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Posts posted by Greylover97

  1. I don't see anything today except for grass stuck to his pads. Towards the end we were on grass talking to a lady that was interested in adopting, we spend a good 5 or 10 minutes with her. After that we got back on the pavement and walked to the car. He was fine then and no problems today.


    Walking is a bit of a stretch. It's more like pulling all over the place and never ending sniffing.

  2. Our local park had a civil war reenactment. We took both Carolina and Jake to walk around, listened to the bag pipes etc. Jake is by no means an excellent walker. He was very excited and ready to go. He only laid down once for a few minutes. We spent nearly two hours there just walking around and talking. Towards the end Jake started to limp badly on his front foot, but only on the pavement, he was fine on the grass. So I kept him on the grass for the remained of the time we were there. He walked back to the car no problem and he seems just fine again. I checked his foot and didn't see anything wrong. Do you think it was just too much for him? He will be 7 in the fall. Should I be thinking about starting him on supplements?

  3. I would fast her for 12 hours, nothing to eat just plenty of water to drink. Then start back with the chicken and rice. With the fasting it will give her system a rest. If that doesn't work then she should go to the vet with a stool sample, they should check for worms.

  4. I would agree with the pemphigus as well. That would explain the peeling nose and cresents and it can also present in other areas as well. Carolina has pemphigus which only affects her nose. But our vet said it could show up around the mouth, eyes, toes, and anal area as well.


    I don't know about the shedding part though. Talk to your vet about auto-immune issues. If you were to start treatment you might see improvement in him overall. Prednisone doesn't work for all. It didn't work for Carolina so we use Niacinimide and sometimes a cream.


    Some more information for you to read over.




  5. My knowledge is limited on this but from what I understand, dogs with epilepsy seem to go in a trance state. Sounds like your hound is completely aware of what is going on around him at the time.


    It's good you talked to the vet about it though. If his teeth chatter then yes he's happy but I've never heard about head shaking. Is it possible to tape this head shaking? Maybe if the vet sees it they will be more helpful.

  6. Off and on for last week or so, Carolina has been dealing with a mixture of big d and loose stools. We finally went to the vet yesterday. Turns out she has hook worms. :( She and Jake started Panacur last night and they will both be treated for five days. We are also sitting on the fence about colitis. She has some antibiotics for a week and a special diet for four days. Then she will be put back on her regular diet and we will see what happens.


    Back in April, Carolina went to a picnic and a week later she got the big d. We went to the vet and he said colitis, he gave us a special diet and something to make her stop going but it didn't work and the thing finally ran it's course. A day later, Jake started with the same thing. I wonder if she picked up the hook worms at the picnic and now she just got them back again.


    What a mess. :(

  7. Something similar happened to Jake's tail. Did the vet give you antibiotics? Jake wasn't given any, and had to have his tail amputated.


    Fingers crossed Diamond heals well.

  8. Sunday, Carolina had the big d she had to go two times. So I didn't feed her all day. Monday I gave her kibble and rice. She ate the kibble wouldn't touch the rice. Tuesday morning she had a very loose bowel movement. She got some more kibble and rice. She started the big d again, needed to go four times; so she had no dinner that night. Wednesday, she got 1.5 cups of ground beef and rice split up in three meals. Yesterday, she got 1.5 cups of ground beef and rice and 1/2 cup of kibble split up in three meals. She also had Heart Guard yesterday.


    She hasn't gone poop since early Wednesday; around 1 in the morning. This morning she has/had a grumby stomach and wanted to eat grass. She ate breakfast just fine though.


    Any thoughts?

  9. Carolina and I got up our normal time this morning between 8:30 and 9:00. As soon as we got up she ran for the front door to go out. I took her out and she had a rather large runny bowel movement. About 10 minutes ago she threw up bile. She hasn't asked to go out again. I haven't given her anything to eat this morning. So when should I feed her again? Tonight at dinner or wait until tomorrow morning?


    She wouldn't go out last night after dinner to go potty, so maybe her system got "clogged up," hence the runny poo this morning?

  10. Get a long sock :) pull it all the way up as high as it will go. Starting from about mid-sock, tape over it with vetwrap (wrap it firmly, but don't pull it too taught, you don't want to stop circulation) and go over the hock and a bit up the femur. Use some medical tape to secure the top of the vetwrap. Note: when using medical tape, getting it *off* can be a problem. When you get ready to remove it, use some oil to loosen the adhesive. That's how I'd do it, anyway. Hope it makes sense. Better yet, maybe someone will chime in with a better idea :)


    You can always muzzle with poop guard...

    Ditto. The only way to get the sock to stay in place is using vet wrap. Tape isn't strong enough to hold the sock up; but firming wrapped with vet wrap is your best bet.


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