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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Holding Miss Emmy in my prayers, surrounded by light for her highest good.
  2. Welcome to Greytalk! Great story about Bird... thankfully you and the trainer had an "understanding" and you were able to provide a home for him when the timing was right! Both of you are lucky! Pics are a MUST.
  3. I'm very sorry for your loss of Jaycie. She's in the best of company with our grey angels.
  4. Geez... never heard of this problem in a young greyhound. Hopefully the MRI will provide a definitive diagnosis. Sending loads of prayers and light to your precious girlie.
  5. I'm very sorry to hear your news. Crap! Hopefully your baby boy will have much more quality time with you. Keeping him in my prayers, and sending hugs your way.
  6. Would closely examine her pads and between the toes for any foreign object or skin tears. Could be corns or warts. Hoping it's nothing serious.
  7. Congrats on adopting your beautiful girl and welcome to GT!
  8. Such a special girlie, and a loving spirit forever...
  9. I'm glad you can see daily improvements with Bodie, and especially that he's got an appetite again! I'm sure he's loving being home again and close to you. Cherish every moment with your sweetie.
  10. Your prayers and good thoughts are working. Sunny's definitely feeling better today, and his leg is less swollen and red. Discovered that his e-collar which is worn at night is not large enough as he was able to tear off his bandage and lick, lick, lick. Gotta search my garage for a larger one... anyhow, keep the prayers flowing to this sweet boy.
  11. Welcome to GT! Spyder (greyt name, BTW) is adorable! Hope we get to see LOTS of pics of your lil' landshark as he grows up.
  12. Sending prayers and light for the complete healing of Ernie's leg.
  13. My prayers are with you for a gentle journey to the Bridge for sweet Bailey. May all of you find peace.
  14. Oh dear... Your poor girlie. Hopefully this surgery will resolve the problem completely. Prayers and light for your precious pupper.
  15. Sending prayers... How's your boy doing today?
  16. He stole my heart immediately and will be hard to say goodbye to. However, I know at his new home, he'll be spoiled rotten and will have a great life. Yes, I'm sure we'll keep in touch.
  17. June 7th Update: Must have jinxed him with the positive update a couple of days ago. Got up this morning to discover that Sunny's leg was reddened, hot and swollen, with seepage from the lower hock area. Called the specialty vet and got him in this morning for an exam. The surgeon fortunately was there and able to take a look. He says it's not uncommon to have swelling occur, and has put the Noodle back on Clavamox for 4 weeks. After getting home and getting a meal into him and the meds, he's resting quietly and the wound has stopped seeping. Poor lil' booger. Please send him positive healing thoughts and prayers for his highest good. ************************************************************************** Sunny, the high desert rescue youngster (2) is making good progress! Surgeon was happy with his 4-week post surgery x-rays of the leg and his cast is now off permanently. He's got about 5 small pressure sores that need to get healed up, so still has to be watched carefully, and/or wear an e-collar to limit Mr. Licky Lou. Am doing range of motion therapy on the leg, since his joints are quite stiff. All in all, I'm very encouraged! We'll return for a recheck in 2 weeks, have repeat x-rays around the 4th of July, and hopefully he'll then be ready to attempt stairs. Once he can do stairs, he's got a lovely adopter who's anxious to bring him home. Sunny without the cast... in a lovely Bite Not collar and baby sock His favorite pillow... Finn's fanny
  18. Excellent! He's made SUCH good progress.
  19. I'm sure your sweet boy is SO relieved to be home, despite all the great care he was getting at OSU. It's not the same as "home." Sending more prayers and light for his body to de-stress and relax again. Give him extra kisses from us, too.
  20. iluvgreys

    Walter Roick

    What a very touching tribute to your best boy. May you always feel his loving spirit with you.
  21. So glad to hear that he's coming home. Sending lots more prayers and light his way...
  22. Glad your vet was able to give you some diagnoses and course of treatment. Keeping Festus in my prayers for the best health possible.
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