. He was given an injection of Metacam and some follow-up pills. Greys are quick to let you know they aren't felling up to par - they are athletes you know Roin, Judy, and, Shadow.
  19. LOVE the idea about a pizza party (virtual or not). Can guys go too? Really happy (in the circumstances) to hear early stage diagnosis. See Xan's chant is working. Keep it up everyone. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  20. Robin, it is just so hard to hear news like this. I just hate the word let alone the disease! Thoughts and prayers for you and Loca. Get that second opinion ASAP. In the meantime keep on with Xan's chant. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  21. Can't offer more advice than already given. Be very careful around eyes! First time Shadow was skunked, it was the top of his head and neck. I kept his head tilted backwards when I washed him. The smell BTW will come back if your pup gets wet before the oil completely goes away. Robin, Judy, and Shadow
  22. Welcome from Cambridge Ontario. Just retired myself! You will get a lot of info here on just how to post pictures - so hurry up eh! Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  23. Welcome from Cambridge, and another Robin! I'm originally from Montreal and lived many years in Hudson. Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
  24. So glad to hear that everyone is settling in so well. Now where are those pictures! Robin, Judy, and, Shadow
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