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Posts posted by Greylover97

  1. Friday afternoon, Carolina ripped her nail off in the yard. A trip to the vet and she was put under, they clipped the nail past the split and wrapped her up. She has an antibiotic and pain pills. Saturday morning her leg above the wrapped part was swollen. A trip back to the vet and it's swollen because she wasn't using that leg. So yesterday she was prescribed prednisone. She had 10 mg twice yesterday, and will get the same today. For the remainder of the week, she will only get 10 mg skipping a couple of days. This morning the top half of her leg is still swollen and it has moved down to affect her "ankle." How long before the prednisone kicks in? She is drinking and peeing more but it isn't helping the swelling any.


    A few pictures from this morning:









    Ignore the treat crumbs on her leg :lol


  2. Just another opinion. What if it's not the food and it might be hookworm or something? My guy had hookworm and we took him to the vet to get tested. The only symptom I was aware of was the uncontrollable diahrea (we tried changing food and bland diet etc).

    Agreed. Take a sample into your vet. Carolina started the samething and a few days later Jake had it. They both had hookworms. It's better to rule things out.


  3. Thanks. The limp is going away again. He is 99.9%better today. Does the unmentionable scary stuff ever show itself that way?? I will look for corns, etc...Just scared about the big 'C.'

    For Kira it did. One day out of the blue she started limping. We watched her and it went away a couple of days later. It later returned and stayed, we went to the vet and decided against x-rays. Was given some thing for arthritis. After we were out of the drugs, we switched over to glucosamine. About a week later the limping returned. We did x-rays and found the very early stages of osteo. :(


    For piece of mind, get the x-rays done.

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