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Posts posted by Trudy

  1. I have 2 swamp dogs at the moment... they went running in the muck yesterday - or one ran through it, the other laid down in it.


    Mine get it when they need it


    I have 2 swamp dogs at the moment... they went running in the muck yesterday - or one ran through it, the other laid down in it.


    Mine get it when they need it

  2. If your results were just +++ then I don't think they did a protein/creatinine ratio - it gives you an actual number - and that ratio number is more important to know than just the quick protein reading they can do.

    That ratio should be close to 1. You can have high protein and high creatinine, but your ratio could still be ok and that's a good thing (well, better thing).



  3. The high protein in the urine... where did that reading come from?

    If it wasn't a protein/creatinine ratio, then you need to bring in a urine sample to have that checked.



    If you don't want to feed KD, then find a food with low phos and lower protein (under 20%) and feed that.

  4. I put sunblock on the dogs without issue, but before I use lotion on Ryan, wanted to see if anybody knew of a reason to not use it?


    Ryan's skin is beyond dry.

    His skin has been like this through 3 foods. He also takes 2 derm caps a day.

    Adding any other oils isn't advised by the vet since the derm caps have the ratio of omega 3 vs omega 6 he needs for his other issues.


    So I'm hoping maybe some vit E lotion will help him out?

  5. Ryan drinks GALLONS of water a day. Having a pool outside for them isn't an option as he'd drink it all. But he's still able to concentrate his urine.


    Have any kidney values been checked?

    Did this start before or after the abt's?

    Any other symptoms besides the excessive drinking?

    The 2x food is based on what - how new to the house is he?



    Left to his own devices, Ryan would drink a pool full of water and eat a bag of kibble a day.

  6. Taken directly from the pinned thread in the tech forum on signatures

    We all enjoy seeing pictures and text in member signatures, but in order to maintain the layout and to ensure a speedy response for members using slower dialup connections, the following guidelines are imposed on member signatures.

    The new "Commercial" guidelines are to stop the look of the "Virtual Billboard" that has been becoming more prevalent.



    Signature Policy


    Text - 4 lines total and this includes blank lines. There is also a size limit on text: only one line of large text, no bigger than size 7; the rest of the lines of text should be size 4 or less. {the standard post text is size 3}

    Images - total combined size cannot exceed 15k in file size and 500x150 image size, and should be pet related. Only one row of images. No animation other than local emoticons.

    Commercial Advertisements (logos/images/text) - 275x75 image size or less and only one line of text (this goes toward your 4 lines total). Your commercial logo counts toward your total Image size of 15k and 500x150, here are two examples to use as a guide on the maximum allowable size. Advertising is limited for your own product.



    Notice a few things - ONE ROW OF IMAGES that cannot exceed 15k and 500x150 COMBINED

    we'd been letting the "pet related" portion of it slide for the dragon things, but if I have to keep editing so many signatures every day, all the dragons will be gone.


    Make sure your dragons are following the signature guidelines


  7. Cornell knows what they are doing. I wouldn't worry about seeking out a "race vet" if you can get into Cornell.


    Our vet was going to send us to Cornell for something but said "you don't have time to wait, so go to the specialist in Rochester instead - he went to Cornell."


    You might have a bit of a time to wait to get in, but it shouldn't be too long a wait either. See if you can get something set up there and go from there.

  8. I'm mean.

    I put them in the back seat, I get in the front and tell them to sit their butts down.

    If they aren't sitting by the first stop sign on our street... I hit the brakes hard.

    If they still haven't figured it out by the next stop sign, hard stop again.

    They usually figure it out by the second sign.


    once we are going if they want to stand for a bit I'm ok with that, but in town with lights and stop signs and what not, I want them sitting or laying down.

  9. You gave a rymadal before going to the vet. So if you found reason for the rymadal, then there's reason for the tramadol.


    It sounds like pain to me, maybe in the neck. But there are so many things that could cause those symptoms.

    If it was sudden, then maybe a pinched nerve, was laying wrong and tweaked it when getting up, just a quick owie that hurts a lot.



    We went for a long walk 6 months ago. Toward the end we had to stop and lay in the grass with Ryan. Then a little slower the rest of the way home.

    Next day we went to a local dog show. He yelped when Jet ran into him. Pooped liquid when there and was just a little slow. The next day he could barely walk around the block. It took us about 30 minutes to do what would normally take 5 on a slow day. We were at the vet later that day - turns out Ryan had a huge clot in his neck - which started a long chain of events/problems that we still don't know what is. He would shake when he was hurting.


    Hopefully what you are seeing is something simple with an easy fix or even better, something that has already resolved itself.

  10. No thumbnails in this photobucket folder that I can see. I was attempting to use this picture:


    In my photobucket folder it claims it is 4K (160x125 pixels). When I paste it into signature, it suddenly becomes over 17K... but pixels remain the same.


    the image you see that is less than 4k is the THUMBNAIL. If you click on that picture, you get the full size image and that is >17k

    The "IMG" code you click on under that <4k pic will post the REAL picture, not the thumbnail that is above it. That's why you are getting an image of >17k

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